Bray Interview

I wish Manning would pay him a visit and give him a lesson in leadership. Hell Andy Kelley is right there. Bray has a lot of work to do. I hope he turns it around.
As one who has taught leadership classes its my opinion that leaders are born and cant be we can teach people to be good managers of people but leaders?
No I dont think so....YOU ARE EITHER A LEADER OR NOT...and that comes with years of teaching "leadership" courses. Now I have many who disagree with that opinion and that's fine...I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE..If you need an example try teaching a group of 10-15 in the age of 10-12. Leadership will ooze out of the leaders and followship will ooze out of the followers. Just look around sometime and see if its not true...

So, your job is pointless?
These fans are truly insane. 4 weeks ago we were begging for Bray to be back, and now he is a head case and shouldn't play anymore? Here is a novel idea. How about you never post again. Never in my life have I seen such fickle people.

Tyler Bray needs to hire some of you as his press corp. Talk about a bunch of whooey. The kid has as much charisma as a pet rock. He will never be a leader at this rate. More mediocrity to come if this is your savior of all things Vol. Maybe before he is done he will beat an SEC team with a winning record. Maybe.
Sorry, I missed the childish part of that interview...actually I though he handled it quite well considered what had just happened and the fact HE WAS SICK AND HAD IV DRIPS ALL WEEK!

Agree 100%

I ABSOLUTELY do not see any hint of a childish, immature, (you fill in the blank) interview. I thought there were a couple of childish, immature, etc. questions. Sort of like the old "Do you still beat your wife?" question that has no answer that doesn't get you in trouble.
Bray comes off kind of childish in this interview.

No Access

kinda comes off as a can you not know how many years tn has beat ky when you are the starting qb for tn? and i guess if he drinks a monster energy drink he will be a better leader?
I heard on Talk Radio in Chattanooga today that Bray cussed Dooley out at the Kentucky game. If that is true someone needs to teach the punk to show some respect!!:peace2:
We got 99 problems, but Bray ain't one :dance:

With apologies to Jay-Z...

If you're having fan meltdowns I feel bad for you son, we got 99 problems but Bray ain't one.

They keep sayin' Rocky Top's about to rock
Media printing shiiit, call it country fried crock
Sports bloggers saying Dooley's got to go
Calling Da'Rick a Diva, sayin' Bray's loco
You go through the changes we been through
We'll all see after just how well you would do
QB on the field his fever 102
They say he quit on the game, we say f___ you
Fans act surprised, enraged youth can be immature
But just what is it they're doing when they spread their manure?

If you're having fan meltdowns I feel bad for you son, we got 99 problems but Bray ain't one
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kinda comes off as a can you not know how many years tn has beat ky when you are the starting qb for tn? and i guess if he drinks a monster energy drink he will be a better leader?

The one coming off as a moron? Go back and look at your own posts. You put the power T in your avy - but you continually degrade the Vols. Why is that? We all enjoy posts that bring up reasonable debate but your post's are nothing but negative. Why is that? Do you have anything positive to say about this team?
Agree 100%

I ABSOLUTELY do not see any hint of a childish, immature, (you fill in the blank) interview. I thought there were a couple of childish, immature, etc. questions. Sort of like the old "Do you still beat your wife?" question that has no answer that doesn't get you in trouble.


To me, this read exactly like an interview given by someone who was tired, bummed out, with a sore hand, and who just wanted to go home, but who exhibited enormous patience and self-control when asked a string of deeply stupid questions.
I do not want any hate coming back at me, but I have heard from reliable sources (no I will not name them, so think what u want); that Tyler may have developed a bit of a taste like what young Brett Favre had. Take that how you want to, but I can't help but notice a change in his demeanor (especially on the sideline while he was hurt) this year. Just watch his body language, and if you've known anyone with this affliction, then you may agree with me. I think that a lot of these guys need to be humbled. Look at how Da'Rick and Bray have acted. It is Dooley's job to maintain control, but some of these guys have taken some early success (relatively speaking) as a license to forget that others in UT's program have actually achieved things.
I do not want any hate coming back at me, but I have heard from reliable sources (no I will not name them, so think what u want); that Tyler may have developed a bit of a taste like what young Brett Favre had. Take that how you want to, but I can't help but notice a change in his demeanor (especially on the sideline while he was hurt) this year. Just watch his body language, and if you've known anyone with this affliction, then you may agree with me. I think that a lot of these guys need to be humbled. Look at how Da'Rick and Bray have acted. It is Dooley's job to maintain control, but some of these guys have taken some early success (relatively speaking) as a license to forget that others in UT's program have actually achieved things.

What affliction? Strep throat perhaps? On the other hand, if TB is afflicted with Brett Favre syndrome, I'm all for it.
I do not want any hate coming back at me, but I have heard from reliable sources (no I will not name them, so think what u want); that Tyler may have developed a bit of a taste like what young Brett Favre had. Take that how you want to, but I can't help but notice a change in his demeanor (especially on the sideline while he was hurt) this year. Just watch his body language, and if you've known anyone with this affliction, then you may agree with me...

I keep reading stuff like this. What are we talking?
--using every now and then

I personally don't feel that pot is an automatic brainkiller (I've seen too many highly*-functioning people to believe this), but a lot depends on the age of the user and the amount consumed. A fair amount of people turn into complete veg's when they're using, and the younger they are, the more likely it is to happen.

And if it's anything beyond pot, then hell yeah, this needs to be investigated.

* "highly" --har har har
It is more than pot that I am hearing about. I hate to bring this up with the recent stories about A. Douglas and A. Ainge, but people that I know have told me that he is struggling with the same situation. This is just what I have heard from reliable sources. No, I will not say who. I wish it weren't true, but it looks like it. I said earlier to watch his body language. If you have ever known anyone go through this, then you would see it. I don't want to accuse anyone of this, but the people that have informed me of this are in the know. I hope that it is wrong.
It is more than pot that I am hearing about. I hate to bring this up with the recent stories about A. Douglas and A. Ainge, but people that I know have told me that he is struggling with the same situation. This is just what I have heard from reliable sources. No, I will not say who. I wish it weren't true, but it looks like it. I said earlier to watch his body language. If you have ever known anyone go through this, then you would see it. I don't want to accuse anyone of this, but the people that have informed me of this are in the know. I hope that it is wrong.

I hear ya, and I don't know if this is really going on, but I understand your concern.

I'm really glad I'm not an undergraduate these days. Way too much s**t going on these days.
It is more than pot that I am hearing about. I hate to bring this up with the recent stories about A. Douglas and A. Ainge, but people that I know have told me that he is struggling with the same situation. This is just what I have heard from reliable sources. No, I will not say who. I wish it weren't true, but it looks like it. I said earlier to watch his body language. If you have ever known anyone go through this, then you would see it. I don't want to accuse anyone of this, but the people that have informed me of this are in the know. I hope that it is wrong.

Just shut up. Stop. If you hate to bring it up, then don't. What you heard? But you don't want to accuse? Etc.Etc. Unless you have grand evidence, photo's, piss tests, etc., just STFU. People posting "what they heard" are as reliable as Madoff. STFU.
Had a little more time to match up the number of lines with the song for a complete first verse. The added lines are particularly pertinent. Enjoy. :)

99 Problems - Vol Edition (Revised Lyrics)

If you're having fan meltdowns I feel bad for you son, we got 99 problems but Bray ain't one.

[Verse One]

They keep sayin' Rocky Top's about to rock
Media printing shiiit, call it country fried crock
Sports bloggers cryin' Dooley's got to go
Calling Da'Rick a Diva, sayin' Bray's loco
You go through the changes we been through
We'll all see after just how well you would do
QB on the field his fever 102
They say he quit on the game, we say f___ you
Fans act surprised, enraged youth can be immature
But just what is it they're doing when they spread their manure?
Basilio, Hyams, take a knee and blow
you ain't nothing but wannabe media ho's
you say you bleed orange instead you bleed the orange,
lookin' through dirty laundry, trash, and storage
Come next season you'll be under his thumb
we got 99 problems but Bray ain't one
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Confrims everything I thought and have said for that matter. Totally clueless. Time to get Worley ready along with Peterman when he reports.

You might need to take a break from football for the next two years. Bray is going nowhere.
Just shut up. Stop. If you hate to bring it up, then don't. What you heard? But you don't want to accuse? Etc.Etc. Unless you have grand evidence, photo's, piss tests, etc., just STFU. People posting "what they heard" are as reliable as Madoff. STFU.

Don't you just love it when people have no evidence, yet convict a 19 year old kid, of some unspecified illegal activity? I wonder if the accusation, without any proof, rises to the level of slander?

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