What an arrogant...

I don't have any problem with it.

Still doesn't change the fact that he has to start winning games. Winning will cure all ills. Or, he will be gone. Everything else, including press conference quotes, is trivial.

Exactly! What does it matter what is said or not said right now. Lets win some games and everyone will go back to not caring about what he says.
THAT was the comment that bothered me. More complete answer would have added, "and as coaches we must strive to put our players in the position to be successful on every play."

EDIT: Even Spurrier knows that little trick. And it's a good one. Everyone should always be in doubt about their future.

All the good coaches do it. So what does that tell us?
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Overreact much? We've lost 3 games - 2 against 2 undefeated top 10-15 teams - by a total of 12 points, and you say that the wheels have fallen off.

Get a grip!

They are undefeated and sitting in our rightful spot in the polls, not because they are world beaters, but because of inadequate coaching and play-calling by our staff. Arkansas got beat by Toledo at home, and we let them overcome a 14 point deficit.

All three losses were avoidable. The talent is there...we show it everyone in the first half. The staff is blundering its way into needless losses.
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No we don't, we can lose both those and still get 7. After those 2 the rest of our games we should be favored.

We may not be favored against UK or Mizzou. We are ranked below both schools and they have home field advantage.
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If your going to own then quit reflecting all this onto the players later in the presser.

Coaches say a lot in these things and taking just a few words out to make a point is not a solid plan. When combined the message should be that everyone has room for improvement

The players do need to make some plays and help their teammates out. Do you disagree with that statement?
You guys are a miserable, depressing crowd to be around. Have you ever thought that maybe your expectations were unrealistic to begin with.

I choose to be optimistic about the team and the progress that they are making. I still think we can salvage the season and go to a bowl game, which will give us more opportunities to improve. Next year always has been the year people have targeted for Tennessee.

But you guys can keep *****ing and complaining about EVERYTHING, and be miserable together.

*LIKE* x100!


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You guys are a miserable, depressing crowd to be around. Have you ever thought that maybe your expectations were unrealistic to begin with.

I choose to be optimistic about the team and the progress that they are making. I still think we can salvage the season and go to a bowl game, which will give us more opportunities to improve. Next year always has been the year people have targeted for Tennessee.

But you guys can keep *****ing and complaining about EVERYTHING, and be miserable together.

You must be new around here. That is exactly what goes on at VN.
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The guy is an unlikable prick. He always has been, we just wanted to believe so badly we chose not to see it. But now with the slogans and rah rah high school bull@#$ being coupled with a hefty dose of arrogant condescension, I can't even listen to him without wanting to throw something.

He reminds me of someone else I've heard give speeches from the Oval Office. Very condescending. I really wanted to pull for the guy and honestly bought in that he would resurrect our program. The more I hear him on that microphone at practice and the way he speaks to any negativity towards his coaching, the more it his voice becomes like fingernails on a chalkboard. I sure hope he can get things turned around but I'm reminded of Proverbs 16:18 when he addresses the media. "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."
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You guys are a miserable, depressing crowd to be around. Have you ever thought that maybe your expectations were unrealistic to begin with.

I choose to be optimistic about the team and the progress that they are making. I still think we can salvage the season and go to a bowl game, which will give us more opportunities to improve. Next year always has been the year people have targeted for Tennessee.

But you guys can keep *****ing and complaining about EVERYTHING, and be miserable together.

You ever think that maybe it's fans like you with lowered expectations thats the problem.... I mean if you like what Butch is doing thats great. He's beating guys that Dooley would beat... only he has recruited better, which means he's beating all those teams with more talent than Dooley had!
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He continues to pass the blame to the players, as of now Butch is done and I don't see any way he can fix it. He is clueless. I don't care if his buyout is 20 million if Chip Kelly comes available you make it happen.

That you, Trump?
Well he is definitely gonna put somewhere in the neighborhood of $12.5 million in his back pocket. At least it will be another 6 days before his record is worse than Dooleys at the same point in his tenure.
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You guys are a miserable, depressing crowd to be around. Have you ever thought that maybe your expectations were unrealistic to begin with.

I choose to be optimistic about the team and the progress that they are making. I still think we can salvage the season and go to a bowl game, which will give us more opportunities to improve. Next year always has been the year people have targeted for Tennessee.

But you guys can keep *****ing and complaining about EVERYTHING, and be miserable together.

Your middle paragraph says it all. "I still think we can salvage the season and go to a bowl game." This is the expectations most of volnation has sunk to. Forget that ole Jim at Florida can get it turned around immediately, but we are in season #3 and still talking about next year. If you choose to be alright with 6-6, making a bowl game and being optimistic about that "next year" go right ahead but please don't come on here and call us miserable. I'm not miserable. I just expect more from a multi-million dollar coach paid to literally win games not continue with progress and moral victories.
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Your middle paragraph says it all. "I still think we can salvage the season and go to a bowl game." This is the expectations most of volnation has sunk to. Forget that ole Jim at Florida can get it turned around immediately, but we are in season #3 and still talking about next year. If you choose to be alright with 6-6, making a bowl game and being optimistic about that "next year" go right ahead but please don't come on here and call us miserable. I'm not miserable. I just expect more from a multi-million dollar coach paid to literally win games not continue with progress and moral victories.

^^This guy gets it!!!!!
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Quote from the Monday press conf.

"You find out who's with you and who's against you... You write it down and put it in your back pocket. To reference later...."

Is this freakin guy serious!!!!!!!!!

Here's the more complete quote, with context:

I know everybody hurts, I hurt along with everyone, but just like in life, you have to get up, you really in these times find out who's with you, who's against you, and you just write it down, you put it in your back pocket, and you file it away for future reference. And we're gonna be fine, we got a resilient group of kids, and we're gonna continue to make progress and move forward.

In context, he said nothing more or less than, "some folks are being real jerks right now, kicking us while we're down, and we're gonna remember that when brighter days come."

In context, that's not arrogant. It is a bit vengeful, but as much crap as he's being given right now, I wouldn't say it's entirely uncalled for.

You ***** and ***** and ***** at someone, don't be surprised when they snap back a little. That's all Butch was doing.

Not the big deal you and a few others are making of it.

If your going to own then quit reflecting all this onto the players later in the presser.

I think you're missing the point: the way, the ONLY way, that a coach can win a football game is through his players. They are his tools, his hands. The only means he has.

So if a coach says, "Our QB needs to develop better touch in his throws," the coach isn't just insulting the QB. He's calling out the QB, and the QB position coach, and the offensive coordinator, and himself.

If a coach says, "our defense needs to tackle better," he's not just calling out the players. He's calling out the DC and all those positions coaches, and himself as well.

It seems you're missing that part of a coach's perspective.

Write it down Butch, you're a failure in the SEC. You cannot get it done.

Too many people giving up too quickly on a coach who might end up being very good. It's a pity. This virulently negative atmosphere at the first sign of hardship might be part of the reason we have trouble getting great coaches to consider the jobs when we have to go looking.

Maybe we need better fans more than we need a better coach or AD....
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Our defense is the worst in the SEC... With his players and his coaches...

Yeah, it's the fans!
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Coaches say a lot in these things and taking just a few words out to make a point is not a solid plan. When combined the message should be that everyone has room for improvement

The players do need to make some plays and help their teammates out. Do you disagree with that statement?

The players do need to perform better, but this team is tired of Butch and the 2nd half of that Arkansas game proved it. They have no faith in this staff to get them through.
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