Nuclear Option: Peyton Manning as Head Coach.

please leave Peyton out of this. everyone loves him and he done way more than his share for tennessee football. if he has the same result as the last three head coaches this fan base would turn on him.

It’s much safer we stay on the same level as Vanderbilt. It’s much better we don’t take any shots to actually restore Tennessee football because if we did something out of the box we could become Vanderbilt football....

any sort of light bulbs illuminating here?
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Peyton is retired! Any future commitment he enters into will have to take that into consideration. He can be an analyst on a part time basis and enjoy the work. He can be a part time fund raiser and enjoy the work. He will not take on an 80 hour work week and the pressure that comes with it! Because he doesn't have to! His kids and grand kids have their futures all taken care of. Peyton has a level of wealth that us common folks can't even fathom. Get over the idea that he would ever become a college football coach!
Let’s also not forget that’s everyone’s GOAT was only 21-31 for 134 yards in the 1998 National Championship against Nebraska. Overrated.
After Harbaugh wins the big ten this year, that maye the light bulb y’all need see the potential of a former player becoming a coach.

I get it. Tennessee never thinks innovatively. And we should just follow what everyone else does and we can hire rhe crumbs from Saban’s table. And maybe we’ll catch lightning in a bottle.

Seeing the lack of vision from the replies has me almost completely sure we’ll never be good at football again.

Pruitt is going to drain the cupboards. 2 years from now we’re going to start a coaching search that will result in another subpar hire. And the cycle continues.

You know what won’t have as much value over time? Peyton as HC for immediate recruiting impact.

Peyton as HC has time value, and I’m sure most of y’all have no concept of time value so I’m probably wasting my logic here.
You do know that before taking the Michigan job, Harbaugh had success at the FCS, FBS, and NFL level as a head coach, right? Peyton coming right in to coach Tennessee is nowhere near the same thing.
The nuclear option is CPF to return as head ball coach!!!

Ahhhh, yes. Nuclear nostalgia: Bring back the Fat Man...
Peyton Manning bleeds orange. He’s still a guy that kids playing now/recruits watched growing up.

There’s no way Peyton is not thinking about getting involved watching his beloved Alma mater flounder the way we have been.

I know Scott Frost at Nebraska and Harbaugh at Michigan haven’t been immediate successes—but I am very confident both of those men are going to get their Alma maters back to where they should be.

I think Michigan might win the Big Ten this year. And I think Frost is going to have Nebraska competitive in the next 2-3 years.

Peyton is a football genius. He’s known for knowing what is going to happen before anyone else on the field did. He is a gamer/strategist on the field, and I believe that will translate to coaching success.

He’s got the charisma and the ability to bring in elite staff.

Now is the time to start seriously considering getting Peyton in orange as the face of this program.

I think he will end up restoring Tennessee football and making us elite again.

I mean no disrespect but believe you are way off on what Peyton's goals are. Think ownership of an NFL franchise, not a coaching gig.

Nebraska is in the same boat we are and as much as I love Frost, no one will return Nebraska to the glory days.

Harbaugh has had PLENTY of time to get Michigan back and has had a lot of success. There is the little problem of Ohio State he isn't getting by on a regular bases. OSU, Bama, UGA & Clemson are THE programs right now. Until one of them falls off the rest of us are hoping for a competitive team that can beat them once in awhile.
Lmao "more often"... Manning was 3-2 against Brady in the playoffs, 1-2 against with with the Colts... Dude...

Great attempt at moving the goalpost... "Peyton has a winning record against Brady in the playoffs, therefore he must be awesome..." You can't excuse a 14-13 record and NINE one and dones with MULTIPLE 1 or 2 seeds in the playoffs as anything other than just being bad... Get real... Like I actually feel bad for you as a human...

He’s won 2 Super Bowls, been to 4, and did it with 2 different teams, and multiple head coaches. You don’t accomplish all of that by being bad in big games. We get it, he has a winning record vs your boy Brady in big games. But don’t let your butthurt over it make you go full retard like you have been. Relax lady 😂
Peyton - HC
JimBob - OC
Kent- WR
Witten - TN
Kevin Mays - OL
Graham - RB
Chavis - DC
Hobby - DL
Dale Jones - LB
Terry Fair - DB
James Wilhoit - ST and kickers

Let’s also not forget that’s everyone’s GOAT was only 21-31 for 134 yards in the 1998 National Championship against Nebraska. Overrated.
He's not everyone's GOAT. Not by a long shot. I think most experts put him in the top 5. The only people that think he's the GOAT are idiot UT fans
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Peyton - HC
JimBob - OC
Kent- WR
Witten - TN
Kevin Mays - OL
Graham - RB
Chavis - DC
Hobby - DL
Dale Jones - LB
Terry Fair - DB
James Wilhoit - ST and kickers

Not saying they aren't all VFL and wouldn't give everything for the program...just not sure about a few of them is all.
I'm sure this is your 'pie in the sky' dream list and I mean no offense to you by any of my comments...we are all allowed to dream.

Peyton - HC - ZERO coaching experience, I'll pass
JimBob - OC - Would take as OC RIGHT NOW
Kent- WR - Might be a good start for his coaching career if he is ready to leave the pharma sales gig, I'll take him under a good OC
Witten - TN - I would take right now. Close relevant experience to bump recruiting and knows how the position fits
Kevin Mays - OL - No thanks, you would think as their dad that he would have gotten his sons more OL 'ready'...have yet to see enough out of either to say yes here.
Graham - RB - Stays, I think he is doing a good job with our RBs and in recruiting
Chavis - DC - Pass here, the guy is coaching middle school because he's tired of the grind recruiting and coaching at a high level involves
Hobby - DL - I'll take it, same as Witten above, he has current relative experience that recruits would eat up
Dale Jones - LB - Would take right now. His defenses at Appy St I think are greatly underrated
Terry Fair - DB - Would take. I think he did a good job and still scratching my head why Pruitt and he parted ways.
James Wilhoit - ST and kickers - Kind of the same as Kent, would be a good place to get started coaching the next level
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He’s won 2 Super Bowls, been to 4, and did it with 2 different teams, and multiple head coaches. You don’t accomplish all of that by being bad in big games. We get it, he has a winning record vs your boy Brady in big games. But don’t let your butthurt over it make you go full retard like you have been. Relax lady 😂

Lmao, I'm not a Brady fan at all... I do love how you completely ignored literally every fact I put out there... It's fine, I get it... You like Manning a little more than is probably normal, don't like anyone talking about "your guy"... I get what's going on here, dude... It's fine... PM was a fantastic regular season QB... The best ever probably... Absolutely sucked in the playoffs... Asks the loser Colt fans in Indianapolis about the #1 seed losses, they'll let you know all about it...
Good lord, man. It's never going to happen. Better chance of Gruden coaching UT than Manning....and that's less than zero.
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Ok, what about the guy down the street for me? He coaches his two sons in his backyard with some intense passion. Can we match his Google salary?
You do know that before taking the Michigan job, Harbaugh had success at the FCS, FBS, and NFL level as a head coach, right? Peyton coming right in to coach Tennessee is nowhere near the same thing.

Nah man, it's the exact same thing.

What's funny is he's using Harbaugh as an example for hiring Manning and he's actually a better example to why we shouldn't. He doesn't beat OSU and win the B10 soon he'll be run out of town.
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Then what is your solution? You think your snide negativity is going to have any fix/solution for us? This type of BS comment will be the thing that keeps us a Vanderbilt tier football program.

It will have the same effect as sunshine pumping will; none.
Let’s also not forget that’s everyone’s GOAT was only 21-31 for 134 yards in the 1998 National Championship against Nebraska. Overrated.
That was PM's last year. We won the SEC but we played Nebraska in the Sugar Bowl (I think) but not for the NC.
He's something to think about. Jim Harbaraugh is a Michigan favorite. How do fans feel about him and the team's performance under his helm? I assume they're not hating him....maybe a little frustrated that they can't beat Ohio St. but not hating him because he's one their own. Same with Scott Frost in Nebraska.

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