If you're old enough to get on the computer

Sly is a reliable poster. Very informative. Nice guy. There was that one incident but I'm willing to overlook that. :)
...then you are old enough to post like it.

When you choose to use phrases like sunshine pumpers, and Dooley worshipers, and negavols, and trolls, and all the other garbage y'all are using to describe each other, you just paint yourself as somebody who can't carry on a valid conversation about the game of football without coloring it with superlatives. If you're point is valid...you don't need the other crap.

There is an unlimited amount of material for our fan base to discuss. Good and bad. It's possible to discuss points without slamming someone else's opinion while you do it.

Show a little self respect, and act like you're capable of talking about the state of the Tennessee Football program without insulting the person you're talking to. It's not that hard.

Good talk... Now make me a sandwich.
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