2021 Fall Practice #14

Why don’t you go tell Mays to get happy if Ellerbe plays him at RT big boy ? Nobody including Kyberson said anything about Cade wanting to play at guard had anything to do with his NFL aspirations. That is just BS you want to interject. Maybe Mays feels he can help the team best at guard. Only natural for player to want to play where he can contribute the most to the team. Has nothing to do with being selfish or NFL aspirations. Another thing that Kyberson said that I didn’t hear that was brought up by another poster was that Cooper is a little small and may get shoved around by SEC NT’s. I went back and heard it for myself. If that is the case and if Spraggins is everything they say and you say then maybe move Carvin to center. Spraggins and Mays at guard, Wright and Davis at tackle gives you the best five. If this OL starting five is now set as your trusted Knoxville media says it is and given the nuisance about Cooper then I wonder if Ellerbe is trying to keep Daddy Mays happy. Hope not !!!

Hate to jump in your all‘s discussion but I think 2 points need to be stated. First, center is not a job somebody just moves to. They are the middle LB for the offense. They call the alignment for the OL. The other is why Mays is playing tackle. Tenn‘s best 5 has excess guards and not enough tackles. Mays can play both guard and tackle so in order to start the best 5 he plays tackle. Davis will probably get plenty of playing time because of May’s ability to move inside Davis can sub for any of the starters and they just move Mays over.
Hate to jump in your all‘s discussion but I think 2 points need to be stated. First, center is not a job somebody just moves to. They are the middle LB for the offense. They call the alignment for the OL. The other is why Mays is playing tackle. Tenn‘s best 5 has excess guards and not enough tackles. Mays can play both guard and tackle so in order to start the best 5 he plays tackle. Davis will probably get plenty of playing time because of May’s ability to move inside Davis can sub for any of the starters and they just move Mays over.

So how do you know the best five forces Mays to play RT ? Still 2 weeks before game day. Because Hubbs, Wallace, Brown and the other Knoxville media say so. I will take Kyberson’s opinion over theirs. According to Kyberson, Cooper is a little light to be playing as an SEC center. Feels he will be pushed around by heavy SEC NT. He said he probably weighs in the 290’s. He should know he coached him at Catholic and has watched practice all the way thru not just warmups. I have already discussed this with another poster that the best five might be Wright/ Spraggins left side, Carvin more experienced and heavier at center, and Mays/Davis right side. That is if Davis or someone steps up in the next two weeks. The K-Town media would have us believing a decision on the first unit has been made. I don’t buy it two weeks out. Maybe this time next week you might know something from the coaches.
It’s football! I’d be worried if there was not a few fights! Jeez, did any of you ever even play the game? I don’t remember many days when someone didn’t get into it.

It's true. You fight with them Monday through Thursday and go to war with them and for them on Friday. And down South, you go to church with them on Sunday!
These kids aren't the most cerebral lot. Not to mention again...heat of the moment.
They both directly talked to each other afterwards. They both cared to do that, and they let their teammates see them do it.

They both tore each other down. It wasn't just Banks.
Again, how do you know they talked? Are you at every practice? Are you media?
Im all for dropping tops, shaking hands after. A lot of older vets can tell you about going to the tree line or wall to wall counselings. What you should “perhaps” understand is there are ways of telling someone they’re being a piece of **** or **** bagging without tearing them down personally.

I’ve both led troops and played football and they are totally different territories…. I agree there are different ways but every leader is different you should know that.

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