Tennessee Softball 2024

I will not watch the SEC tournament because I I am sick of hearing about how great LSU is. I am gonna watch the ACC and the SouCon.
Also if you compare LV this year to last year, IMO the weakest link is Kiki. She has to get on and get hits or we have nothing. That's my take, I do like the new bats idea,

Need to drop her from the leadoff spot. Understand the original reason but when your lead-off hitter is not getting on base you need a change. Maybe a change in the order will help her to.
Batting strategy definitely comes from the coach. No idea if the strategy is poor or if players aren’t executing. Maybe a combo
Puni, West and Rodriguez were on a youtube vid 2 days ago with some of the football players trying to hit line drives off a tee into a hole in the batting net. It took longer than they expected. One of them said our philosophy is elevate then celebrate - we don't really do line drives.
Obstruction, is there any way we could get it better? it's just the amount of calls that be obstruction. I think the catchers position is too fine a line now. big advantage to the runner.
OMG at first I thought you were just 99% softball dumb but now I know you’re 100% softball dumb. How can you say it’s on the players to make adjustments and coaches only coach during practice.

Have you not watched a Tennessee softball game this year. They are constantly calling time outs to talk to the batter in the middle of there at bats more than any teams we have played. We are over coaching the hitters during an at bat. if you have watched a game this year. TV reception must not be good in your mom‘s basement.
No shat! All teams do that. When there in the box, please tell me exactly what that coach can do? Nothing. They take what they've Practiced, and apply it. Way to much credit and blame for coaches in every sport. Players win games, period

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