We were out-coached...

You know what, guys: Ultimately losses ALWAYS fall on the coaches, one way or the other. Everybody knows that Crompton is no good--everybody but Kiffin! He didn't have to start Crompton but he did! I assume he watched all the game tape from last year--and got a good look at that 12-game, Crompton-led DEBACLE. He could have pulled Crompton at halftime today! He chose not to do so! Also, Stephens played last year--not great, but decently and IMO better than Crompton. I don't think the UT offense is going to prosper under any QB until we get some better receivers--but again, when you make a decision to stick with a QB who is playing badly, and do not give another experienced guy a shot, then yea, you bear responsibility for the loss. Listen, I led the charge for years to sack Fulmer, I'm (trying to be) optimistic about Kiffin--but ucla's QB was BAD today too! You guys seem to forget that. And guess what--UCLA WON with their bad QB play--for the second year in a ROW! So, yea, our coaches must take responsibility.

Well said.
If Stephens isn't good enough to beat out 4 turnovers and show your rattled on national tv, then wtf are we gonna do next year? Do we have any other QB's?
Who is the stud national hs QB? give this staff a full year of recruiting to get him.
The thing that gave me a glimmer of hope was clk going for it on 4th down. That kept us in the game despite QB frankenstein. Fulmer would have never ever ever done that, and the game would have been over in the 3rd Q. We would have lost bad.
If Stephens isn't good enough to beat out 4 turnovers and show your rattled on national tv, then wtf are we gonna do next year? Do we have any other QB's?
Who is the stud national hs QB? give this staff a full year of recruiting to get him.
The thing that gave me a glimmer of hope was clk going for it on 4th down. That kept us in the game despite QB frankenstein. Fulmer would have never ever ever done that, and the game would have been over in the 3rd Q. We would have lost bad.

Next year, most likely.

Until then, you give the start to Nick Stephens. I don't care that Crompton threw 5 TD's vs. WKU. The fact that he threw 3 picks and 0 TD's against UCLA is a lot more telling to me.
Do you believe he will succeed here? or Are you rooting for him to fail?

I understand your doubt but you have to believe in him. He is the head coach of the team you live and die (figuratively) for.
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Look at everything he could have controlled up to this point (recruiting and coaching staff, among other things), and everything he couldn't (particularly personnel at O-line and QB) and I see no reason why he won't succeed here. Even the play calling, with his own recruits, may have turned out to be genius for all we know.
we all saw JC play last year.. I really thought he was improved, and still might be... but I am behind the coaches we have no doubt. No matter how good you coach em up.. if they do not execute.. well it happens. Most every QB has had one or more of these games... but was way too much of a 2008 flashback today.... better get the offence in your head Nick.. we are gonna need ya
Do you believe he will succeed here? or Are you rooting for him to fail?

I understand your doubt but you have to believe in him. He is the head coach of the team you live and die (figuratively) for.

is there really anyone other than Al Davis and some gators fans that sincerely hope for him to fail as a coach?

I dont think anyone wants him to fail
I have to go to his post game comments.
He says himself the play calling was not the best.
I also admits to putting to much faith in players that didn't practice much due to injury.
There was never any "I need to watch film" no we need to work like heck.
Frankly, I like the way he has handled the loss, and look forward to seeing changes this week.
Kiffin will have atleast 1 Sec Championship within the next 4-5 years. Book it...

Kiffin won't be here in 4 years.

I don't have to love Obama to love the U.S.A.
I don't have to support Obama to support the U.S.A.

Get it?

Kiffin is out of his league. He played an inferior team, at home, and got out coached. His play calling in the red zone showed he has absolutely no imagination. Having no imagination might work against powerhouses like WKU, but it won't work against average teams, especially in this conference. Kiffin was not ready, is not ready, and will not be ready. I knew it was going to be bad, but it is even worse than I predicted.
I have to go to his post game comments.
He says himself the play calling was not the best.
I also admits to putting to much faith in players that didn't practice much due to injury.
There was never any "I need to watch film" no we need to work like heck.
Frankly, I like the way he has handled the loss, and look forward to seeing changes this week.

I think he did handle it well.
Kiffin is out of his league. He played an inferior team, at home, and got out coached. His play calling in the red zone showed he has absolutely no imagination. Having no imagination might work against powerhouses like WKU, but it won't work against average teams, especially in this conference. Kiffin was not ready, is not ready, and will not be ready. I knew it was going to be bad, but it is even worse than I predicted.
And what should he have called in the red zone? If we ran a bootleg/play action and Crompton threw an interception or incomplete pass, you would be asking why he turned away from the run after Hardesty pretty much put the team on his back.
Kiffin won't be here in 4 years.

I don't have to love Obama to love the U.S.A.
I don't have to support Obama to support the U.S.A.

Get it?

Kiffin is out of his league. He played an inferior team, at home, and got out coached. His play calling in the red zone showed he has absolutely no imagination. Having no imagination might work against powerhouses like WKU, but it won't work against average teams, especially in this conference. Kiffin was not ready, is not ready, and will not be ready. I knew it was going to be bad, but it is even worse than I predicted.
Dumb arse!!!!!!!!
Kiffin won't be here in 4 years.

I don't have to love Obama to love the U.S.A.
I don't have to support Obama to support the U.S.A.

Get it?

Kiffin is out of his league. He played an inferior team, at home, and got out coached. His play calling in the red zone showed he has absolutely no imagination. Having no imagination might work against powerhouses like WKU, but it won't work against average teams, especially in this conference. Kiffin was not ready, is not ready, and will not be ready. I knew it was going to be bad, but it is even worse than I predicted.

For those of you in despair, take heart! Guys like this have no idea what they are talking about. We are seriously short of athletes at QB, WR, and OL. Kiffin had to play the cards he was dealt (by Fulmer). Brighter days are ahead, I assure you.
Kiffin won't be here in 4 years.

I don't have to love Obama to love the U.S.A.
I don't have to support Obama to support the U.S.A.

Get it?

Kiffin is out of his league. He played an inferior team, at home, and got out coached. His play calling in the red zone showed he has absolutely no imagination. Having no imagination might work against powerhouses like WKU, but it won't work against average teams, especially in this conference. Kiffin was not ready, is not ready, and will not be ready. I knew it was going to be bad, but it is even worse than I predicted.

So would you have said the same thing about Pete Carroll who wasn't the greatest NFL coach and was going 6-6 his first year at USC. Or how about if you were a bama fan watching Saban go 7-6 his first year? Ignorant comments baffle me
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Kiffin won't be here in 4 years.

I don't have to love Obama to love the U.S.A.
I don't have to support Obama to support the U.S.A.

Get it?

Kiffin is out of his league. He played an inferior team, at home, and got out coached. His play calling in the red zone showed he has absolutely no imagination. Having no imagination might work against powerhouses like WKU, but it won't work against average teams, especially in this conference. Kiffin was not ready, is not ready, and will not be ready. I knew it was going to be bad, but it is even worse than I predicted.

Ya, Kiffin should of let Crompton work his magic in the red zone. Kiffin trusted in his oline to get the td in 2 downs from the three. UCLA knew we were going to run, we just didn't get it in the endzone.

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