John Currie

Originally Posted by UT-Rex View Post
About it,

you stated (as fact) that "it's been reported" and that you're now "starting to think that was true" --

Originally Posted by FleeceItOut
Is he really the bad guy? It’s been reported that Fulmer was sabotaging everything Currie tried to do and I’m starting to think that was true.

To be fair, Bruce Feldman did report it and he did say he was starting "to think"... not that I agree with his argument, but it is a fact that it was reported (either truthfully or erroneously) and his opinion was that it might be true.

And to be fair even still, more people did report that report (i.e. BF's initial tweet) to be false.
Fulmer is incredibly divisive. The fanbase will never be united again so long as he is in charge. It's not possible. There are at least five posters in this thread who literally worship Judas Brutus. They are Fulmer fans first and foremost, not Tennessee fans. Several other boards were originally created as landing spots for those driven off other sites by the Fulmer Felchers. It will probably get to the point on this board like it has on others before it when you will be banned for criticizing Jabba the Gut. You havnen't seen anything yet. There is going to be an all out Civil War in this fanbase. Fulmer is the new football coach at Tennessee. You'll see it before long. He could never keep his fat, greasy fingers off anything. I hope someday a book is written about how that scumbag ruined Tennessee football.

“Incredibly divisive”? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read in awhile. Currie’s hire was divisive and he wound up proving to be incompetent. Fulmer has been just the opposite....he’s unified the overwhelming majority of the fanbase (except for yahoos like you who hate the guy...thankfully there aren’t many of you) and brought back stability to and confidence in the athletic department. And no amount of your BS is gonna change that fact.
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This is a barefaced lie. Fulmer is extremely divisive. People are split about having him leading UT.

As for Jeremy Pru Bammer, people are willing to give him a chance. None of this nightmare was his fault. That being said, almost no one is excited about having a staff full of Bammers or a coach who is helping our hated rival try to win another national championship instead of recruiting.
I think you are delusional, most fans support Fulmer and aren't dumb enough to think that because JP is from Bama he should never be a UT coach. By that logic Dabbo would have you but hurt as well. Basically all you post is hate for Fulmer and based on what? You have never linked anything that proves any of your drivel. You act as if you are someone "in the know" but you actually come off as an absolute idiot.
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I think you are delusional, most fans support Fulmer and aren't dumb enough to think that because JP is from Bama he should never be a UT coach. By that logic Dabbo would have you but hurt as well. Basically all you post is hate for Fulmer and based on what? You have never linked anything that proves any of your drivel. You act as if you are someone "in the know" but you actually come off as an absolute idiot.
He’s a troll, probably a gump. Comes on here for attention on the days his sister is busy servicing the rest of the family.
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If was also reported that Fulmer was directly involved with the search, so it comes down to what you choose to believe.

I never said I didn’t support Pruitt, just that Brohm and Leach were better options with proven HC experience, and both were seemingly willing to take the job.

Why does what I think have to be labeled a conspiracy theory? It very well could have happened that way. Look at the timeline and sequence of events.

You said it yourself...what you "choose to believe". Fulmer is definitely a VFL and rational people are able to see that by his actions, but conspiracy theorist choose to believe what very well COULD have happened with no proof other than a few reports that can't be verified.

Brohm and Leach would have been good hires, but the search was botched when Currie (not Fulmer) signed the MOU with GS. He was on his way out after that...just a matter of time. Fulmer didn't screw Currie, Currie screwed Currie.
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The idea that anyone thinks Currie needed help screwing things up is laughable at best. He was a glorified fundraiser and vastly under qualified to be the AD at UT. He was not a good fit for a football heavy school like UT. Nobody in Knoxville wanted the guy but he was crammed down our throats anyway. Nobody knew who he was and he had zero clout in the sports world thus no respectable coach wanted to work for him. The truth is Currie wanted to keep Butch Jones because he already knew it was going to be a mountain climb at best for him to find a new coach, not because of where he worked but who he was. Fulmer didn't have to do a thing but stand aside and watch Currie hang himself.

I had to read this post twice to make sure you were talking about Currie. It sounds like what should have been said about Hamilton (of course Currie did work for Hamilton)!!
Currie had both Brohm and Leak all but signed, but Fulmer so loved himself that he sacrificed the University of Tennessee.

When Tennessee starts next season 2 and 6, where will all the Philanderers be then? I'll tell you where...with their heads in toilets beginning to realize we could have hired Mike Leach if not for Clappy.

And who has confirmed this? All i saw were rumors by third parties. I did not hear from any credible sources. The Brome story was leaked to try to hurt Davenport as the ship was sinking for HOH and Currie. The only thing that I saw about Leach was that a friend of his said that he would be interested in an offer from UT. Never heard from a credible source that either was all but signed.
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Fulmer is incredibly divisive. The fanbase will never be united again so long as he is in charge. It's not possible. There are at least five posters in this thread who literally worship Judas Brutus. They are Fulmer fans first and foremost, not Tennessee fans. Several other boards were originally created as landing spots for those driven off other sites by the Fulmer Felchers. It will probably get to the point on this board like it has on others before it when you will be banned for criticizing Jabba the Gut. You havnen't seen anything yet. There is going to be an all out Civil War in this fanbase. Fulmer is the new football coach at Tennessee. You'll see it before long. He could never keep his fat, greasy fingers off anything. I hope someday a book is written about how that scumbag ruined Tennessee football.

You seriously need help to let that consume your life, therapy would help, but just go root for Bama and be done with it.
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you realize that you're trying to talk sense to a person who knowingly put "woo" in his name

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Boy, that’s some rampant, conspiratorial speculation you’re spewing there.

Perhaps you should actually read or listen to someone who has a clue here. Say for example, John Brice, who’s covered the team for years now, who said (along with pretty much everybody else who covers the program) this morning that Currie was collaborating with Haslam and had decided/settled on Schiano very early on/from the jump.......which explains why Currie told Charlie Anderson that the search was “confidential” and he wouldn’t discuss it with him, despite Anderson being chair of the Athletic Board. Brice also has documented that it’s beyond ridiculous and 100% unproven in any way that Fulmer “sabotaged” Currie and his efforts The only time Currie involved Fulmer was with the Dave Doeren interview, otherwise Fulmer, like everybody else, was out of Currie’s completely incompetent loop.

Bottom line is, Currie completely botched the original hire with Schiano (with Haslam’s help) and eventually went rogue with his desperate west coast trip to try and hire Leach and was eventually fired for that insubordination....and Fulmer has nothing to do with it.

And for the 1000th time, stop referring to yourself as a Tennessee Vols fan. You’ve been exposed, over and over again as nothing more than a Butch Jones sycophant. Just own up to it and move on.

I see you believe everything a reporter tells you. I don't. Too many rumors that turned out to NOT be true spread by the Knoxville media over the last couple of years.

And yes I am a Vol fan, have been since I was very young. I also have season tickets but don't let that stop you from believing what you want to believe.

I am not a puppet. I am no sheep.

For the sake of this football program, I hope that someone doesn't sue UT - but would not be surprised if that happens.
Well you took it upon yourself to judge Fulmer using hearsay rumors and some of it out of your azz, so there is that.
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Fulmer is incredibly divisive. The fanbase will never be united again so long as he is in charge. It's not possible. There are at least five posters in this thread who literally worship Judas Brutus. They are Fulmer fans first and foremost, not Tennessee fans. Several other boards were originally created as landing spots for those driven off other sites by the Fulmer Felchers. It will probably get to the point on this board like it has on others before it when you will be banned for criticizing Jabba the Gut. You havnen't seen anything yet. There is going to be an all out Civil War in this fanbase. Fulmer is the new football coach at Tennessee. You'll see it before long. He could never keep his fat, greasy fingers off anything. I hope someday a book is written about how that scumbag ruined Tennessee football.

Your abject, pathetic, hopeless ignorance is on display.

Oh ... and I should not have left out exceedingly stupid.

You Fulmer haters are bizarely entertaining, starting with the bold faced lie that Fulmer is "Judas Brutus". You all refuse to accept Majors' alligator mouth fueled by his alcohol abuse led to those in power not willing to see the Tennessee Volunteers name once again degraded like it was when the alcoholic coach Bowden Wyatt threw a sports reporter in the pool at an SEC coaches convention. Majors was showing up at practices drunk. He deserved to be fired.

The rest of your "rant of an ignoramous" is just that.

Why don't you leave for a while,
and spend some time getting an education? Or, just

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It’s been reported that Fulmer was sabotaging everything Currie tried to do and I’m starting to think that was true.

If was also reported that Fulmer was directly involved with the search, so it comes down to what you choose to believe.

Flame on but I think Fulmer is the enemy and the fan base was duped again. Only time will tell.
Really? Instead of fishing for likes. Why not do a little research?

Look at the reports, timeline, and sequence of events. Nothing I said was illogical.

You seem to be genuinely in search for the truth, so also don't forget this report:

"I talked to Phillip Fulmer this morning and those are allegations he flatly denies. He said he made two calls at the request of (suspended Vols athletic director) John Currie and visited a coach at the request, or with, Currie."

article by 247sports
Phillip Fulmer speaks on reports he sabotaged coach search
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Currie was a bad hire to start with. He didn't get along with any of the Kansas St. Coaches. And not being able to communicate with coaches is a bad quality for a guy performing a coaching search.
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I'm not going to throw around terms like idiot or moron but I would say anyone that thinks Currie was some white knight who was the victim is delusional or ignorant of the historical facts.

1)Haslam wanted Currie. That's been backed up by numerous reports. It was reported he was Haslam's guy before he got the job.
2)Haslam also targeted Schiano in the past for the browns job. It's not surprising his name pops up during our search.
3)Schiano was Currie's primary target the whole time. His damn press release supports this after the blow up over Schiano. He talked about throughly vetting him and knowing his family well for years.
4)Currie's name was on the MOU.

Now all of that has been supported factually, based in reality. I'm not sure if the OP is ignorant of historical facts regarding this or chooses to ignore it.
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