Gift for the Queen



Keep America Great
Lab Rat
Oct 22, 2007
Our POTUS gave the Queen an I-Pod as a gift. Someone please defend this as an appropriate gift....anyone?
Beats the 25 DVDs he gave Gordon Brown - some of which were the wrong coding for European DVD players...
It many gigs of memory did it have?
Beats the 25 DVDs he gave Gordon Brown - some of which were the wrong coding for European DVD players...

you can buy region free DVD players just about anywhere.

the Queen already had an iPod.

Barack and his cronies once again prove that they're completely inept on foreign policy with our allies. I hate to think the gifts he's going to lavish on Kim Jong Il or Robert Mugabe.

edit: and is it just me, or as this Presidency wears on, the Obama apologists like Truefan become less and less frequent. Even oklavol and owb are showing some signs of coming out of their euphoria and emainvol has drifted so far to the center he's almost walking upright.
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I don't want to make a huge deal about the gifts, because I think it is pretty stupid (along with the folks on the TV that were going on about how the queen should be allowed to start each topic of conversation, etc.). But, an ipod is a stupid gift to give the queen.
edit: and is it just me, or as this Presidency wears on, the Obama apologists like Truefan become less and less frequent. Even oklavol and owb are showing some signs of coming out of their euphoria and emainvol has drifted so far to the center he's almost walking upright.
Maybe they just get tired of all the bitching ,moaning, and crying that goes on everyday on this board.Hey here is a thought maybe some of you all could go to a more evenly balanced (not 85-15 like this one) political board so you do not have to circle %$#$ each other every day.That would probably be too courageous for some of you all but it sure must get tiring even for you all to preach to the choir on a daily basis.:peace2:
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As long as he (we) didn't pay more than the list price on the Apple site then it was a great idea. Cheap, personal (I'm assuming he loaded it with some know..Sir Mix-A-Lot...Baby Got Back...), not to mention easy to carry on Air Force One.

Sure as hell beats the cost of a bailout.
Maybe they just get tired of all the bitching ,moaning, and crying that goes on everyday on this board.Hey here is a thought maybe some of you all could go to a more evenly balanced (not 85-15 like this one) political board so you don't have to circle %$#$ each other every day.That would probably be to courageous for some of you all but it sure must get tiring even for you all to sing to the choir on a daily basis.:peace2:

so what you're implying is that liberals can't defend their positions and once they grow weary, it's the conservatives that should pack their bags?

It was reported the Queen had requested a video iPod, and that she already had an audio iPod. As bad as the last gift giving ceremonial went, it looks like the video iPod was something the Queen wanted.
She's from one of the richest families in the world. what could he have gotten her she didnt have?
What's the point though - it's one step above getting her a gift card to Best Buy.

Just seems like a waste on many levels.
She's from one of the richest families in the world. what could he have gotten her she didnt have?

Obama is pretty wealthy in his own right, but Gordon Brown gave him something he couldn't buy in any store in any country.
What's the point though - it's one step above getting her a gift card to Best Buy.

Just seems like a waste on many levels.

I completely understand your sentiment and am by no means an Obama supporter...but...if gifts are going to be given, I'd rather he give a relatively cheap gift than some ostentatious monstrosity that cost's a fortune.
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Obama doing his best to show what an absolute tool he is. The thing is, I am sure he plays almost no rule on deciding the gift. I am sure some flunkie is in charge of these gift deals. He is surrounded by idiots.
He could have given her a gift that was more in line with himself. A Spalding bball, something original from Chicago or a picture of himself on the cover of People magazine. No he decided to give her an Ipod with the best of 50 Cent.
a bowling ball would have been a nice gift....he could have had a crown floating in the middle of the ball
He could have given her a gift that was more in line with himself. A Spalding bball, something original from Chicago or a picture of himself on the cover of People magazine. No he decided to give her an Ipod with the best of 50 Cent.

impossible, Fiddy Cent has yet to release something "good".
She asked for a video ipod and he gave one, good Lord. Is this all everyone has to complain about?
She asked for a video ipod and he gave one, good Lord. Is this all everyone has to complain about?

I am not complaining, I am laughing at his TOTAL lack of class, unless she called him PERSONALLY and asked him to "pick one up for me".
Outrage over an iPod which she wanted (going by what others have said), I may have seen it all now.
I would have given her something that was reflective of the bond between our two countries. Something of historic value. (Like what the PM gave to BHO)
I would have had someone on staff do some research and see what would be a one of a kind gift. Not something that he got for free from one of his biggest corporate donors.

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