Academy Awards

I have always been a movie freak but will pass on this years award ceremony. I am not interested in the politics of actors and actresses. Since they don't live in the real world, their opinions are of no interest to me. The quality of products coming out of Hollywood recently are the lowest ever. My gauge on quality is a movie good enough to purchase and watch many times. They need to be voicing their opinions on how to improve their own industry before critiquing others. Opinions? :puke5:

Lol! Trump supporters actually complaining about the anti-Trump complainers.


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Being called a racist POS by a racist POS?! Lol

Anyone that's watched tv or movies in the last decade has seen the trend of subliminally promoting race mixing. I have nothing against black people and have held/still hold several friendships with blacks that will last a lifetime...several!

I'm not against race mixing, just the amount/percentage that is being portrayed in Hollywood compared to reality....

I'd be willing to bet that many black people and the majority of black women would agree with me...

Out of the hundreds of movies and tv shows how many interracial relations do you see being promoted??? Please give details. I would be its less than 10% of movies and tv shows
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The level of public interest in the Academy Awards is embarrassing. It's an event where a bunch of self-aggrandizing millionaire actors, who do nothing of particular value or importance, come together to bathe in their own glory. I despise it. Probably the highest concentration of narcissistic individuals on the planet.

Also I can't wait to hear about their political views cause, y'know, actors have such prescient and important opinions on such things that we MUST listen to and take notice of...

What the difference than grown men sitting around watching a bunch of millionaires play basketball, football, baseball etc??? If you wanna talk college look at how millionaire coaches are put on a pedestal and praised like the over paid a-holes cured cancer. We all have our vice or interest, whether it's movies or sports and these famous people have a platform where they can express their views.
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Big gulp of carrot juice to help sustain her brain cells?

Both of them?


Was she taunting the audience members with diabetes?

Actually, it was around the time that NYC was doing their overreaching government thing and banned the sodas over 16 ounces. Basically she was railing on against Bloomberg and those kinds of policies and used the drink for effect.

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By you even bringing up "race mixing" it shows your racism. There is nothing to "promote". An interracial relationship is just a relationship. For you to look at one as some "other" alternate type of relationship that needs "promoting" shows your true colors. Most people don't notice them in media because a relationship is a relationship. And where do you live? I have always saw a whole bunch of ir couples. Its very, very common. Some people want to live in the past I guess. Only a racist would use a backwards old term like "race mixing". You are disgusting.

That's what we call a synonym.
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It's ironic that many in this specific thread throw around the term snowflake but have spent 4 pages pissing and moaning about awards shows and Hollywood celebrities that have no direct affect on their life...Hmmm

Come back with the snowflake term when anti academy awards people start picket lines and commit acts of violence in protest of the awards show because they are so upset that someone is getting an award that they are not also getting.

Crap, even when I try to describe a snowflake in a non liberal biased way its apparent that task is an impossibility.
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I've been turned off by the whole movie industry for several years. Looking through Netflix the other night and 75% of the movies they have promote immorality, gay and lesbian, race mixing, sinister, politically aligned junk...

Very few wholesome, family oriented movies being put out these days...

Race mixing is back in style to openly be bigoted against these days?

Hell, then I'm bringing back porch monkey.
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Being called a racist POS by a racist POS?! Lol

Anyone that's watched tv or movies in the last decade has seen the trend of subliminally promoting race mixing. I have nothing against black people and have held/still hold several friendships with blacks that will last a lifetime...several!

I'm not against race mixing, just the amount/percentage that is being portrayed in Hollywood compared to reality....

I'd be willing to bet that many black people and the majority of black women would agree with me...

The fact that you have singled out black women agreeing with you implies that you believe the issue is, for the most part, too many black dudes being shown with white women partners in TV and movies.

This is getting good. I sense a tragic back story.
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I have not seen everything he post. What I have seen is not always right. I have never seen him post any thing that says he thinks Black people are superior to White people or infer it. I have seen him point out racism and then people call him racist. The ones calling him racist are usually mad at him for pointing out something that is actually racist. He has said some things that are inaccurate. I have never seen him post anything about thinking one race is superior to another though. If he has I have never seen it or saw it linked.

You do know how to read don't you?
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Forced diversity is dumb and pointless. Diversity is only good in exercise, diet, and your portfolio.

Everyone likes to say "our strength is in our diversity" but they never can seem to point to any tangible proof.

Who is talking about forced diversity?
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I've been turned off by the whole movie industry for several years. Looking through Netflix the other night and 75% of the movies they have promote immorality, gay and lesbian, race mixing, sinister, politically aligned junk...

Very few wholesome, family oriented movies being put out these days...
I can only hope this is sarcasm. Did you really just type the words race mixing as a negative?

Good lord.
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The level of public interest in the Academy Awards is embarrassing. It's an event where a bunch of self-aggrandizing millionaire actors, who do nothing of particular value or importance, come together to bathe in their own glory. I despise it. Probably the highest concentration of narcissistic individuals on the planet.

Also I can't wait to hear about their political views cause, y'know, actors have such prescient and important opinions on such things that we MUST listen to and take notice of...

I have never agreed with you more.
Nobody cares? Celbs *****in is the #1 story on GMA every morning. Celbs are "So Brave". Gag me

I hear Lion is fantastic. I thought Sully & Deepwater Horizon were great.

They have an opinion and so do you. You express yours all the time. They express theirs. What you are mad about is that they have a platform. That's not their fault.

Oh and Sully was terrible.
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They have an opinion and so do you. You express yours all the time. They express theirs. What you are mad about is that they have a platform. That's not their fault.

Oh and Sully was terrible.

It's not that they have a platform, it's that people actually think their opinion matters and even think that they are courageous for speaking about how bad our country sucks before returning to their 8 figure home in Malibu. Real salt of the Earth.
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That was one helluva of a cluster f*** with Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announcing best picture... You missed an opportunity to laugh at Hollywood if you didn't catch it.
The level of public interest in the Academy Awards is embarrassing. It's an event where a bunch of self-aggrandizing millionaire actors, who do nothing of particular value or importance, come together to bathe in their own glory. I despise it. Probably the highest concentration of narcissistic individuals on the planet.

Also I can't wait to hear about their political views cause, y'know, actors have such prescient and important opinions on such things that we MUST listen to and take notice of...

The fact that this is posted on a forum dedicated to amateur sports is rich with irony.

As far as their political opinions, they are probably about as valid as the next person's out there. They just happen to have a greater platform.
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