Janzen Jackson, Nukeese Richardson arrested

Exactly, its frustrating that some people are trying to justify letting work himself back onto this team. If the facts are as we have heard them he should be gone. He was a hell of a player, but he was not just an innocent guy in this situation. Don't forget he was suspended for the Memphis game. So he has already been in trouble.

Most of what we have heard has been hearsay. Not Facts.
Richardson and Edwards were donning the black hoodies, which one carried the weapon is not reported.

Jackson was the one that came up and told everyone it was time to go.

I hate to see any SEC school get a black mark, rather see every SEC school be ethically pure and for the competition to exceed any anywhere, including the NFL.

However, if this accelerates the removal of Loquacious Kantankerous, then this can only be good for the sport, the SEC, and everyone who loves this game.

And, yes, "kick them while their down" is perfectly acceptable behavior. After all, Gators spent nearly 90 years chasing their first conference championships, we know what being "down" is all about, and what it is liked to get kicked around while being there.

As long as you revel in having the least ethical, loud mouth coach in college football, you will get every kick you deserve. And you will get many more kicks that you may not deserve, but the kicker will enjoy delivering the kicks any way.

Go Gators!
How many arrests has Urban had? That's right, Gator dumbass.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
If all this is true then, they all need to be removed from the team. It is nothing but selfishness on their part without any regard to their fellow teamates and to the program. We don't need players who put themselves above the law or before the team. I trust that CLK will do the right thing.
I couldn't agree more. I think VOLS 1884 hit the nail on the head. Just when I was really getting fired up about our squad and CLK looked like the program had turned the corner (which it still has, don't get me wrong 3 players don't make a team) this shadow is cast over the program. Hopefully Hamilton and CLK remove these players and the Vols continue their move in the positive direction. Couldn't be more disappoint in these 3 young men
rumors off of basilios radio show that charges against jackson may be dropped. and that kiffin will make statements later about edwards and richardson being kicked off the team and jackson being suspended indefinately. what do yall think, i think jackson should be gone to, if he was involved.
rumors off of basilios radio show that charges against jackson may be dropped. and that kiffin will make statements later about edwards and richardson being kicked off the team and jackson being suspended indefinately. what do yall think, i think jackson should be gone to, if he was involved.

Depends on what Jackson's role was in the whole incident. If Jackson was inside the store when it occurred and came out and just told them to come on let's go then I dunno I don't think he should be kicked off just be told he's on very thin ice.
rumors off of basilios radio show that charges against jackson may be dropped. and that kiffin will make statements later about edwards and richardson being kicked off the team and jackson being suspended indefinately. what do yall think, i think jackson should be gone to, if he was involved.

my personal feeling is that if JJ was involved there's no way charges would be dropped. But I would not be against him not playing the rest of the year depending on his involvement
rumors off of basilios radio show that charges against jackson may be dropped. and that kiffin will make statements later about edwards and richardson being kicked off the team and jackson being suspended indefinately. what do yall think, i think jackson should be gone to, if he was involved.

if charges are dropped he wasn't involved. he should be suspended if this is true though.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
rumors off of basilios radio show that charges against jackson may be dropped. and that kiffin will make statements later about edwards and richardson being kicked off the team and jackson being suspended indefinately. what do yall think, i think jackson should be gone to, if he was involved.
If jj wasn't actively participating in the robbery I world have no problem with him remaining on the team. Just a case of wrong place wrong time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Most of what we have heard has been hearsay. Not Facts.

If JJ was in the car he is guilty. He is not innocent if he was in the car and tells the other 2 "we have got to go" I know we would love to have him on the team, he is a first round pick, but there should be 0 tolerance for anything like this.
lol I know this happens everywhere but I am LMAO. What a great steal Richardson was from Meyer hahahahahahahaha. This is everywhere in the media already, but was it not you guys who said all pub is good pub. This is sure to win over moms and dads all over the country. But you will defiently get all the thugs at UT now.
hard to believe he wasn't involved. not fair for Nuke and Edwards to take the fall and JJ walk away scott free not even a week after being suspended.
If JJ was in the car he is guilty. He is not innocent if he was in the car and tells the other 2 "we have got to go" I know we would love to have him on the team, he is a first round pick, but there should be 0 tolerance for anything like this.

He wasn't in the car when he said that. He was coming out of the store. He may not have known anything was even going on.
lol I know this happens everywhere but I am LMAO. What a great steal Richardson was from Meyer hahahahahahahaha. This is everywhere in the media already, but was it not you guys who said all pub is good pub. This is sure to win over moms and dads all over the country. But you will defiently get all the thugs at UT now.

so the cred Elder built up for bama is all gone?
lol I know this happens everywhere but I am LMAO. What a great steal Richardson was from Meyer hahahahahahahaha. This is everywhere in the media already, but was it not you guys who said all pub is good pub. This is sure to win over moms and dads all over the country. But you will defiently get all the thugs at UT now.

Glad you're here, I wanted to ask a bammer how ya'll delt with situations like this
hard to believe he wasn't involved. not fair for Nuke and Edwards to take the fall and JJ walk away scott free not even a week after being suspended.

I don't see a way Janzen will be able to come back. This is at least his 3rd incident. Granted the curfew thing wasn't a huge deal, but the supposed failed drug test was.
If jj wasn't actively participating in the robbery I world have no problem with him remaining on the team. Just a case of wrong place wrong time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Of course I don't know all the details, but the only thing that bothers me on this is what are the chances of him just being there at the same time as his teammates? I do hope his is the case for his sake, but it does seem just a bit odd.
lol I know this happens everywhere but I am LMAO. What a great steal Richardson was from Meyer hahahahahahahaha. This is everywhere in the media already, but was it not you guys who said all pub is good pub. This is sure to win over moms and dads all over the country. But you will defiently get all the thugs at UT now.

What's wrong genius, don't you know how to spell PUBLICITY?????

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