Bray Interview

This is not directed to all, but Some of the VolNation are ridiculous. The allegations of drug use are slander behind an anonymous screen name. That's the biggest form of cowardice. If you have a source, name names. Better yet, give the board your name and contact information so slanderous remarks can be handled properly. If you have no proof, you have no business making such claims.

Exactly and one of these days someone is going to get burned BAD for slandering college kids with allegations like this.

But you know it's sad that people would say such things to begin with -- they ought to act more human than that. THESE ARE COLLEGE KIDS. And if you don't know what that means then you've never been around young people barely out of high school who are trying their best to find their way in the world and grow up by making those mistakes and learning from them the same way everyone else whose ever been that age has to.

They're not pro players, politicians, or professional entertainers. They don't deserve to have vicious and hurtful rumors like this hurled their way. Their lives are not 'fair game' - they're students who happen to be on a SCHOOL team that fans have an obsession with.

Because someone is from California, doesn't make him a pothead. Just like being from Tennessee doesn't make someone an inbred.

I think it's more his laid back attitude than where he's from that causes people to think this. Tennessee's biggest cash crop in MJ by far and we're 2nd only to Cali for production and produce far more than Cali when population and land mass is considered. Just about everybody in my TN HS smoked weed at least once but I get what you're saying nonetheless.

And on that point of state stereotypes, Tennessee has its own problem with the worst drug out in the form of meth (I wish to God this state would drop the obsession on other drugs and focus on meth).

Leave your Holler or Mom's basement once in a while and you might learn that Tyler comes from an extremely conservative and church oriented town. His entire family and extended family live in Kingsburg. They are very close and very involved in his life. They are well aware of the slanderous allegations and are very very displeased with elements of the fan base. Ty will be in town next week and I'm sure he'll be at his brother's championship game. Tyler is a VFL and probably the only thing that would make him bolt for the draft early is an unappreciating fan base that wants to tear the kid apart.

Amen on leaving the holler and the basement but coming from a conservative and church oriented town won't save anyone from drugs. I came from both and yet we were one of the biggest producers and runners of pot in the 2nd most productive state for MJ. More people that I went to HS with than I can count are either dead, addicted to hard drugs and on their way there, or in jail than I can count.

I hope that his family knows that the vast majority of fans don't have such awful attitudes as some of the posters here and very much support Tyler.

This board has criticized him for crying and showing passion at the Music City Bowl last year, yet this year the board says that he didn't want to go to a meaningless bowl like the MCB. 1 minute he's a warrior and the next he's a quitter because he was lethargic when playing with strep throat and a fever and recovering from a broken thumb. The fan base should be thankful you have a really good qb and worried why this team can't run the ball whatsoever.

I think this just goes to show some people can't be pleased. Some folks are so far removed from being college age that they don't understand why a college kid doesn't act like a 60 year old man and imho one with a stick up his rear end. That said the vast majority of fans aren't so fickle or down on Bray -- to many of us he's a high point as are Da'Rick and Hunter.
Not you man. :)

I'm not saying you didn't hear what you claim you heard. I am saying that repeating it as fact based on hearsay and having nothing to show that can back it up is both hurtful and wrong. It's irresponsible.
You know it's getting bad when a cat named Cledus is telling a portion of our fan base to leave their "hollers".
You know it's getting bad when a cat named Cledus is telling a portion of our fan base to leave their "hollers".

I remember a kid in a college class of mine said holler to a professor, and the professor said, "Don't you mean hollow?"
I'm not saying you didn't hear what you claim you heard. I am saying that repeating it as fact based on hearsay and having nothing to show that can back it up is both hurtful and wrong. It's irresponsible.

I have no interest in justifying my statements to you. It isn't based on hearsay.
I appreciate you educating the masses on definitions.

:eek:lol: I'm not educating the masses as most of them know better. You on the other hand made a statement that was as absurd as it was false when you argued that your evidence wasn't hearsay when in fact it was the very definition of hearsay.
Just shut up. Stop. If you hate to bring it up, then don't. What you heard? But you don't want to accuse? Etc.Etc. Unless you have grand evidence, photo's, piss tests, etc., just STFU. People posting "what they heard" are as reliable as Madoff. STFU.

Oh damn! For a minute I thought that I must be the d.a. I am just saying what I have heard. If it were about Trent Richardson, you would probably have a different attitude. You can stfu and siuyf' na bia. Don't get your feelings hurt. I wish it weren't true. If it weren't, then I would not mention it. I am not Hubbs or Adams, and you don't have to believe anything posted here. This is only a message board. Go Vols and I hope that that this all is a phase.
:eek:lol: I'm not educating the masses as most of them know better. You on the other hand made a statement that was as absurd as it was false when you argued that your evidence wasn't hearsay when in fact it was the very definition of hearsay.

I know if my evidence is hearsay or not. The only thing absurd is you making statements about things you know nothing about.
Again, could care less about what you think about the subject and I have better things to do than argue with you.
My three best drinking buddies (all former SEC head coaches, very high up, national title winners, but I can't divulge their names) all told me that Bray doesn't have any drug problems, and that LittleDTO's coach-friends are all r-tards who couldn't coach their way out of wet paper bags.
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