The truth behind Joc Bruce

CBJ reviewed the instance and evidently if JB wasn't going to class because he was afraid or had a fat lip or other injury the penalty of suspension from team activities may not have occurred and Croom would have received some type of reprimand. Evidently this was not the case and we may never know the real story...:unsure:

But in other news...Hulk Hogan is looking for new
So basically the kid's real lack of courage was being unwilling to apologize to Croom and the team for violating a rule? Sounds like that's all it would have taken for everything to be put right.
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Joc Bruce was involved in what could be called bullying.Jason Croom hit Joc extremely hard in his jaw reason behind it I dont know. But after that he complained of having headaches and a lot of discomfort. He told his mother about what happened which leads me to believe he was afraid. The coaches knew about this but his mother didn't follow up with them about the attack. The kid was let down by his mother as well as the coaching staff they did not protect him. I understand upperclassmen pick on the new guy but this was more. After this altercation he was late for class several times and was suspended and well deserved. But I do believe Joc being afraid of Croom played a major role in this. The mother and the coaches failed this kid. I didn't make this up I grew up with his mom. This is non bias thread so please don't take it as if I'm throwing anyone under the bus. 100% true info

You know half the story and are taking it public. What a moron. Bruce deserved that punch 100%. That's all anyone needs to know.
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....Unless Bruce punched him first, Croom screwed up. Croom deserved to be punished. And Croom sure as heck doesn't deserve to be praised, and lifted up as a hero of the program. Punching a much smaller freshman, somebody who was decent enough to take a blue shirt, and who seemed to love UT, is not heroic.

It is all speculation- should an upperclassman allow a freshman to break a tradition and walk on the "T" ? What happens when the freshman disrespects the upperclassman (aka Croom) should the upperclassman back down and run to the coaches? I don't think they should just be clocking people especially receivers but their is a pecking order and the freshmen need to realize this and respect the traditions. I think we recently heard how some upperclassmen didn't like the way a JUCO was talking back to CBJ.

I don't think we would be praising a beat down but this is football not a beauty pageant.
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No but I do when I got the whole story from a player. This had nothing to do with stepping on the T or "disrespect" to the program. It was provoked by his ****ty wanna be gangster attitude.

Are you seriously going back down the insider road again? Thought that kicker graduated already
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No but I do when I got the whole story from a player. This had nothing to do with stepping on the T or "disrespect" to the program. It was provoked by his ****ty wanna be gangster attitude.

Yep - I heard it from several players too. Croom said he didn't like Joc's gangster attitude and especially him jumping up and down on the "T" (Blue font)
Jeez, this is a weird thread. The consensus (and it is nearly unanimous) is that Bruce deserved to get punched by someone twice his size for talking back and stepping on the T? We now officially believe that violence is the best reaction to disrespect?

Sure, we might say that it doesn't bode as poorly for Croom if the attack was provoked. Sure, we can say that Bruce wasn't exactly completely innocent. That makes a difference. But to sit around and praise Croom for clocking somebody is just insane.

And what is this whole "what happens in the locker room stays in the locker room" nonsense? It isn't Vegas. It isn't international waters. Do you think this holds for everything? If a player beat someone into a coma in the locker room? If there was legitimate persistent bullying? If they raped another player? Look, I get that a punch isn't as severe, but the "whatever happens in" mantra is absurd, and it is not that much less absurd just because the situation is less dramatic.

Unless Bruce punched him first, Croom screwed up. Croom deserved to be punished. And Croom sure as heck doesn't deserve to be praised, and lifted up as a hero of the program. Punching a much smaller freshman, somebody who was decent enough to take a blue shirt, and who seemed to love UT, is not heroic.

Lol..... This is real life though.... Sometimes a little football fight IS what needs to happen. Things do get to that point you know.
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It is all speculation- should an upperclassman allow a freshman to break a tradition and walk on the "T" ? What happens when the freshman disrespects the upperclassman (aka Croom) should the upperclassman back down and run to the coaches? I don't think they should just be clocking people especially receivers but their is a pecking order and the freshmen need to realize this and respect the traditions. I think we recently heard how some upperclassmen didn't like the way a JUCO was talking back to CBJ.

I don't think we would be praising a beat down but this is football not a beauty pageant.

See, when your only tool is a hammer...

There are other ways to not bad down. You can rip him to pieces verbally. You can mock him. You can tell him he has no place on the team. You can do a lot without punching.

And I should clarify: I'm not saying anything about what actually occurred. I'm okay reflecting on the fact that all VN knows is the info presented (he was punched for being disrespectful), and that apparently everybody on here thinks we should solve our problems by punching people. And that people who do so are praiseworthy.
Lol..... This is real life though.... Sometimes a little football fight IS what needs to happen. Things do get to that point you know.

What in the world does "this is real life" mean?? You think in ordinary "real life" you can punch people for being disrespectful? If Croom becomes a doctor, or a manager, or what have you, can he punch disrespectful subordinates? Nope!

And maybe sometimes violence becomes necessary. What any rational adult should be able to see is this: that time is never just because you were disrespected.
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I've seen fights in locker rooms, but usually everyone just moves on, and not quit the team. I'm guessing there's more to the story.
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College guys getting into a fight is now considered bullying?

That's kinda what I was thinking. He!!, I mouthed off to a Senior the second day of my freshman year in high school and got the sh!+ knocked out of me as well..... And I deserved it....
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See, when your only tool is a hammer...

There are other ways to not bad down. You can rip him to pieces verbally. You can mock him. You can tell him he has no place on the team. You can do a lot without punching.

And I should clarify: I'm not saying anything about what actually occurred. I'm okay reflecting on the fact that all VN knows is the info presented (he was punched for being disrespectful), and that apparently everybody on here thinks we should solve our problems by punching people. And that people who do so are praiseworthy.

We don't know what happened but maybe once Croom corrected him Joc didn't take his verbal lumps and move on. IF you start verbally ripping people you better be ready to back it up. I think Croom may have backed it up.
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So Croom punched Bruce in the least he didn't rape him. I think we're making progress here.😁
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Joc would have been ineligible when the NCAA found out he was 34 years old anyway.

/I know it's a bad joke.
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