Dormady Looks To Be The Best Man for the QB Job

Wait, so you think we can go ahead and name starters from a scripted practice? Lol. Remember when Bray went 4 for 30 in his Spring "game"? He went on to pass for over 3600 yards that year.

Who's the idiot again?

QD will be the starter. In the 12' OW game did another QB throw 10 for 10 or close to perfect? You are.
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I just don't think the starter can be named off a spring exhibition. May be a whole different situation in 4 months.
No you said "explicitly" that Jones was looking for a reason to give the job to QD. And yeah, the tone of your post was to disparage and diminish what Dormady did due to some supposed rule advantage.

Whether he had a better OL or he just managed the pocket better... he didn't get sacked while JG did twice. Or did the "touch" rule advantage QD too because he managed not to even get touched?

You're taking my post entirely out of context, so don't pretend to tell me what I was saying/meaning/implying.

I hope QD wins the job, so why would I "disparage and diminish" what he did today? I just feel like Jones woukd prefer him to win the job too because he trusts him and has had a tendency to defer to upperclassmen throughout his coaching career.

I don't think it's ridiculous to acknowledge that taking the run away from Guarantano limits one of his strengths more than it does Dormady, nor do I think it affected the success Dormady displayed on the field today. He outplayed JG in the passing game. No one is arguing otherwise. I just think there were plays where JG could have been effective running the ball to keep drives alive, but those plays were taken away with the touch rule. Making JG purely a pocket passer isn't ideal for him, just like it wasn't ideal for Dobbs. Dormady can win as a pocket passer. For Guarantano, it's tougher.

We can agree to disagree, but I think we both agree that Dormady won the day and probably increased his small lead in the QB race.
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It doesn't take a quarterback coach to see who was the best today, anyone can say anything but QD won the day and it wasn't very close. JG looks slower going through his progressions thus holding on to the ball longer.
I just don't think the starter can be named off a spring exhibition. May be a whole different situation in 4 months.

Do you think the Spring game is the only thing being considered? How have each of the players graded out each practice? Who has the better command of the offensive playbook? Who is more experienced? Who do the coaches have the most confidence?

I don't think anyone is basing their opinions on just the Spring game.
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He's also the first QB to make it inside the trash can. McBride also has a cannon.
QD also hit the Jennings cutout in the endzone in the damn hands!

That was impressive. I only saw the version freak posted. Dormady as a passer could be one of the best in the conference. I'd like to see how well he runs now. He also hit the Joey Kent target last year.

In those drills, I was impressed with McBride also. He's a clone of Dormady.
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Averaged 12 yards per attempt, with a long of 19 yards (td) in limited time. But hey, stick to your story.

Not saying this is what happened, but he can throw a 7 and out and then the WR pick up yards after the catch and that goes towards his passing yards. His yards per pass should be over the distance he is throwing the ball in the air. Not sure if this applies though.
I came away with the exact opposite opinion. I took notice of how quick he put his foot in the ground and went particularly on off-tackle plays.

Yep. And he was more physical than I expected. He fights for extra yardage. I like him.
What was impressive was QD rolling out and having such accuracy on the run. And the fade passes to Wolf. People should appreciate having pinpoint accuracy no matter how difficult the throw, even though the nature of the scrimmage is vanilla.
QD has good touch and can put air under the ball, which Dobbs never could do. It will be a nice change to have a QB who can throw it downfield.

JG has a good fastball, but needs some refinement-- if anything, he's a project this year, maybe gets 10-20% of the snaps.
The coaches have four weeks worth of watching these guys practice and improve. We have what we saw yesterday and a few 2-minute video tapes that include a few throws by each QB.

My suspicion is that what we saw yesterday, the coaches have been seeing all month. The most reliably good one tends to be most reliably good most of the time.

I suspect we're going to see Dormady as the presumptive starter going into fall camp, and--barring significant changes during the month of August--our starting QB in Atlanta on September 4th.

I don't think Guarantano is going anywhere; he's a Vol, and the presumptive heir should Quinten get injured.

The question is, will Sheriron move to a new position? The writing is on the wall for him at QB; there are at least two, and maybe three fellows (McBride?) ahead of him in the depth chart as he begins his third season in orange. He won't leave Tennessee again, I don't think, too much a VFL. But will he try out a different position? That's an intriguing question, I think.
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I'm pretty certain Jones stays here at QB through 2017. If one of the two ahead of him transfers, he's the de facto #2 in 2018. If guarantano doesn't stick around, then Jones becomes the presumptive starter in 2019
Not saying this is what happened, but he can throw a 7 and out and then the WR pick up yards after the catch and that goes towards his passing yards. His yards per pass should be over the distance he is throwing the ball in the air. Not sure if this applies though.

It will be for sure. But this happens for literally every qb who's ever played the game.....every qb has yards after the catch by his receivers factored into his yards per attempt. Bottom line is, 12 yards per attempt is off the charts good, and his performance yesterday shouldn't be minimalized like the guy I responded to tried to do. QD was very accurate yesterday on a variety of throws, including a couple of deep routes to the Wolf brothers, one of which was a beautifully/perfectly thrown 19 yard touchdown.

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