Prayers for Bills player Damar Hamlin

Blood clot or heat attack most likely. Sad stuff.
One of those hits that, at the time, didn't look like that much. In 60 years, I've seen what appeared to be much worse hits. That's what is so bizarre about this..
Yes, watches the hit and can’t see how the hit would be to blame. He literally jumps up, stops and collapses. Must be cardiac event.
I can’t believe what we just saw. Only thing I can remember similar to this in my time is Hank Gathers. It doesn’t sound good at all, I’m still in shock so I can’t imagine what the players are feeling. Game should be called right now. No way you play. Prayers
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I know a guy that had a brain stem injury from an ATV accident. He survived, but is severely handicapped. It didn’t paralyze him though. I initially thought brain stem because he kind of got hit in the face. But cardiac seems more likely.

The way he stood up and then sort of froze then crumpled looked like athletes with heart issues, i.e. Hank Gathers, Reggie Lewis, etc.
I can’t believe what we just saw. Only thing I can remember similar to this in my time is Hank Gathers. It doesn’t sound good at all, I’m still in shock so I can’t imagine what the players are feeling. Game should be called right now. No way you play. Prayers

Yep. If you've seen the footage of that, he dunked the ball and was running down the court then just dropped.

Injuries are one thing. When it's life or death before your eyes it's a whole different issue.
I can’t believe what we just saw. Only thing I can remember similar to this in my time is Hank Gathers. It doesn’t sound good at all, I’m still in shock so I can’t imagine what the players are feeling. Game should be called right now. No way you play. Prayers
If he is stabilized quickly and "out of the woods", they probably finish. I don't have a good feeling about it though..
my guess is he got hit right when the heart is repolarizing and that can cause a lethal rhythm thats why they used the AED
my guess is he got hit right when the heart is repolarizing and that can cause a lethal rhythm thats why they used the AED
Are you sure they used an AED? I haven't heard that so far.

Edit: nevermind
Joe Danneman of FOX19 in Cincinnati is reporting that Hamlin has a pulse, but is not breathing on his own, and that Hamlin needed an AED and CPR on the field.
It wasn't a big hit but it's where he got hit! Impact was to the chest. He stood back up and then collapsed!
Watching the replay I thought the same thing. I've read where a baseball player got hit in the chest by a pitch and it sent the batter into cardic arrest. Might not have anything to do with this but was something I thought about.
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Very scary situation. Just call the games, I can’t imagine playing if I was a player after witnessing that.
Lookin like game over. It was said Diggs came out of locker room with a towel on...
wasnt a hit but Christian Erikson has this happen in the euro soccer no hit though

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