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Nov 6, 2008
Can UK find their identity after a whoopin' taken by the hand of VMI?

Sources say Hansbrough is out, but it looks like the tarheels are still loaded without him.

Man! I forgot that was tonight. KY better find another gear than what they played in the other night, regardless of whether Hansbrough plays.
I was just catching a bit of the Penn/Drexel game and one of the announcers just commented on a free throw...oh, that was horrible...it was short AND to the left. This was followed by about a 20 second pause with faint snickers heard over the mics. I was wondering if they would be able to make it through that one without busting out...they basically did, but they had to pull their mics away....
I was just catching a bit of the Penn/Drexel game and one of the announcers just commented on a free throw...oh, that was horrible...it was short AND to the left. This was followed by about a 20 second pause with faint snickers heard over the mics. I was wondering if they would be able to make it through that one without busting out...they basically did, but they had to pull their mics away....
it took me a second....lol
I checked out ESPN and I did not know the time of the UK/NC game. Looks to be at 9. What a night I have planned UT at 7 and the game at 9. Looks like a plan. Who will win by the most Tennessee or Carolina? I say the vols.
Bottom line is one must pull for the SEC. That being said it wouldn't surprise me if UNC wins by 25. UK is very, very young and that is a very hostile environment.
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wow this KY team relies heavily on Meeks on O and just isn't very good.

Expect more slow, grind it out ball in the 50s from them this year in conference.
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that jump ball for Frasor with one hand on it was home cooking
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