Nuclear Option: Peyton Manning as Head Coach.

He's something to think about. Jim Harbaraugh is a Michigan favorite. How do fans feel about him and the team's performance under his helm? I assume they're not hating him....maybe a little frustrated that they can't beat Ohio St. but not hating him because he's one their own. Same with Scott Frost in Nebraska.

Pretty sure the rumblings against Harbaugh are growing. Frost isn't there yet but give it a few years if he hasn't done much.
Lmao, I'm not a Brady fan at all... I do love how you completely ignored literally every fact I put out there... It's fine, I get it... You like Manning a little more than is probably normal, don't like anyone talking about "your guy"... I get what's going on here, dude... It's fine... PM was a fantastic regular season QB... The best ever probably... Absolutely sucked in the playoffs... Asks the loser Colt fans in Indianapolis about the #1 seed losses, they'll let you know all about it...

Lol... absolutely sucked his way into multiple Super Bowls 😂
Quit drinking lady, you clearly can’t handle it.
Lol... absolutely sucked his way into multiple Super Bowls 😂
Quit drinking lady, you clearly can’t handle it.

Continue to ignore the post-season record... Dude, Peyton is not going to notice you, no matter how much you white knight for him on a Vol message board...
Peyton Manning bleeds orange. He’s still a guy that kids playing now/recruits watched growing up.

There’s no way Peyton is not thinking about getting involved watching his beloved Alma mater flounder the way we have been.

I know Scott Frost at Nebraska and Harbaugh at Michigan haven’t been immediate successes—but I am very confident both of those men are going to get their Alma maters back to where they should be.

I think Michigan might win the Big Ten this year. And I think Frost is going to have Nebraska competitive in the next 2-3 years.

Peyton is a football genius. He’s known for knowing what is going to happen before anyone else on the field did. He is a gamer/strategist on the field, and I believe that will translate to coaching success.

He’s got the charisma and the ability to bring in elite staff.

Now is the time to start seriously considering getting Peyton in orange as the face of this program.

I think he will end up restoring Tennessee football and making us elite again.
Naw. Lost 4 straight games to Florida. Through about 5 picks in the first half against them one year. No. But, that "Wurffle" guy, or however you spell it. That guy he couldn't beat. Maybe he would be interested.
Because I’m offering an out of the box approach to try to make Tennessee relevant at football again.

You’re just sitting around and saying we should do nothing.

Don’t see the problem here?

I see that your efforts and my efforts are going to produce the exact same results. So no, I don't see a problem.
Lol... absolutely sucked his way into multiple Super Bowls 😂
Quit drinking lady, you clearly can’t handle it.
He beat Rex Grossman in his super bowl win with the colts, got outplayed by 5’ 11” Drew Brees, got punked by the legion of boom, and then had his defense carry him over Carolina
Coaching searches have been the highlight of our program for over a decade now. I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas, the anticipation is exciting. Then on Christmas morning I open my gift, and it's tube socks, not even orange socks, just plain white socks.
Then what is your solution? You think your snide negativity is going to have any fix/solution for us? This type of BS comment will be the thing that keeps us a Vanderbilt tier football program.
How about supporting our current coaches , especially under these trying times.
And when the fan base clamors for him to be fired?
I don't care who we have as our coach, as soon as he/she loses a couple of games, the fan based will clamor for a new coach every 3-4 years. I wonder why we have to be turned down by all the top coaches when we are hiring a new head coach. Could it be they are wise and realize that they do not have to put up our fan base? Our fan base can be very supportive, but it can also be the worst.The trolls used to hide under a bridge, now they post on our boards.
Peyton Manning bleeds orange. He’s still a guy that kids playing now/recruits watched growing up.

There’s no way Peyton is not thinking about getting involved watching his beloved Alma mater flounder the way we have been.

I know Scott Frost at Nebraska and Harbaugh at Michigan haven’t been immediate successes—but I am very confident both of those men are going to get their Alma maters back to where they should be.

I think Michigan might win the Big Ten this year. And I think Frost is going to have Nebraska competitive in the next 2-3 years.

Peyton is a football genius. He’s known for knowing what is going to happen before anyone else on the field did. He is a gamer/strategist on the field, and I believe that will translate to coaching success.

He’s got the charisma and the ability to bring in elite staff.

Now is the time to start seriously considering getting Peyton in orange as the face of this program.

I think he will end up restoring Tennessee football and making us elite again.
😂😂 Jeezuz, wtf.
Peyton Manning bleeds orange. He’s still a guy that kids playing now/recruits watched growing up.

There’s no way Peyton is not thinking about getting involved watching his beloved Alma mater flounder the way we have been.

I know Scott Frost at Nebraska and Harbaugh at Michigan haven’t been immediate successes—but I am very confident both of those men are going to get their Alma maters back to where they should be.

I think Michigan might win the Big Ten this year. And I think Frost is going to have Nebraska competitive in the next 2-3 years.

Peyton is a football genius. He’s known for knowing what is going to happen before anyone else on the field did. He is a gamer/strategist on the field, and I believe that will translate to coaching success.

He’s got the charisma and the ability to bring in elite staff.

Now is the time to start seriously considering getting Peyton in orange as the face of this program.

I think he will end up restoring Tennessee football and making us elite again.

Just a question...Harbaugh and Frost both have had simular or worse starts than Pruitt. So why change if your analogy is right?
Then what is your solution? You think your snide negativity is going to have any fix/solution for us? This type of BS comment will be the thing that keeps us a Vanderbilt tier football program.
overestimate the importance of your or anyone else’s relevance to the state of UT football much?
On a list of 50 things that’s keeping UT a Vanderbilt tier program a BS comment on volnation would have to be at least #51
Nothing makes sense? So what’s your solution? Do you not see how it is? Should we wait for all the kids who saw Peyton as a player completely pass the cutoff to be recruited? Or do you take a chance and strike while the iron is hot.

I’m not seeing ANY innovative thinking from anyone in this thread. If there are superior options—I’m all ears. But I think we seriously need to consider making this happen AS THE ONE realistic shot we have as a program to come back.

We’re not bringing in a Saban. Or a Meyer. Or a Dabo.
Or a Peyton
Continue to ignore the post-season record... Dude, Peyton is not going to notice you, no matter how much you white knight for him on a Vol message board...

His 14 playoff wins are 3rd most in NFL history behind Brady and Joe Montana, which is really impressive because he rarely got a first round game and was playing one of the elite teams right off the bat each year. You're clearly not very well versed in NFL football history. He's tied for 5th in NFL history in SB wins, he's tied for 3rd all time in Super Bowl appearances. They myth that he wasn't a successful post season QB is just that, a myth. He's literally one of the most successful quarterbacks to ever play the game in the post season and regular season both.
Peyton Manning bleeds orange. He’s still a guy that kids playing now/recruits watched growing up.

There’s no way Peyton is not thinking about getting involved watching his beloved Alma mater flounder the way we have been.

I know Scott Frost at Nebraska and Harbaugh at Michigan haven’t been immediate successes—but I am very confident both of those men are going to get their Alma maters back to where they should be.

I think Michigan might win the Big Ten this year. And I think Frost is going to have Nebraska competitive in the next 2-3 years.

Peyton is a football genius. He’s known for knowing what is going to happen before anyone else on the field did. He is a gamer/strategist on the field, and I believe that will translate to coaching success.

He’s got the charisma and the ability to bring in elite staff.

Now is the time to start seriously considering getting Peyton in orange as the face of this program.

I think he will end up restoring Tennessee football and making us elite again.
He’s looking to be a NFL way he becomes a college coach. He already is filthy rich so it’s not like $$ will bring him to Knoxville.
His 14 playoff wins are 3rd most in NFL history behind Brady and Joe Montana, which is really impressive because he rarely got a first round game and was playing one of the elite teams right off the bat each year. You're clearly not very well versed in NFL football history. He's tied for 5th in NFL history in SB wins, he's tied for 3rd all time in Super Bowl appearances. They myth that he wasn't a successful post season QB is just that, a myth. He's literally one of the most successful quarterbacks to ever play the game in the post season and regular season both.

Lmao, this is sad...

"But, but, but 14 wins are 3rd most all time!!!"

Yeah, and his 13 losses ARE the most all time in the playoffs... Literally 2 more losses than the next closest... Lmao 8 (EIGHT) home losses!!! NINE one-and-dones...

14-13, and you're defending that... Lmmaaaaaaoooo... Dude EIGHT home losses... In 27 games... Joe Montana started 23 playoff games, had 2 home losses... Brett Favre started 24 games, had 3 home losses...

Spare me the awards accumulated over time... "3rd in wins!!!" Yeah, congrats... Rickey Henderson was an incredibly average hitter, got 3000 hits cause he played for 20 something years... Like lmao, it doesn't matter...

What matters is the overall Winning %, the home losses that SHOULD be wins, the losses when favored, the 1st game playoff exits, the 1st round byes and home field advantages completely squandered... Lmao, yeah, shocking he got some wins... He should have, they had like the most dominant team in the league for like 10 years...

At this point, I'm just choosing to believe you guys are being willfully ignorant to the actual facts, which all speak for themselves... Dude literally choked in the playoffs NINE TIMES!!!

"Yeah, but 14 wins and 2 Superbowls!!!"

Okay, Ashley... I understand... Yes, Peyton is very good!!!
Lmao, this is sad...

"But, but, but 14 wins are 3rd most all time!!!"

Yeah, and his 13 losses ARE the most all time in the playoffs... Literally 2 more losses than the next closest... Lmao 8 (EIGHT) home losses!!! NINE one-and-dones...

14-13, and you're defending that... Lmmaaaaaaoooo... Dude EIGHT home losses... In 27 games... Joe Montana started 23 playoff games, had 2 home losses... Brett Favre started 24 games, had 3 home losses...

Spare me the awards accumulated over time... "3rd in wins!!!" Yeah, congrats... Rickey Henderson was an incredibly average hitter, got 3000 hits cause he played for 20 something years... Like lmao, it doesn't matter...

What matters is the overall Winning %, the home losses that SHOULD be wins, the losses when favored, the 1st game playoff exits, the 1st round byes and home field advantages completely squandered... Lmao, yeah, shocking he got some wins... He should have, they had like the most dominant team in the league for like 10 years...

At this point, I'm just choosing to believe you guys are being willfully ignorant to the actual facts, which all speak for themselves... Dude literally choked in the playoffs NINE TIMES!!!

"Yeah, but 14 wins and 2 Superbowls!!!"

Okay, Ashley... I understand... Yes, Peyton is very good!!!

Yep, as dense as I thought. He has 13 losses because he got to the playoffs more than virtually any other quarterback to play football in the NFL and his teams were often below average on defense and below average in the running game. Two of his playoff losses he walked off the field with easily makeable fgs for the win lined up, Vanderjagdt missed both. His team led in the final 40 seconds of the 4th quarter 4 times in playoff losses. But somehow it's his fault that the defense couldn't stop anyone on the other side. ln one of his losses he left the field after leading the Colts to the go ahead score with 53 seconds left and they gave up a 50 yard kick return, an 18 yard pass and the game winning field goal. Clearly his fault. In a game against Pittsburgh Nick Harper picked up a Jerome Bettis fumble and was heading on a clear path to the endzone when Roethlisberger made what is still termed a "miraculous tackle" then Vanderjagdt promptly missed a game tying field goal with seconds to go. 6 of his 13 losses were to the eventual Super Bowl champion. In three of the losses the opposing running backs had a combined 690 total yards. They lost to San Diego by 4 points in a playoff game where Marvin Harrison fumbled and it was returned for a touchdown, the defense gave up almost 400 yards and 21 points in the second half. Manning had 402 yards passing and 3 touchdowns in the loss. The next year he left the field ahead of San Diego, the defense got multiple penalties and San Diego tied it at the last minute, won the toss, the defense got more penalties in the overtime drive and San Diego scored the game winning touchdown without Manning ever touching the ball again.

This take of yours here demonstrates that you are probably the least knowledgeable poster on VN regarding football, an impressive feat.

As for Manning's place in NFL history who should we listen to, village idiot or the list of coaches, NFL executives and players who voted Manning the 2nd best QB of all time in a 2017 ESPN poll of them. Who should we listen to, you or Bill Belichick who said Peyton was the best quarterback he ever coached against in his entire career, which includes every quarterback in the NFL since 1975 except Tom Brady. Maybe we should look at the NFL top 100 all-time list the league produced last year with input from virtually everyone who knows anything about NFL football. It has Manning as the 8th greatest player in league history among all positions, or maybe we should listen to you instead...tough choice.
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