Finished! Done!

Now that I've read a few more submissions I'd hope the answer is clear as the idea is coming across pretty clearly. Accusations are easy. I want the validity should too.

And that's not just something to abide by in this case either but in almost anything hear in the media or legal scenarios.

This isn't a criminal (innocent until proven guilty/beyond a reasonable doubt) case. It's a civil lawsuit that already has sworn testimony from a former UT Vice Chancellor and former director of student judicial affairs with damning charges of impropriety by UT in how it dealt with these cases. Keep telling yourself there are "two sides" to this and a year from now, will see what happens and revisit. Deal?
This isn't a criminal (innocent until proven guilty/beyond a reasonable doubt) case. It's a civil lawsuit that already has sworn testimony from a former UT Vice Chancellor and former director of student judicial affairs with damning charges of impropriety by UT in how it dealt with these cases. Keep telling yourself there are "two sides" to this and a year from now, will see what happens and revisit. Deal?

Deal. Now go away.
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It happens everywhere? I don't give two ****s, and anyone who proposes that excuse is a piece of human excrement that doesn't deserve the time of day. The possibility that this is epidemic across college athletics doesn't excuse or minimize the horrific nature of what is occurring.

The only reason the press is covering the UT allegations and not reporting on the atrocities taking place daily in Tuscaloosa is due to the fact that the state of Alabama refuses to acknowledge the raping of goats as anything other than a victimless crime.
I read halfway through the report and much of it comes across as sour grapes.
This isn't a criminal (innocent until proven guilty/beyond a reasonable doubt) case. It's a civil lawsuit that already has sworn testimony from a former UT Vice Chancellor and former director of student judicial affairs with damning charges of impropriety by UT in how it dealt with these cases. Keep telling yourself there are "two sides" to this and a year from now, will see what happens and revisit. Deal?

At this point there's very little vetted. Note that I (or most others here) aren't claiming what is or isn' are. So with that context why don't YOU wait a year from now (or until we've gotten beyond the accusation stage) and revisit. Deal?

And while this proves nothing if the university is as dead to rights guilty as you seem to assume why wouldn't they have settled by now? Would have been smarter play than having all the grisly details dragged out in public, don't you think?
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At this point there's very little vetted. Note that I (or most others here) aren't claiming what is or isn' are. So with that context why don't YOU wait a year from now (or until we've gotten beyond the accusation stage) and revisit. Deal?

And while this proves nothing if the university is as dead to rights guilty as you seem to assume why wouldn't they have settled by now? Would have been smarter play than having all the grisly details dragged out in public, don't you think?
So, you are saying their lack of settlement is evidence they are not guilty. love that logic.

If the AD and UT admin was this incompetent to get themselves in this mess, why do you think they have the wisdom to get out?
So, you are saying their lack of settlement is evidence they are not guilty. love that logic.

If the AD and UT admin was this incompetent to get themselves in this mess, why do you think they have the wisdom to get out?

You're assuming that they got themselves in a mess.
OK. That sounds reasonable. :good!::popcorn:

Well, considering Debbie Jennings, Jenny Wright, and Tim Rogers all have an axe to grind that's certainly the way it comes across.

If this lawsuit wasn't just a payday, then the girl from the Alexis Johnson situation would cooperate with the police investigation and not have rushed to become a Jane Doe.

It really comes across as "let's throw as much crap against the wall as we can and see what sticks."
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So, you are saying their lack of settlement is evidence they are not guilty. love that logic.

If the AD and UT admin was this incompetent to get themselves in this mess, why do you think they have the wisdom to get out?

If you missed this caveat then there's little point in giving you much credit in the discussion.

And while this proves nothing if the university is as dead to rights guilty as you seem to assume why wouldn't they have settled by now? Would have been smarter play than having all the grisly details dragged out in public, don't you think?
And another thing. If UT was really protecting its players the way the lawsuit describes, then how in the heck did its team captain and starting linebacker get charged with rape? Seriously. UT keeps guys like Marlin Lane protected from the law but not AJ? Does this not set off some alarms that maybe this lawsuit doesn't quite add up?
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Any sexual predator should be put under the jail period

Gold digging hoes that make false accusations should also be convicted of a felony, and jailed. Period.

Hell will freeze solid and rent skates before I quit cheering for my VOLS. Unless they came out as a satanic cult, or publicly mocked Christ, I will be buried with an orange tie on.
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Now I'm picturing Butch Jones in a black robe, standing over a bonfire and chanting rocky top in latin while he slaughters a chicken and pours its blood into the flames. The Tennessean was the kindling.
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If what the plaintiffs are accusing UT of is so egregious, then why haven't criminal charges been levied? Why has the FBI/TBI not surrounded the AD's office and hauled out computers, i.e. Pilot Oil?

To me, what the suit alleges, on its face, rises to criminal goings on.

I'm on the side that believes this has
everything to do with a money grab, rather than finding justice for alleged purps/victims.
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If what the plaintiffs are accusing UT of is so egregious, then why haven't criminal charges been levied? Why has the FBI/TBI not surrounded the AD's office and hauled out computers, i.e. Pilot Oil?

To me, what the suit alleges, on its face, rises to criminal goings on.

I'm on the side that believes this has
everything to do with a money grab, rather than finding justice for alleged purps/victims.
There are criminal charges filed. There have been criminal charges in the past cases. Read the lawsuit, it goes back to the early 90s. Whether it's about justice or not, UT appears to have made this quite easy for the plaintiff.

I have close personal experience with a local DAs office. It is very hard to prosecute sexual cases. just getting the victims to go through the process, when they know the charges are likely to get reduced to very little is frustrating and damaging.

Sure, it's a money grab, but that doesn't mean the case is without merit. Plenty of attorneys go after money grabs, but it's often because they know the case is winnable.
If what the plaintiffs are accusing UT of is so egregious, then why haven't criminal charges been levied? Why has the FBI/TBI not surrounded the AD's office and hauled out computers, i.e. Pilot Oil?

To me, what the suit alleges, on its face, rises to criminal goings on.

I'm on the side that believes this has
everything to do with a money grab, rather than finding justice for alleged purps/victims.

Criminal chargers weren't levied against Rapeist Winston, either. In fact, the whole theme of that case and to some degree this one is that the athletic department/coaches/football team engaged in a series of activities to thwart that.
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There are criminal charges filed. There have been criminal charges in the past cases. Read the lawsuit, it goes back to the early 90s. Whether it's about justice or not, UT appears to have made this quite easy for the plaintiff.

I have close personal experience with a local DAs office. It is very hard to prosecute sexual cases. just getting the victims to go through the process, when they know the charges are likely to get reduced to very little is frustrating and damaging.

Sure, it's a money grab, but that doesn't mean the case is without merit. Plenty of attorneys go after money grabs, but it's often because they know the case is winnable.

Being married to a lawyer doesn't make you an expert.
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Criminal chargers weren't levied against Rapeist Winston, either. In fact, the whole theme of that case and to some degree this one is that the athletic department/coaches/football team engaged in a series of activities to thwart that.

I know you have an unhealthy infatuation with Winston and FSU, but you know the guy has never been convicted of rape right?

And it's RAPIST, you dumb beaver.
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Criminal chargers weren't levied against Rapeist Winston, either. In fact, the whole theme of that case and to some degree this one is that the athletic department/coaches/football team engaged in a series of activities to thwart that.

Lg, did she ever involve non-campus LE?

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