Finished! Done!

We are talking about the same lawsuit that alleges lil Jon "promotes rape culture" (which is tumblrina level nonsense) and that giving the accused the right to representation and the right to face their accuser is unfair to the alleged victim? It's a witch hunt. Just like duke lacrosse was. Just like UVA was. Just like mattress girl.
You're simply not paying attention.
I haven't crucified any players. Read the dman lawsuit.

I've read it. And it shows one side of the issue. That is a fact. By reading THEIR side only you've judged UT guilty. So I say good riddance and don't let the door hit you.
I hope if you ever go to court that you don't get a jury who thinks like you.
OP: you've articulated your opinion. You are done with UT, and college athletics in general. Fine. Move on to better things.

Hanging around Volnation forum and this thread makes no sense. It's like the divorced spouse who says they are moving on but then continues to show up at their ex in-laws' house talking crap about their ex.

Nothing personal but i don't need to be policed by you. I've been a member of this forum for a long time, and enjoy participating in the political forum.

I am not participating or viewing threads on the sports side. I think this is an important topic of discussion, not just because I'm a UT alum, but because i am concerned about the state of college athletics in general. So, my decision to stop supporting UT financially and by attending games, doesn't mean i am not allowed to have an opinion on this subject. So, i'm going to discuss the subject and continue in this forum as long as i damn well please.

Since i started this thread, i'll continue as long as it is kept alive. If you have a problem with my participation, here is a hint, don't post here. Any response you make on this thread keeps it at the top.
Nothing personal but i don't need to be policed by you. I've been a member of this forum for a long time, and enjoy participating in the political forum.

I am not participating or viewing threads on the sports side. I think this is an important topic of discussion, not just because I'm a UT alum, but because i am concerned about the state of college athletics in general. So, my decision to stop supporting UT financially and by attending games, doesn't mean i am not allowed to have an opinion on this subject. So, i'm going to discuss the subject and continue in this forum as long as i damn well please.

Since i started this thread, i'll continue as long as it is kept alive. If you have a problem with my participation, here is a hint, don't post here. Any response you make on this thread keeps it at the top.
Fans get way too invested in their sports teams.
Nothing personal but i don't need to be policed by you. I've been a member of this forum for a long time, and enjoy participating in the political forum.

I am not participating or viewing threads on the sports side. I think this is an important topic of discussion, not just because I'm a UT alum, but because i am concerned about the state of college athletics in general. So, my decision to stop supporting UT financially and by attending games, doesn't mean i am not allowed to have an opinion on this subject. So, i'm going to discuss the subject and continue in this forum as long as i damn well please.

Since i started this thread, i'll continue as long as it is kept alive. If you have a problem with my participation, here is a hint, don't post here. Any response you make on this thread keeps it at the top.

I understand your concern, but you seem to be giving it way more legitimacy than it deserves, IMO.

Just one example, they name specific administrators and coaches as those fostering the supposed rape culture, then go on to name every disciplinary action taken against a UT football player in the last 20 years as examples, some of which were not in any way sex related. Nevermind the fact none of the named admin/coaches were even employed by UT during the vast majority of those cases. How do you feel about this?
Nothing personal but i don't need to be policed by you. I've been a member of this forum for a long time, and enjoy participating in the political forum.

I am not participating or viewing threads on the sports side. I think this is an important topic of discussion, not just because I'm a UT alum, but because i am concerned about the state of college athletics in general. So, my decision to stop supporting UT financially and by attending games, doesn't mean i am not allowed to have an opinion on this subject. So, i'm going to discuss the subject and continue in this forum as long as i damn well please.

Since i started this thread, i'll continue as long as it is kept alive. If you have a problem with my participation, here is a hint, don't post here. Any response you make on this thread keeps it at the top.

Nah, youve just brought your ranting and babbling like a 6 year old about football to the politics forum................
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I understand your concern, but you seem to be giving it way more legitimacy than it deserves, IMO.

Just one example, they name specific administrators and coaches as those fostering the supposed rape culture, then go on to name every disciplinary action taken against a UT football player in the last 20 years as examples, some of which were not in any way sex related. Nevermind the fact none of the named admin/coaches were even employed by UT during the vast majority of those cases. How do you feel about this?

I've already adressed much of this in subsequent comments. In the OP i stated even if only a portion of this is correct it is troubling. Roger's testimony is perhaps the most troubling because you have a 38 year veteran of UT who is pleading with his superiors to address situations and gets to the point where he "retires."

Sure, there are subjects like the Lil Jon thing that aren't in and of themselves any problem, but the plantiffs are pointing towards a culture issue. I know that the issue of using a Lil jon song did raise concerns and was mentioned in the media and had nothing to do with this case. The teams response was to ignore these concerns and not only to keep using his material, but to welcome him onto campus as some VIP. Hey, you write songs that are derogatory towards women, no problem, we'll celebrate you here! Not real intelligient if you ask me. The guy is referred to as having the most misogynistic lyrics out there.

As far as the issues addressed that were non sexual, i think they are simply painting a picture that UT would go to unusual lengths to keep its atheletes eligible. The majority of the suit deals with recent issues and plantiffs.

There is a larger narrative here. Whether it's Jamis Winston, or Cam Newton, college football is corrupt. Everyone does it? Don't care. I don't have to support this nonsense, and i won't.
I've already adressed much of this in subsequent comments. In the OP i stated even if only a portion of this is correct it is troubling. Roger's testimony is perhaps the most troubling because you have a 38 year veteran of UT who is pleading with his superiors to address situations and gets to the point where he "retires."

Sure, there are subjects like the Lil Jon thing that aren't in and of themselves any problem, but the plantiffs are pointing towards a culture issue. I know that the issue of using a Lil jon song did raise concerns and was mentioned in the media and had nothing to do with this case. The teams response was to ignore these concerns and not only to keep using his material, but to welcome him onto campus as some VIP. Hey, you write songs that are derogatory towards women, no problem, we'll celebrate you here! Not real intelligient if you ask me. The guy is referred to as having the most misogynistic lyrics out there.

As far as the issues addressed that were non sexual, i think they are simply painting a picture that UT would go to unusual lengths to keep its atheletes eligible. The majority of the suit deals with recent issues and plantiffs.

There is a larger narrative here. Whether it's Jamis Winston, or Cam Newton, college football is corrupt. Everyone does it? Don't care. I don't have to support this nonsense, and i won't.

The thing is, they specifically are targeting current UT officials and CBJ, while digging up old stuff from previous administrations as evidence. One could argue Coach Fulmer was too lax in his disciplinary action, but not CBJ.

What more can he do than suspend a player while it's investigated? It's not like he's hem-hawed around looking for excuses to "keep players eligible". In every single instance, they were gone. The rest is up to the legal system if it's a criminal matter.

IMO, CBJ has shown integrity rarely seen in the college football world when dealing with these problems. It's not like he's targeting known sex offenders to recruit to his program (see Nick Saban), or finding loop holes to keep his guys from facing justice (Fisher), or any of the other crazy stuff you hear about these days.

And yeah, I don't think it's any secret college football is somewhat corrupt on many levels, just not convinced there is corruption in this specific instance. Just too many things that don't add up.
There are rappers that rap about eating babies while raping women. Who then have more babies. PCP is bad.
I've already adressed much of this in subsequent comments. In the OP i stated even if only a portion of this is correct it is troubling. Roger's testimony is perhaps the most troubling because you have a 38 year veteran of UT who is pleading with his superiors to address situations and gets to the point where he "retires."

Sure, there are subjects like the Lil Jon thing that aren't in and of themselves any problem, but the plantiffs are pointing towards a culture issue. I know that the issue of using a Lil jon song did raise concerns and was mentioned in the media and had nothing to do with this case. The teams response was to ignore these concerns and not only to keep using his material, but to welcome him onto campus as some VIP. Hey, you write songs that are derogatory towards women, no problem, we'll celebrate you here! Not real intelligient if you ask me. The guy is referred to as having the most misogynistic lyrics out there.

As far as the issues addressed that were non sexual, i think they are simply painting a picture that UT would go to unusual lengths to keep its atheletes eligible. The majority of the suit deals with recent issues and plantiffs.

There is a larger narrative here. Whether it's Jamis Winston, or Cam Newton, college football is corrupt. Everyone does it? Don't care. I don't have to support this nonsense, and i won't.

Good for you - you're obviously above all of us Neanderthals that will continue to follow NCAA FB.

Having said that, why don't you go ahead and ride your high horse out of VN.

This thread has absolutely zero business in the politics forum.
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Well, i've already addressed this. if only a fraction of this is correct it is enough to maintain my position.

The dismissive attitude on display in this thread is one of fandom. I suggest you read the stuff on Rogers and why he resigned from his position. It is damning. With this much smoke there is fire. I don't UT has enough in the till to settle this in the time from they want.

Someone close to me just went through a civil trial and the complaint documents sounded horrendous but guess what it was investigated by the state and found to be complete BS and now the person making the complaint might be indicted.... Wait till the actual facts come out.... When someone tries to include a 20 yr old mooning incident and third down for what it makes me very hesitant to believe what may be true complaints against the university
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Good for you - you're obviously above all of us Neanderthals that will continue to follow NCAA FB.

Having said that, why don't you go ahead and ride your high horse out of VN.

This thread has absolutely zero business in the politics forum.

He doesn't get that there is a reason it wasn't brought up in here. He will cite the number of pages but won't understand it's only because he has such an extreme idiotic position on it. When you do dumb people will respond. With that said it will be my last time visiting this thread. And I bet the op will be posting in the Football forum in a few months. Just an emotional over reacting child. If he is 13 he gets a pass. Peace and may this thread die a quick death.
There are rock stars who are absolutely guilty of raping dozens of people. Male and female. There have been attacks using sharks for weapons. Its horrendous.
There are rock stars who are absolutely guilty of raping dozens of people. Male and female. There have been attacks using sharks for weapons. Its horrendous.

Sounds like something that could be made into a Rage Against The Machine song.
Sounds like something that could be made into a Rage Against The Machine song.
The same could be said for this entire thread. They could get ol' Zach back in the band and turn this embarassingly shameful ditty into an entire album.
Someone close to me just went through a civil trial and the complaint documents sounded horrendous but guess what it was investigated by the state and found to be complete BS and now the person making the complaint might be indicted.... Wait till the actual facts come out.... When someone tries to include a 20 yr old mooning incident and third down for what it makes me very hesitant to believe what may be true complaints against the university

No you don't get it, these women learned in their gender studies classes thay when a woman makes a sexual assault allegation we are to uncritically listen and believe the accuser. Asking for evidence and believing someone is innocent until proven guilty is patriarchy.
Those who are done - I would suggest you go look at the stats associated with other universities. I think you would be surprised about what you find.

If you choose to hold back your support of hundreds of students because of the alleged actions of a few that is sad.
Those who are done - I would suggest you go look at the stats associated with other universities. I think you would be surprised about what you find.

If you choose to hold back your support of hundreds of students because of the alleged actions of a few that is sad.
His support or lack of will hardly be missed. This is all about a look at me, I'm mad thread.
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There are rappers that rap about eating babies while raping women. Who then have more babies. PCP is bad.

Thats hilarious because they'd never be caught dead near a baby let alone one that was theirs.

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