Official Jon Gruden Thread XVI

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Just curious if it is indeed Reggie Mckenzie on that private jet coming from Northern CA at 6:20PM..Anyone know anyone who works at airport who could snap a camera photo..would be fun to see
If Fedora declines today, then this is happening. No one could even get lucky enough to guess that all 3 candidates would decline on the same day.. This is exciting

I have been off the wagon with these rumors...... HOWEVER, this is my sentiments exactly.

No way that would be a guess.
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I don't know what it is about this Gruden rumor, it just has so much temerity.

Or Tenacity.
Guys, I've neen trolling the last few threads because i gave up hope on Gruden. But for a very specific reason, I just became 100% sure that he will be our next coach. Today is a great day for me

Gruden 2012
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"Losers always whine about their best. Grudenites go home and F*** the prom queen. "

~Gruden 2013~ The Reign of Chucky..

_VFL. G.B.O._
Keep Calm and Grude On!!
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GoBigOrange asks a rational question and is crucified for it.

We come back to this thread for amusement, and because we can. Unless you are an administrator, there isn't anything you can do about it. Enjoy the remarks, as I enjoy your pithy insults.

Funny how you two show up at the same time...

No he didn't, he made a smart mouth remark at the end of his supposed question. The whole thing was sarcasm.

But hey to each their own. I guess we grudenites need to go over to the Strong thread and blow them up considering Strong isn't going to coach here!!!!!

Things like this never happen. (Alabama, Ohio State) We shouldn't get our hopes up.

At least when I dream, I dream big.
I haven't been able to read, crashed, as everyone knows. How far back in the thread do I need to go to read what everyone seems exited about? Or could someone do me a solid and fill me in? Please and thank you.
I enjoy discussion. Have been wanting some here, but nobody has any rebuttals but yelling and getting their panties in a wad. I just wanted some back and forth.

Hi there. Just a thought.....the limited response you are receiving may be, possibly, due to the fact that you're coming across as a smarmy jerk and don't appear to really desire any sort of genuine dialogue.

I could be wrong of course.

Carry on.:salute:
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If Fedora declines today, then this is happening. No one could even get lucky enough to guess that all 3 candidates would decline on the same day.. This is exciting

I been telling you guys Hart has his man... NO one else had been offer the coaching job. Now he may be talking to other coaches and he will continue that until the RIGHT time and you will see.
I don't get why people believe everything they hear on TV or the radio.
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Jason Higdon‏@Jason_Higdon

@JanMan59 it means Tennessee is coming hard the start of round number 2

Higdon's been saying Strong would probably stay, now saying UT making another run at him.


So we are supposed to believe that we are going to pay 4mill for a coach from the big east who lost to UCONN?

And they say we are crazy.
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One question for the brilliant "insiders":

Why would UT offer Charlie Strong (and it is confirmed they did) if Gruden had any chance of accepting an offer from UT?

I can go ahead and answer for you: They offered Charlie Strong knowing that Gruden was not and is not coming. Im not sure why you guys are keeping this alive.

This isn't asking for a fair discussion. This is called being a d!ck.

There you go mrorange (who i have on ignore).
There is a difference between thinking there is not enough evidence to give up, which i understand, and having evidence right in front of you that you choose to ignore. Charlie Strong has been offered, and there is no evidence to prove likewise.

You live under a rock?or to broke to have espn? Its on espn charlie strong stayin put.
22m bill hofheimer ‏@bhofheimer_espn
Outback Bowl in Tampa gets #MNF treatment: @miketirico and Jon Gruden will call @GamecockFB vs @umichfootball -Jan 1, ESPN.
People come to this thread for maybe a glimmer of hope that JG may actually come here. As far as I know there has not been another coach step up to the mic and say "I am your new coach." Until that happens the people on this thread have a right to believe. If you think it's not going to happen then that is your right to do so. But this thread supports GRUDEN if you don't then the only thing I can say and I say this with all due respect and as nice as I can. GET THE H*LL OUT!
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