Statement from Butch Jones

What I want to know is how all of this negative media attention going to effect us both on & off (recruiting) the field?
I don't think this will have any effect on how fast Kamara runs, or how Dobbs throws. This is just a bunch of BS Drama that is only looking for money. I say Cheek is probably gone though. They are definitely going to call for someone's head.
Nothing will happen to the UT brass, if I were a betting man I would say that only two of the recent allegations are legit those being AJ and Michael. The charges against CBJ are nothing more than sour grapes from an unhappy player similar to what Mack Crowder alleged. The team is better off without players like Bowles and Crowder. They were selfish players and that is a fact. Bowles can't even see the field at UTC. He is just pissed about his football career and how it has turned out.
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Oh, I get it. Some if the most damning "under oath" statements ever leavied against a coach, a coach who has had previous questionable behavior "rumors," in a Federal lawsuit, and it's no big deal, nothing to see here? I appreciate that some of you want to circle the wagons, but you better start seeing this as the rest of world outside of Vol Nation sees it; very badly!
Why don't you go play with a bunch of rattlesnakes. You clearly seem to support the feminists that believe no man should be given due process but tarred, feathered and burned at the stake based on nothing but their word.
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They tried to postpone the AJ rape trial and couldn't do it.

He is not going to be convicted and that will hurt their pending Title IX claim

And there is a good reason they don't want accuser's text messages made available after the alleged AJ rape incident to come out. That is because those text messages will reveal everything that is wrong with this case.

If I were AJ's defense attorney, I would appeal that denial of admission forever until it is decided by some court--any court--that the truth should be brought out, and the truth is hidden in those private text messages we can't get at. YET!
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If it were proven that Butch Jones call him a traitor. [I do not believe it can be proven.] But if it were proven that he said that, He would have to Go!!!! I do not believe that it can be proven, He is such a great PR guy. I think he is smarter than to say those words to a player.

I don't. At the time, it would have seemed that the issue should have come to the coaches before the police.

Even if he said it, he may not have understood the severity or seriousness of the supposed actions.

They tried to postpone the AJ rape trial and couldn't do it.

He is not going to be convicted and that will hurt their pending Title IX claim

And there is a good reason they don't want accuser's text messages made available after the alleged AJ rape incident to come out. That is because those text messages will reveal everything that is wrong with this case.

If I were AJ's defense attorney, I would appeal that denial of admission forever until it is decided by some court--any court--that the truth should be brought out, and the truth is hidden in those private text messages we can't get at. YET!

Or they could be delaying it because the accuser has no interest in having her name made officially public.

Perhaps because she just doesn't want the shame... or perhaps because she doesn't want the scrutiny.

But it is difficult to see this going to trial.
Did Butch just copy and paste this denial from his previous Crowder denial? Reads like it.

The guy seems to have some issues. If he doesn't start winning ships, quick, he needs to be gone!

Oh look, a troll who has it all figured out. Inform everyone what these issues are. I'm not BJ biggest fan but I want to know what these issues are.
Or they could be delaying it because the accuser has no interest in having her name made officially public.

Perhaps because she just doesn't want the shame... or perhaps because she doesn't want the scrutiny.

But it is difficult to see this going to trial.

somebody knows..
And thats why he will never be called to the stand. Their putting all this out there now trying to force UT to settle out of court. If Bowles takes the stand he leaves in handcuffs.

He will show up in response to a legally issued subpoena or arrested for being in contempt of court...assuming he lives in proximity of the courthouse, which I believe is the case.
Oh, I get it. Some if the most damning "under oath" statements ever leavied against a coach, a coach who has had previous questionable behavior "rumors," in a Federal lawsuit, and it's no big deal, nothing to see here? I appreciate that some of you want to circle the wagons, but you better start seeing this as the rest of world outside of Vol Nation sees it; very badly!

Obviously, you don't get it. The "rest of the world" either has their own agenda or has no real interest. Their view is tainted either by their agenda or their apathy.

It is clear that your agenda is to try to appear "above" the Vol fans. Unfortunate for you, you keep sinking lower.
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They tried to postpone the AJ rape trial and couldn't do it.

He is not going to be convicted and that will hurt their pending Title IX claim

And there is a good reason they don't want accuser's text messages made available after the alleged AJ rape incident to come out. That is because those text messages will reveal everything that is wrong with this case.

If I were AJ's defense attorney, I would appeal that denial of admission forever until it is decided by some court--any court--that the truth should be brought out, and the truth is hidden in those private text messages we can't get at. YET!

Me too. She will enjoy a nice day of deposition questioning in addition to at least a day of testimony at trial. It will not be fun for her.

If course, her lawyers will move the court to preclude a lot of questioning at trial on her sexual history, history with the players, texts, etc. it will depend on how relevant the judge finds any of it to the issues in this case. I find it hard to believe she will be able to exclude everything, but you never know.

Even then, most of it should be fair game in her deposition, which will be deemed confidential and not for public consumption. Unless somebody pulls a Nutright and disclosed it anyhow.
He will show up in response to a legally issued subpoena or arrested for being in contempt of court...assuming he lives in proximity of the courthouse, which I believe is the case.

He is obviously material to both cases. He will testify at both.. Is he not a party plaintiff to the Title IX suit?
This is a Federal lawsuit, with MULTIPLE victims, not some backwoods local lawsuit in Smalltown, Tn. And it involves sexual assault against women, and in the day and age of Ray Rice, Bill Cosby, Adrian Peterson, Ray McDonald, Jamies Winston and others, America doesn't have the stomach for this. Expect the liberal media and rival fans to fan the flames, womens groups will get involved and this thing will become a nightmare, it already is! So some of y'all can keep floating down that river of denial all you want, at your own peril.

So, it's filed in the federal court in Nashville and is based on federal law versus the very nice state court in Nashville. What is your point? Backwoods, TN? Really? The case should be in federal court in Knoxville. The plaintiffs are obviously forum shopping to find a more sympathetic potential jury. The crux of this case is not some isolated statement Butch allegedly made to a kid taken out of context. It is what process did UT have in place regarding inappropriate behavior and criminal acts regarding its female students and was it reasonable to address these types of issues and appropriately enforced to protect the students and not create a dangerous or hostile environment? That is a pretty big task for the plaintiffs. The affidavits are filed in support of the complaint and media are cherry picking the most sensational items.
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Remember, when a group goes through trials and tough times together, it makes them even stronger and closer to one another. The truth will come out one way or another. If all of this turns out to be untrue/unproven, can you imagine the electricity vaulting through Neyland when the team runs through the T on opening day? I predict similar to Tom Brady leading the Pats out opening night after the offseason they had last year with the screaming and fist pump.
Coach Butch Jones. Class Act. You all are certainly intitled to your thoughts. For me I stand 1000% with our Coach. Let the process speak for the truth not quotes from lawyers seeking money.
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So, it's filed in the federal court in Nashville and is based on federal law versus the very nice state court in Nashville. What is your point? Backwoods, TN? Really? The case should be in federal court in Knoxville. The plaintiffs are obviously forum shopping to find a more sympathetic potential jury. The crux of this case is not some isolated statement Butch allegedly made to a kid taken out of context. It is what process did UT have in place regarding inappropriate behavior and criminal acts regarding its female students and was it reasonable to address these types of issues and appropriately enforced to protect the students and not create a dangerous or hostile environment? That is a pretty big task for the plaintiffs. The affidavits are filed in support of the complaint and media are cherry picking the most sensational items.

Hit the nail directly on the head!! The worst part of the whole thing is the whole suit amounts to little more than gossip.
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This is a Federal lawsuit, with MULTIPLE victims, not some backwoods local lawsuit in Smalltown, Tn. And it involves sexual assault against women, and in the day and age of Ray Rice, Bill Cosby, Adrian Peterson, Ray McDonald, Jamies Winston and others, America doesn't have the stomach for this. Expect the liberal media and rival fans to fan the flames, womens groups will get involved and this thing will become a nightmare, it already is! So some of y'all can keep floating down that river of denial all you want, at your own peril.

I've read this three times and I still can't figure out what your point is. None of this has been adjudicated and you are running around crying Cosby and accusing everyone of not being able to see what a mess this is.

I think everybody who takes the time to post on this page is worried about the damage this is doing. It seems like something new everyday. The media is already bashing us, the women's support groups are already on campus. But just because you can read the newspaper it doesn't mean you know how all of this plays out.

God forbid any of us actually believe that Butch is the guy we all thought he was, did the right thing and deserves to have his reputation defended. But I guess that would just make me stupid.
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One statement was made under oath. When Butch is ready to do that, I will be onboard.
Who cares if you're on board. Since you'd compare CBJ with the ilk of Donnie Tyndall, you've proven your value to be 'bout as equal as breasts on a bull. Quit while you're still a rookie on here. You've made me weary.
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I don't want to bash innocent victims of rape or any other kind of abuse inflicted by overpowering male suitors. There are innocent victims and there are victims who might be less innocent than others.

If a young lady has sex in a bed room with her man, and in that same room at the same time, the other male room mate is part of the scene watching, and if it is common practice for these guys to share their conquests, do you think maybe that young lady had placed herself in a very bad situation after the onlooking room mate wants a piece of the candy too?

If that is how her evening ended, maybe she would like to remain a Jane Doe, especially after including these details in the report she gave to the police.

If this sounds far fetched, take a few minutes and read the 20 pages of police reports included as exhibits in the Amended Complaint.

Of course these Jane Doe's want to remain anonymous. Who could blame them. The actions of these accusers detailed in police reports are absolutely flooring to an old guy like me.

There is a reason why they are Jane Doe's and there is a reason why the present Title IX Claim wanted to postpone the AJ trial.

Read the police reports. They are included in the suit as EXHIBITS. The names are redacted, but the story is there even if it is about Jane Doe.

Read the police report. It's a real eye opener.
I don't want to bash innocent victims of rape or any other kind of abuse inflicted by overpowering male suitors. There are innocent victims and there are victims who might be less innocent than others.

If a young lady has sex in a bed room with her man, and in that same room at the same time, the other male room mate is part of the scene watching, and if it is common practice for these guys to share their conquests, do you think maybe that young lady had placed herself in a very bad situation after the onlooking room mate wants a piece of the candy too?

If that is how her evening ended, maybe she would like to remain a Jane Doe, especially after including these details in the report she gave to the police.

If this sounds far fetched, take a few minutes and read the 20 pages of police reports included as exhibits in the Amended Complaint.

Of course these Jane Doe's want to remain anonymous. Who could blame them. The actions of these accusers detailed in police reports are absolutely flooring to an old guy like me.

There is a reason why they are Jane Doe's and there is a reason why the present Title IX Claim wanted to postpone the AJ trial.

Read the police reports. They are included in the suit as EXHIBITS. The names are redacted, but the story is there even if it is about Jane Doe.

Read the police report. It's a real eye opener.

I'm going to limit my participation in this thread to supporting Butch and the statement he made. If I'm wrong about him then he fooled me. I think his integrity is one of the things that pulled this team out of mediocrity.

That being said, I don't like this post one bit. I have my doubts on the veracity of these girls allegations but being promiscuous doesn't mean you lose your right to keep someone from attacking you.
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