Lady Vols - National Anthem

I’m just talking about your hypocrisy. You’re the one crying about it.

No hypocrisy and not cryin' and on Colin K, he won a legal settlement against the NFL. He may not have been the best QB but he was better than many who were signed to contracts as 2nd stringers.
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On the one hand, you’re proud these women were willing to exercise their right of Free Speech

....only to follow that up by applauding censorship? Personally, Madtownvol, I think you’re better than that.

**I should fairly note that I know little more than nothing about Parler; however, the irony in your post is, well, ironic. Besides, I just like messin witchya.

Please keep us updated on your younguns. I think you mentioned a tryout?

Krich, free speech does not mean you are immune to consequences. it means that the government does not punish for expressing your opinions, within limits (see sedition act).

Had the Lady vols knelt a few years back, they might have faced some sort university imposed discipline, much like NFL players back in 2016. but the culture has shifted on this issue--such that NFL, NBA, pro soccer support now only support such statements and college sports are no different.

But if the LVs had faced sanctions, that would not have been a free speech issue but a consequence issue.

Parler was not censored. Other brands like Amazon and Apple who they relied for web hosting and app hosting simply did not want to be associated with that platform any longer because it supported posts which violated their expressed terms of service. That business dissolution is a consequence of Parler's contract violation. Parler had a crap business model and apparently could not withstand that disruption.

My son is at a pro tryout this weekend. Seems to be going well but Covid has forced teams to reduce their roster sizes (budget cutting) and so a hypercompetitive world has gotten even more competitive.
No hypocrisy and not cryin' and on Colin K, he won a legal settlement against the NFL. He may not have been the best QB but he was better than many who were signed to contracts as 2nd stringers.
Winning a legal settlement doesn’t mean squat other than it wasn’t worth it to proceed. Surely you know that. Kaep might have been a little better than some second stringers but those second stringers weren’t asking for starter money and causing ownership and management headaches.
No hypocrisy and not cryin' and on Colin K, he won a legal settlement against the NFL. He may not have been the best QB but he was better than many who were signed to contracts as 2nd stringers.
He won a legal settlement because a multi-billion dollar business decided that forking over $8-10 million was worth getting rid of the headache. By the way Kaepernick was going to be signed by Baltimore, that was until his girlfriend decided to go on Twitter and call Steve Bischotti, the Ravens Owner, a slave master. So I guess he blackballed himself.
The key to the game is to actually play like you give a hoot. Jogging around and being lazy will get you beat.

If they can't bother to muster up more effort than they did against Georgia, especially on We Back Pat Week, then the mighty SJWs should do everyone a favor and just stay in the locker room...
What Do you mean “ In this society”? You do realize how Far this country has come in the last 50 years with regards to equality, right? 12 years ago we elected a president that was black and even re-elected him. He was elected not because black people voted for him, but because white people voted for him. We are getting ready to have a black VP. I really don’t understand statements like the one you made?
Kamala is not African American.
Like much of those in this bowel movement of current political ideology, I have subjected myself to mind numbing and baseless claims. I see no major reason to object to this election. As you suggest, and I remove my "head squarely out of the sand" not one person with authority has found any reason to object. Even Bill Bar who has defended drumpf in ways he shouldn't have can't find any substantial fraud. I could provide more examples. Court case after court case, many hashtags and numerous false accusations. Really only lead to a few truths that were evident before the election.

1. Voting and elections are state issues and if you understand federalism then you have been aware of this since high school. Hopefully, well before drumpf and the minions started hijacking the truth.

2. Preclearance was the system in place to give the federal government some control over the constitutionality of state elections. In short, preclearance forced states to obtain federal approval before changing voting laws. This was a result of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. An attempt to prevent the states from enacting Jim Crowe era voting restrictions. Republicans led the charge to eliminate Preclearance, with the idea that we don't need that regulation anymore. Which worked out for the republican party in the short term with what some consider voter suppression.

3. I really don't think Pre-clearance would have changed the outcome in 2020 but if possible would have been given election crybabies less to cry about. Essentially it is make sure the feds agree with the rules of the election. Evidence of all changes to the voting process would have been pre-approved. However, I think all would have been approved and this is evident in no court was willing to hear any challenges to the election results.

4. Drumpf and his minions have been the only people raving about election fraud since 2015. However, there was no stop the steal movement when drumpf won the election. The irony here is more than hypocritical and really speaks to drumpfs' inability to provide true leadership. Just because drumpf and his minions have said things over and over again do not make them true. They were as wrong the first time as they are right now. No, evidence of major election fraud occurred in 2015 or 2019.

With all that being said improving voter turnout and security should be a top priority for our government. Could the mail-in ballot system be improved, maybe? All these are worthwhile American causes, spewing baseless election fraud claims only weakens us and leads to domestic terrorism. Sadly people died for the b.s. drumpf was spewing and he doesn't give two flips.
You cheapen your argument by name calling. .
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No hypocrisy and not cryin' and on Colin K, he won a legal settlement against the NFL. He may not have been the best QB but he was better than many who were signed to contracts as 2nd stringers.

K don't want no job playing football. The only thing he is concerned about is his Social Justice Warrior BRAND. That strategy has been much more lucrative financially for him that his pay as a backup qb would ever be. It's all about the BRAND.

That dude just laughs with his comrades at all of the fools that pay him millions of dollars simply for shouting RACISM every chance he gets.
Yep, she's Indian-Jamaican. I read where she lived a good part of her life in Canada, does she have a dual passport? Do you want a president that holds a passport in another country leading you?

These marxist dont care. They'd have castro ad president as long as he kept mudering babies and stopped free speech
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