The Tuesday night "Fire Currie" Thread [merged]

These coaches know that the Haslams have their nose where it shouldn't belong in the FB program. After the cluster**** that was Sunday between Haslam and Currie no coach is going to come here.

Currie has to be fired immediately. We can't throw 50 to 60m against the wall hoping it sticks just so we can say we have a coach. The problem at UT is so much bigger than making sure we have a coach in place just for the early recruiting.

Look at the last three hires. This program barely has it's nose above the water and something has to change or this program is about to be meaningless the next 20 years on top of the ten we just had.
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Everyone thinks no one wants to come here because of the UTAD and admin but not one person says it’s also because we have a ton of negativity from our fans even during our good times. This is the SJW era and our fan base has dove right in.
Get the h*** off of this forum. You’re an embarrassment.

I'm an embarrassment? No your an embarrassment. I bet you never graduated from UT. What the fans did Sunday was stupid, it hurt UT's image. I've been recruited by schools who have explained to me that the stupidity of some students and fans does not represent their school.
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Wasting your breath. We have too many coach worshippers and apologists. They will defend any coach who is hired to the death no matter what. I honestly don't know our program can survive another Dooley or Butch hire...much less another rebuild. Need a REAL coach who can coach up our current talent and compete in 2018.
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I'm going to keep bumping this thread up. It should be #1 right now. University officials need to see what we are demanding! We are best damn fans in the country. We deserve better than this horse crap and will no longer tolerate it. Time for the folks who love this University and understand what's at stake to take over now. Bring on Phil for Interum AD so he can make a hire. Have Blackburn come in as Permanent AD. No more experimenting with these outsiders for AD and HC. These jack wagons are the reason we are in the ditch now!
I agree with you. I even proposed a couple of ideas for the coup.

Of course, everyone just says that it's not happening. But that's because the uppers at the University doesn't want it to.
It's crazy that he's still the AD.

His azz should've been fired yesterday morning and the powers that be should have been working a deal with Blackburn shortly there after.
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I agree with you, but how do you propose we overthrow the billionaire Haslams?

There are others working to overthrow Haslams poisonous grip on UT athletics. They are the majority of boosters, including big names like Charlie Ergen (Dish Network) There is a team of Pro’s who are ready to take the reins and catch us a BIG name coach. The only thing stopping us from saving UT is @UTPresidentJoe and @ChancellorDav bizarre loyalty to Haslam. #SaveUT
-MIT Beaver
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No coach wants to come here because UT is run by Jimmy Haslam, and he is a total crook. Until the disgustig Haslime is cleansed from the program, we will remain the Cleveland Browns of the SEC.

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Mississippi State just hired Moorehead from penn State. Took them less than 48 hours to land a proven coach. Meanwhile the three stooges are still running around looking. This is the worst coaching search I've ever seen and Currie is a fool. #cleanhouse

Unfortunately, at this point in time Miss.St. is a more prestigious and respected job than Tennessee. I can't believe I am typing that but we are no longer a member of the Big Six in this conference. How the mighty have fallen. It's sad and I don't see the program recovering from this. We are now a punch line to a generation of fans and potential recruits.
Sign Fulmer to a short term deal so we can get our **** together.

I appreciate your right to voice your opinion and so I'll give my thoughts. I think all this fire Currie stuff is misguided.

He's not going to be fired nor should he be in my opinion. Did he screw up the Schiano hiring? Well - yes. But if things aren't bad enough - dumping Currie would be really bad. Very. Very bad. You just can't put your University in that situation.

If they fired Currie this quickly then they should simply post a poll on Volnation of who everybody wants and the first one to accept in the list - they should just hire him via the poll. Why even have an AD?
Jimmy the 3rd would be ousted by the NCAA if they had a rule against stupidity.
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I appreciate your right to voice your opinion and so I'll give my thoughts. I think all this fire Currie stuff is misguided.

He's not going to be fired nor should he be in my opinion. Did he screw up the Schiano hiring? Well - yes. But if things aren't bad enough - dumping Currie would be really bad. Very. Very bad. You just can't put your University in that situation.

If they fired Currie this quickly then they should simply post a poll on Volnation of who everybody wants and the first one to accept in the list - they should just hire him via the poll. Why even have an AD?

It's an inept AD. Forget the early recruiting. Fire Currie. Hire blackburn. Tell Haslam to gtfo. Send Blackburn coach hunting.
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There are others working to overthrow Haslams poisonous grip on UT athletics. They are the majority of boosters, including big names like Charlie Ergen (Dish Network) There is a team of Pro’s who are ready to take the reins and catch us a BIG name coach. The only thing stopping us from saving UT is @UTPresidentJoe and @ChancellorDav bizarre loyalty to Haslam. #SaveUT
-MIT Beaver

The president and chancellor are under the thumb of Haslam. If haslam goes then their heads are on the chopping block. Same with BOT. They are all self preservation mode. It has to get uglier before it can get better. TN is going to take a lot more guff from the national media before this is done but everyone needs to remember that when they are asking for it to stop
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We've got to get Haslam out of the state. I don't know how to get a dysfunctional billionaire to buzz off though. The only thing us little folk can do right now is boycott everything Haslam makes money off of.

Maybe just maybe the Feds will hit him hard enough with the Pilot scandal that he'll be forced to back off of everything.
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