Statement from Butch Jones

This is a Federal lawsuit, with MULTIPLE victims, not some backwoods local lawsuit in Smalltown, Tn. And it involves sexual assault against women, and in the day and age of Ray Rice, Bill Cosby, Adrian Peterson, Ray McDonald, Jamies Winston and others, America doesn't have the stomach for this. Expect the liberal media and rival fans to fan the flames, womens groups will get involved and this thing will become a nightmare, it already is! So some of y'all can keep floating down that river of denial all you want, at your own peril.

Welcome Drama Queen.

Your point may get missed by your attempt to state the obvious while trying to put yourself above "backwoods" Tennessee.

Yes, this topic makes for great news ratings and, therefore, will be exploited for the dollars it can generate.

However, you are missing the point of most posts in this thread, which is, Butch should fight for the sake of his reputation. He should be supported by UT and fans until facts prove otherwise.
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It never ceases to amaze how the board lines up: some blindly supporting and others cynical, skeptical and with a rope in hand. The truth is usually in the middle. People hear, see and believe what fits their narrative. The university has not caved and the plaintiffs have a lot of gaps to fill. They will need more than they have in the supporting affadavit to win. I am skeptical of those who claim to know the substance of the grand jury testimony. Those are sealed proceedings. Both sides will be watching the criminal case closely to see if the testimony of the alleged victim and the witness Bowles are credible and in any way support the civil suit. I would like to believe Butch would be smarter and more professional than is alleged. In any event we are dealing with 18-21 year olds in a major college atmosphere and how the university should best deal with these issues to be fair to both sides.
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This is a Federal lawsuit, with MULTIPLE victims, not some backwoods local lawsuit in Smalltown, Tn. And it involves sexual assault against women, and in the day and age of Ray Rice, Bill Cosby, Adrian Peterson, Ray McDonald, Jamies Winston and others, America doesn't have the stomach for this. Expect the liberal media and rival fans to fan the flames, womens groups will get involved and this thing will become a nightmare, it already is! So some of y'all can keep floating down that river of denial all you want, at your own peril.

Nothing's going to happen to us...drama Queen. :aggressive:
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In any event we are dealing with 18-21 year olds in a major college atmosphere and how the university should best deal with these issues to be fair to both sides.

With lawyers who are good at influencing folks with what they can gain financially. When that happens, truth and facts go out the door and the focus becomes $$'s not addressing whatever those with good intentions thought may or may not be flawed in a process.
last time I checked this was all ALLEGED info and no facts or convictions have taken place.... the media is dragging UT and Jones through the mud full throttle and not even reporting the other side of this.... very sad. Bowles told the News Sentinel in an interview on Feb 13, 2015 that he had given the ALLEGED victim a ride home from the party at which the rape ALLEGEDLY occured, but that she did NOT mention that she had been raped. He also denied rumors that he had been assaulted... Why is this not being published along with the BS they are throwing??? This shows someone who is telling two different stories... Heck, the crazy lady going after Manning has claimed 33 instances of sexual misconduct between '90 and '96! Why are people even giving this lady a voice?
Butch Please !


I full support butch. He has shown nothing but class and has been swift and firm on punishments so far during his time here. I would be totally shocked to find out he did anything close to the accusations floating out there.
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Did Butch just copy and paste this denial from his previous Crowder denial? Reads like it.

The guy seems to have some issues. If he doesn't start winning ships, quick, he needs to be gone!

Somebody definitely has some issues and I don't think it is Butch. *wink wink*
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I will leave it at this. Tennessee fell off for years and everything was quiet, and perfect with them gone in football..... Now fast forward to This year. Tennessee FOOTBALL is back, everything is going great, we are national title contenders for the first time and this huge scandal explodes right before spring workouts. This is deeper than lawyers and accusers. There are some people that have a vandetta and jealousy issue with the football program, and probably would have no problem with it being gone. The same people that prevented mega hire coaches from coming here. Until this is changed, Tennessee is gonna struggle to get back. Unfortunately this butch accusation has the potential to tarnish football results. I wish both sides were stated. It's sad.
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Good for Butch. When someone challenges your character, you step up to the mic and put that **** to rest.

Either he said it or he didn't, but this way, it's on them to prove he did. If they can prove it, he's gone.

I'm glad he didn't stay quiet and let the tension build. I support Butch
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Can you not wait for the actual FACTs? Perception is NOT reality, you are promoting a cliche. Facts are reality, sheesh, get an education or renroll for God's sake!

LOL how is the weather over there in Utopia??? Over here in the real world...Im shytting bricks because no matter what, we come out of this shyt storm stained.... Heres to hoping the stain can be washed off!!:furious3:
I will leave it at this. Tennessee fell off for years and everything was quiet, and perfect with them gone in football..... Now fast forward to This year. Tennessee FOOTBALL is back, everything is going great, we are national title contenders for the first time and this huge scandal explodes right before spring workouts. This is deeper than lawyers and accusers. There are some people that have a vandetta and jealousy issue with the football program, and probably would have no problem with it being gone. The same people that prevented mega hire coaches from coming here. Until this is changed, Tennessee is gonna struggle to get back. Unfortunately this butch accusation has the potential to tarnish football results. I wish both sides were stated. It's sad.

100% agree which is why I feel like lets just have it out. Full blown civil war and lay it all out on the table. Because I don't believe for a second if Dave Hart goes away this ends. The next Athletic Director will have the same problem with the same people. Further who wants to lead this AD with a perpetual state of blackmail. Further lets go on a fishing expedition through the women's basketball program and see what we find. Pat Summitt created a monster and its time to end it.
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I will leave it at this. Tennessee fell off for years and everything was quiet, and perfect with them gone in football..... Now fast forward to This year. Tennessee FOOTBALL is back, everything is going great, we are national title contenders for the first time and this huge scandal explodes right before spring workouts. This is deeper than lawyers and accusers. There are some people that have a vandetta and jealousy issue with the football program, and probably would have no problem with it being gone. The same people that prevented mega hire coaches from coming here. Until this is changed, Tennessee is gonna struggle to get back. Unfortunately this butch accusation has the potential to tarnish football results. I wish both sides were stated. It's sad.

Timing of when we are good and I will add merging of athletic departments and the Lady Vol saga.
Good for Butch. When someone challenges your character, you step up to the mic and put that **** to rest.

Either he said it or he didn't, but this way, it's on them to prove he did. If they can prove it, he's gone.

I'm glad he didn't stay quiet and let the tension build. I support Butch

Completely agree.
Pat Summitt created a monster and its time to end it.

I don't know that Pat is the root of this, but people around the Lady Vols certainly are. Debbie Jernings has already shown that she has a connection to this lawsuit. She thought she was bigger than UT Football and she will do everything she can to destroy it. She's a man hating feminazi.
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What I think this boils down to about Bowles is that he was recruited by Dooley as a highly toughted prospect who was probably promised a WR rotation spot and then Jones comes in and makes everybody compete for a position and Bowles does not cut it. In the process he is frustrated and not to mention his girlfriend is cheating on him which makes him more frustrated and he found it was his teammate (AJ Johnson), so he probably thinks "were all supposed to be brothers, so when he tell CBJ, he gets p-o'd cause other players find out about it and then Maggit and him get into a fight then he goes to CBJ again and Curt doesn't get suspended for punching so now he has a vendetta against CBJ.............and the rest is history !!!
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I haven't always been in agreement with CBJ. One thing is for sure. His character has never been in question. Any attempt on his character is laughable at best. No way any of this bull crap "Balls" has said holds any weight. Considering he changed his story already. Thing is, the ability for people to extort money is a crime. Its politically incorrect to go after the accusers. I feel like once the dust settles there needs to be a penance for the accusers if found that they are in the wrong.
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This may have already been discussed, but with all the Threads out there I just picked this one to ask my ?

Does anyone know who these eight plaintiffs are? Are they women who play sports or are they regular students? Also who are the perpetrators, are they football athletes, someone other athlete or are they regular students? Anybody have any insight? Thanks
This may have already been discussed, but with all the Threads out there I just picked this one to ask my ?

Does anyone know who these eight plaintiffs are? Are they women who play sports or are they regular students? Also who are the perpetrators, are they football athletes, someone other athlete or are they regular students? Anybody have any insight? Thanks

Send Debbie Jennings a message on facebook. She'll know.
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Waiting for the dust to settle on this one.

We got a long wait. Every time it starts to settle, some jughead in the media or elsewhere keeps stirring it up. Ready to dig deep, and provide a few of these folks with an all expenses paid vacation. To Eastern Syria.
This may have already been discussed, but with all the Threads out there I just picked this one to ask my ?

Does anyone know who these eight plaintiffs are? Are they women who play sports or are they regular students? Also who are the perpetrators, are they football athletes, someone other athlete or are they regular students? Anybody have any insight? Thanks

Yes, we know who they are, but we are not allowed to tell you.
Senior Member

"Bowles said Butch called him a traitor. Nothing in Butch's statement addresses this accusation."

This above post and its contents needs clarification. I have read the Amended Complaint.

Bowles DID NOT SAY Butch called him a traitor.

Bowles said Butch accused him of "betraying the team." This is the only direct "quote" in the Complaint from Bowles.

It is plaintiff's lawyers who use the word "TRAITOR" for the first time in the next sentence.

So, Bowles did accuse Butch of telling him he "betrayed the team" and Bowles rush to judgment in calling 911 on behalf of his ex-girlfriend without getting the other side that story--which might not have played out so good for the girl--could very easily be considered a "team betrayal."

But Bowles DID NOT accuse Butch of calling him a "TRAITOR." That came in the following sentence in the Complaint and was from the imagination of the plaintiffs lawyers and that choice of words was clearly calculated to do exactly what it has done.



I also read the 16 page police reports detailing the Marlon Lane incident (he was never charged) and all I can say is WOW! WOW! And the AJ incident seems similar and the names are not included but it looks like it is some of the same girls.
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This may have already been discussed, but with all the Threads out there I just picked this one to ask my ?

Does anyone know who these eight plaintiffs are? Are they women who play sports or are they regular students? Also who are the perpetrators, are they football athletes, someone other athlete or are they regular students? Anybody have any insight? Thanks

Someone mentioned that two of the Jane Does were current or former Lady Vols BB players. The suit does not specify whether any of the other alleged victims other than the member of the UT crew team involved in the AJ case were accosted by UT male athletes. The suit basically is seeking damages for the defendents because it alleges that the University does not properly investigate and take action on students involved in sexual abuse cases.
If it were proven that Butch Jones call him a traitor. [I do not believe it can be proven.] But if it were proven that he said that, He would have to Go!!!! I do not believe that it can be proven, He is such a great PR guy. I think he is smarter than to say those words to a player.
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Who will be the pound of Flesh that will satisfy the Politically Correct Lynch Mob? They will demand a pound of flesh!!! Will it be Cheek, Hart, or CBJ? Or all three?

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