To Protect and to Serve II

School resource officers are assigned to schools. This is part of their assignments
So part of their assignments is to (blindly) enforce random house rules?

Maybe I'll ask you this. Are there ANY rules by a property owner that you will not insert yourself into?
In those cases the blame falls on unreasonable people who refuse to leave.

I went to dinner yesterday. The people in front of me were told they couldn’t come in without a mask. The guy said he had a breathing condition and could not wear one. The girl at the desk said “sorry, it’s not my policy but I cannot change it” the guy said “no problem, I’ll go somewhere else “.

That’s how reasonable people behave.
Unreasonable people refuse to leave and get the police called

In this situation, there are 3 sides that chose not to behave reasonably. The host, the guest and the cops. The burden of being reasonable doesn't just fall on one side here. This was a situation oozing stupidity. No pragmatism was employed. No discernment. No discretion.
The cops were called. They came. They therefore chose to insert themselves into the situation.
They don’t insert unless the owner calls to protect themselves and their property.
If you’re asked to leave and you don’t leave.....and we don’t want the police involved.......I guess we can go Wild West and start shooting fools.
In this situation, there are 3 sides that chose not to behave reasonably. The host, the guest and the cops. The burden of being reasonable doesn't just fall on one side here. This was a situation oozing stupidity. No pragmatism was employed. No discernment. No discretion.
The host has no authority. The manager on the other hand......but maybe the manager doesn’t think it’s stupid, which is his right as the manager.
They don’t insert unless the owner calls to protect themselves and their property.
If you’re asked to leave and you don’t leave.....and we don’t want the police involved.......I guess we can go Wild West and start shooting fools.
Slice, would you call the cops on me for not wearing a mask in your home if I refused to?
So part of their assignments is to (blindly) enforce random house rules?

Maybe I'll ask you this. Are there ANY rules by a property owner that you will not insert yourself into?
Again you are confusing the “rules” which aren’t the issue, with the fact that property owners have every right to remove people from their property for ANY reason
Lol so you are saying that police should ignore citizens when they Call for help to remove people from their property?
I'm saying that at the very least, if you are going to insert yourself in a situation like that, common sense, discernment and pragmatism are as precious as gold. Again, I am trying to help you out as a cop. This is not the kind of stuff I would think that you want get involved in.
I'm saying that at the very least, if you are going to insert yourself in a situation like that, common sense, discernment and pragmatism are as precious as gold. Again, I am trying to help you out as a cop. This is not the kind of stuff I would think that you want get involved in.
It comes down to if you believe that people have the right to ask people to leave their property for any reason?

Yes or no

If said person refuses to leave the only two ways to make that happen are for the owners to threaten them at gun point or try to physically remove themselves or call the police.

There are literally thousands of trespassing arrests around the country daily because people refuse to leave or stay away from properties they’ve been banned from
Again you are confusing the “rules” which aren’t the issue, with the fact that property owners have every right to remove people from their property for ANY reason
Well, let me say this to remove any confusion. The school and the cops behaved in a "legal" fashion. They were within "the law". So let me go on the record and establish that.

That situation was handled within "the law".

Am I making myself clear?
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It comes down to if you believe that people have the right to ask people to leave their property for any reason?

Yes or no

If said person refuses to leave the only two ways to make that happen are for the owners to threaten them at gun point or try to physically remove themselves or call the police.

There are literally thousands of trespassing arrests around the country daily because people refuse to leave or stay away from properties they’ve been banned from

Yes, property owners have that right and are "legally" able to have those rules enforced by the cops.
There are literally thousands of trespassing arrests around the country daily because people refuse to leave or stay away from properties they’ve been banned from
And of those, how many originated over a guest not wearing a mask?

If a guest refuses to eat my sweet potato casserole, or they call it crap at the table, I guess when I ask them to leave because of it and they happen to refuse, that you feel it necessary to come and possibly use whatever force necessary to remove them from my home. Whether it be taser, behind the barrel of a gun, K-9, etc.
I’m in the other camp.
I have a say. It may not ever change but........
I’m currently fighting the powers that be.
I email Redbank city hall every day over their BS city wide 25 mph speed limit. If I get caught speeding I’m not arguing with the cop that speed limit is stupid.

I have regular contact with my county commissioner, was even interviewed by the Tennesseean over my opposition to and criticism of our county mayor. I’m just a troublemaker.
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After reading the last days worth of posts I think it's clear that RickyVol will arrest anyone for anything and that Ras is ruthless!
Again what are you basing that on? I only arrested someone when I had to. I have plenty of verbal warnings. Sorry to burst your delusion lol

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