UT FOOT(ball) in mouth . . . TAKE 2

Too late. Did you see the video about the coaches?

Look, WHO CARES???? Let us gin up some excitement by any means necessary.

And to be fair our coaches did coach those players.

Im confused as to how touting uga and bama players in the nfl builds excitement for tennessee, but okay.

Its funny that history tends to repeat itself around here yet nothing changes.
Kiffin hangs up usc players to excite tennessee, everyone bashes him for it after he leaves.
Dooley says dumb stuff, people defend it until he starts losing games.
Butch says dumb stuff people defend it until he starts losing games.
Pruitt says dumb stuff....he better hope he wins alot of gamess....

16,17,18 year old kids view him as old news he's retired and played at Tennessee before they were born.
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I’ve lurked and post every now and then, don’t really have the football knowledge that some on here do., but I am very passionate about Football. I’ve read a lot of post, some are really informative and some are just plain stupid and ignorant...This one is by far, the most useless and ignorant of them all, and by the way, I hung out in the Gruden thread for awhile, so that’s saying something.

Trust me, if you know that then you know more than most on here.
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I would point out how stupid this is but ill save the 1200 ranting post defending stupidity.

Maybe tomorrow he can post the 5 national championship rings from other schools and talk about being a 5 time nc winning coach.

You've never seen the BS that goes in business resumes? How about a five person company with over 200 years of experience in ...
It's being taken out of context. It's clearly about the COACHES @ UT. Not the school. It didn't say UT put 90 players in the NFL. Wish I had Twitter for these wackos sometimes.

Wouldn't do any good - they're twits for a reason.
Im confused as to how touting uga and bama players in the nfl builds excitement for tennessee, but okay.

A couple of folks have explained it already, but here goes again, man:

This isn't about building excitement for Tennessee among fandom. If it were, you'd be right; this would be lame.

Instead, this is about making a case to the very best recruits--those who, though still in high school, believe they have a real shot at the NFL--that Tennessee has the coaching staff who can get them there.

It's not playing up Bama or Georgia or USCw. Almost the opposite. It's saying:

"Hey, you know these players who made it to the NFL from all these other schools? Yeah, well, the guys who coached them up and got them there? They're not at those other schools any more. They're at Tennessee. Come join us."

Makes perfect sense to me.
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Another example of false offense taken. I have NO problem with JP calling out the fans that weren’t there and this other stuff is about as silly as it comes. Please Volnation show just a glimmer of maturity and stop this unappealing, disgraceful “woe is me” baloney....
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My current pitch of the university is that the coaches sell themselves when they are in front of applications. Public stuff should highlight tennessee. This is like target publishing walmart ads because they just hired a manager from there.

That's fine if they are actually talking to someone, but in today's world it's all about advertising and not door to door sales. They are mass marketing what they have - their experience - now - to the kids they need to build a resume at Tennessee because without some of those kids they may not have a Tennessee resume to sell in five years.
I'd be mad if I were a former player now being used as fodder to promote against the team I played for.

I might be unhappy if I were a coach who made someone who he is, and he fails to credit the school, facilities, and coaching for the millions he's making.
Actually, thats exactly what its like. I mean, we can all act like we are saying its the end of the world. Its not, its just stupid. Lets not act like we didnt feel it was stupid when kiffen was doing it just cause we have a shiny new toy and have to support everything he says no matter how stupid.

no, you've assumed who the audience is. it's not the end of line customer (wal mart/target customer ie, tennessee football fan).

it's the suppliers that are glad there's new blood from an established company with a proven track record for success, and that can now move their product in the manner the need it (recruits going to the NFL).
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no, you've assumed who the audience is. it's not the end of line customer (wal mart/target customer ie, tennessee football fan).

it's the suppliers that are glad there's new blood from an established company with a proven track record for success, and that can now move their product in the manner the need it (recruits going to the NFL).
Your defense of stupidity is noble, unfortunately everyone else disagrees which is why it's now the joke of the internet.
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Your defense of stupidity is noble, unfortunately everyone else disagrees which is why it's now the joke of the internet.

That's not the joke of the internet. I read it just a few minutes ago. It's about Paul Bain visiting the Virgin Islands on spring break, which is why they're now just called the Islands.


We all know that not everyone on the interwebz is Elon Musk level genius. Just because a handful of butthurts from UGa and Bama are trying to turn this into something it isn't (they missed the point just like you did, but have no friends willing to explain it to them), that doesn't make it a good joke. Or heck, even a joke at all.

Unless we steal some of their recruits away as a result of this; then it will be a joke, on them. :)
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That's not the joke of the internet. I read it just a few minutes ago. It's about Paul Bain visiting the Virgin Islands on spring break, which is why they're now just called the Islands.


We all know that not everyone on the interwebz is Elon Musk level genius. Just because a handful of butthurts from UGa and Bama are trying to turn this into something it isn't (they missed the point just like you did, but have no friends willing to explain it to them), that doesn't make it a good joke. Or heck, even a joke at all.

Unless we steal some of their recruits away as a result of this; then it will be a joke, on them. :)

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