Recruiting Discussion

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And I've already answered it, as have other posters, what more do you need?

Quote it.

The only one who has tried to answer it is Tony Balogna. He said NC State. Is NC state the only P5 school at the state basketball tourney this year? My guess is the answer is no and you know the answer is no but you can't bring yourself to say it.
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Quote it.

Between looking in the stands and seeing coaches in the hospitality room, I can't remember seeing 1 P5 coach in attendance that was not there watching their committed player play. Maybe I missed an asst coach or two. I don't know every P5 asst coach. The girls state tournament is much better represented by P5 coaches.
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What part of my questions were rhetorical, I was asking you if Basilio mentioned those 2 things, why side step those questions?

My questions were rhetorical. Not yours.

Another sidestep.

Obviously you know schools were there and we were not so you are gonna keep dodging.

Would not expect anything different.
So other P5 schools were recruiting our state tourney and Barnes didn't think it was important enough I guess. Interesting.
Schools at the tourney with 1 or more composite 4* players on the roster from the '18 or '19 class...

Memphis East

Brentwood and Ensworth play in a different division and their tournament had already been. Both Garland and the kid from Ensworth have committable offers... no need for him to go watch them play
I'm more often than not on TB's side of the fence, but his stirring the pot with Barnes is ridiculous. It certainly wouldn't happen if CRB was giving him an interview now and then. TB has been taking a lot of shots at the Haslam family lately. That never happened while they were buying remotes from him every week. Now that he's lost that account... they're fair game.
It isn't that his story is inaccurate, it's that it is slanted to paint Barnes in a bad light like always.

Exactly my point and why Ziti dodged the question about Barnes going to NC and Nashville....if Basilio mentioned those things in the same segment as not going to state then sure, but the facts he's only gonna tell one side of the story makes his agenda crystal clear.
Exactly my point and why Ziti dodged the question about Barnes going to NC and Nashville....if Basilio mentioned those things in the same segment as not going to state then sure, but the facts he's only gonna tell one side of the story makes his agenda crystal clear.

I didn't listen to basilio today. Nor did I read his blog.

I don't think Barnes puts forth enough effort recruiting.

I didn't dodge your dumba$$ questions. I ignored them because you were (and still are) ignoring my question.

Were there any P5 schools at the Tennessee basketball tournament.
So if I'm following, this all started by quoting TB that Barnes wasn't at the state tourney and that was used to crap on him. But it turns out the only sorta confirmed citing of any other P5 coach is an assistant for NC St. (which BTW I thought sending assistants was bad) and no one can name or verify any other P5 coach that was there.
So if I'm following, this all started by quoting TB that Barnes wasn't at the state tourney and that was used to crap on him. But it turns out the only sorta confirmed citing of any other P5 coach is an assistant for NC St. (which BTW I thought sending assistants was bad) and no one can name or verify any other P5 coach that was there.

You got it
So if I'm following, this all started by quoting TB that Barnes wasn't at the state tourney and that was used to crap on him. But it turns out the only sorta confirmed citing of any other P5 coach is an assistant for NC St. (which BTW I thought sending assistants was bad) and no one can name or verify any other P5 coach that was there.
Uppity posters who refuse to see any other side of an argument besides their own. Some are more guilty than others, but I don't see how people grab one gun and stick to it no matter what. Things change. It's ok to change your opinion over time. Go Vols.
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Just pointing out the obvious. You happen to be on the ass end this time.

Chris, maybe you can tell me if there were any schools at the state tournament. The answers may very well be hidden in BTO's butt where your head has been lodged as long as I've been posting on VN.
Chris, maybe you can tell me if there were any schools at the state tournament. The answers may very well be hidden in BTO's butt where your head has been lodged as long as I've been posting on VN.


Sorry,Chris,but this cracked me up.
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