John Currie

Is he really the bad guy? It’s been reported that Fulmer was sabotaging everything Currie tried to do and I’m starting to think that was true.

Is it possible that Fulmer wanted to hire Schiano (it was said Peyton was supportive of this as well) and Currie made sure that didn’t happen to try and save his job and please the fan base?

Currie then tried to hire Brohm and Leach (both of which the fan base would have approved of), and Fulmer torpedoed then because “he wanted a defensive guy.”

The UTAD then fires Currie and uses him as a scapegoat for their ineptitude, and let Fulmer Hire his defensive guy under the guise of “having a UT blooded leader looking out for our best interests.”

Seems to me that Currie went rogue and was trying to make a good hire and everyone in the admin opposed. For the record I would have taken Leach or Brohm over Pruitt. Both are proven head coaches and they would have torched the SEC EAST with elite offenses.

Flame on but I think Fulmer is the enemy and the fan base was duped again. Only time will tell.
Maybe true maybe not. I don't care. Don't wish him bad but we are on down the road. As Pruitt said...looking forward not back.
This is the fan board problem with no bowl, post early signing day and dead period, with no HC to talk about the program.
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Not completely true. It was documented that he may have not been consulted about the first hire (Schanio) but it was documented that he was involved after that went south.

So it is based on what one wants to believe or not believe.

We will never know the truth if they pay Currie. If they try to not pay him - it could get ugly and my gut tells me that Fulmer is not as innocent as some think.

Ok... show us some documents...even 1 document...other that Pete Thamel and Bruce Feldman mentioning what their s**kbuddy Currie told them. Show us 'documents' and to make it easy for you... "sources" i.e. John Currie don't count.
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I am not Butch or anyone associated with him. Just a mere fan like all of you.

And I am not stupid enough to believe that this was all Currie's mess. I truly expect them to pay the man to keep lots of dirty laundry from surfacing.

Boy, that’s some rampant, conspiratorial speculation you’re spewing there.

Perhaps you should actually read or listen to someone who has a clue here. Say for example, John Brice, who’s covered the team for years now, who said (along with pretty much everybody else who covers the program) this morning that Currie was collaborating with Haslam and had decided/settled on Schiano very early on/from the jump.......which explains why Currie told Charlie Anderson that the search was “confidential” and he wouldn’t discuss it with him, despite Anderson being chair of the Athletic Board. Brice also has documented that it’s beyond ridiculous and 100% unproven in any way that Fulmer “sabotaged” Currie and his efforts The only time Currie involved Fulmer was with the Dave Doeren interview, otherwise Fulmer, like everybody else, was out of Currie’s completely incompetent loop.

Bottom line is, Currie completely botched the original hire with Schiano (with Haslam’s help) and eventually went rogue with his desperate west coast trip to try and hire Leach and was eventually fired for that insubordination....and Fulmer has nothing to do with it.

And for the 1000th time, stop referring to yourself as a Tennessee Vols fan. You’ve been exposed, over and over again as nothing more than a Butch Jones sycophant. Just own up to it and move on.
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Fulmer has been calling prospective coaches, warning them against taking the UT job ever since his firing. Fulmer is the party most responsible for the decline of Tennessee football. He wanted UT to fail to show Hamilton, Currie, and company made a mistake firing him.

Good Lord... So when can we expect to see you on The View with this BS?
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Is he really the bad guy? It’s been reported that Fulmer was sabotaging everything Currie tried to do and I’m starting to think that was true.

Is it possible that Fulmer wanted to hire Schiano (it was said Peyton was supportive of this as well) and Currie made sure that didn’t happen to try and save his job and please the fan base?

Currie then tried to hire Brohm and Leach (both of which the fan base would have approved of), and Fulmer torpedoed then because “he wanted a defensive guy.”

The UTAD then fires Currie and uses him as a scapegoat for their ineptitude, and let Fulmer Hire his defensive guy under the guise of “having a UT blooded leader looking out for our best interests.”

Seems to me that Currie went rogue and was trying to make a good hire and everyone in the admin opposed. For the record I would have taken Leach or Brohm over Pruitt. Both are proven head coaches and they would have torched the SEC EAST with elite offenses.

Flame on but I think Fulmer is the enemy and the fan base was duped again. Only time will tell.

Since you don't don't understand much about the organizational structure of UT sports, one can easily surmise an investment in hip waders (or even a canoe with several paddles) is a good idea when reading your posts as the s#!+
is getting deep.
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Really? Instead of fishing for likes. Why not do a little research?

Look at the reports, timeline, and sequence of events. Nothing I said was illogical.

Maybe not bout just plain stupid.
Your little dissertation missed a larger point......the uprising had much more to do with Large Contributors putting a new Coach in place and sending out a ill prepared AD to tell the Sheep "it is good, sux it up and go with it". In the end Currie didn't look as bad as the UT Prez and others on top that went with it and sent him out to be slaughtered.
Butt, the bigger point, is what are your motives. It is over. Move on and watch the process. It should be fun.
Next thing ya know, you will be calling for Gruden to be hired...... :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
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She stood up and defied the man that practically hired her. Couldn’t be anything more than looking at the whole mess and doing what was right. Now she’s got the back of the man that’s got OUR back. She’s a hero in my book. Wouldn’t use yours for toilet paper. :)

Let it go. Coach Fulmer is, and will remain, a VFL and a Vol Legend for life. Don't waste your time, or oxygen, on those who will be forgotten less than 5 minutes after they make their last post on VN. Which hopefully comes soon.

Go Vols.
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If was also reported that Fulmer was directly involved with the search, so it comes down to what you choose to believe.

I never said I didn’t support Pruitt, just that Brohm and Leach were better options with proven HC experience, and both were seemingly willing to take the job.

Why does what I think have to be labeled a conspiracy theory? It very well could have happened that way. Look at the timeline and sequence of events.

Proof....would help, rumors are not proof of anything. To repeat them makes your statements weak.
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Fulmer has been calling prospective coaches, warning them against taking the UT job ever since his firing. Fulmer is the party most responsible for the decline of Tennessee football. He wanted UT to fail to show Hamilton, Currie, and company made a mistake firing him.

Yeah and Fulmer is such a master mind / genius that he persuaded Curry and Haslam to pull the trigger on Schiano.

The fact is Jimmy has tanked the Vols program for ten + years and it was about time the others tossed him in the back of the bus where he belongs.

Jimmy can't run an NFL team worth a piss but he'd never admit that either.

Guess Fulmer has kept the Browns in the dumper
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Ya'll do know that Bill Snyder banned him from ever coming to his office. That is a real AD that can't even talk to his HFC!!!!!

Been monitoring that Kansas State football situation? Snyder is kinda holding the program hostage in a power play move to have his son succeed him. Won’t commit to another season but won’t indicate a retirement date. It’s destroying their recruiting. Wonder how chatty their current AD is feeling? :)
Is he really the bad guy? It’s been reported that Fulmer was sabotaging everything Currie tried to do and I’m starting to think that was true.

Is it possible that Fulmer wanted to hire Schiano (it was said Peyton was supportive of this as well) and Currie made sure that didn’t happen to try and save his job and please the fan base?

Currie then tried to hire Brohm and Leach (both of which the fan base would have approved of), and Fulmer torpedoed then because “he wanted a defensive guy.”

The UTAD then fires Currie and uses him as a scapegoat for their ineptitude, and let Fulmer Hire his defensive guy under the guise of “having a UT blooded leader looking out for our best interests.”

Seems to me that Currie went rogue and was trying to make a good hire and everyone in the admin opposed. For the record I would have taken Leach or Brohm over Pruitt. Both are proven head coaches and they would have torched the SEC EAST with elite offenses.

Flame on but I think Fulmer is the enemy and the fan base was duped again. Only time will tell.

Can we just stop with all the conspiracy theory crap, that’s what kills this fan base. Just don’t need this kind of propaganda to divide us. Unbelievable!!!
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What did I say that didn’t make sense?

For starters you used the terms "it has been reported" and "it has been said" as a foundational basis of your belief system. That alone conjures up a giant herd of rainbow colored unicorns and sparkling pixie dust.

If you're going to base a belief system on such foundational sand, then seeking any further is rendered pointless.
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Can we just stop with all the conspiracy theory crap, that’s what kills this fan base. Just don’t need this kind of propaganda to divide us. Unbelievable!!!

Fulmer is incredibly divisive. The fanbase will never be united again so long as he is in charge. It's not possible. There are at least five posters in this thread who literally worship Judas Brutus. They are Fulmer fans first and foremost, not Tennessee fans. Several other boards were originally created as landing spots for those driven off other sites by the Fulmer Felchers. It will probably get to the point on this board like it has on others before it when you will be banned for criticizing Jabba the Gut. You havnen't seen anything yet. There is going to be an all out Civil War in this fanbase. Fulmer is the new football coach at Tennessee. You'll see it before long. He could never keep his fat, greasy fingers off anything. I hope someday a book is written about how that scumbag ruined Tennessee football.

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