Worley gets high praise from Ainge/Swain

I'm not sure what motivation Ainge and Swain would have to say this if it wasn't true. I mean, QB controversies make for good sports talk radio, so it seems they might have more motivation to say the opposite. So I'll put some stock in it.
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Coach Jake said they got that number down into the twenties yesterday. As for Worley under throwing guys, I have only seen one horrible under throw in the video's I've seen. They were running post routes and he was throwing to Malone. Since they were making a big deal about throwing to a spot, and with Coach Z yelling the whole time, "flatten out, flatten out," I think Worley threw to the spot and Malone wasn't where he was supposed to be.

I'm not a football expert by any means, but that's just what I saw.

Don't just look for him hitting guys in stride... look for ball placement.

Hitting a guy on a post route at his torso might be a completion in practice but an INT against Florida, Bama, USC, Georgia, etc.
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I'm not sure what motivation Ainge and Swain would have to say this if it wasn't true. I mean, QB controversies make for good sports talk radio, so it seems they might have more motivation to say the opposite. So I'll put some stock in it.

I know that EA and Swain are homers, but I doubt they have ratings in mind at this point. I trust Ainge's judgement on QB play. He's got his faults, as we all do, but EA knows football.
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Don't just look for him hitting guys in stride... look for ball placement.

Hitting a guy on a post route at his torso might be a completion in practice but an INT against Florida, Bama, USC, Georgia, etc.

I understand man, but if Malone is three or four yards more towards Worley the ball is probably about shoulder level. He very well could have under thrown Malone, I'm just giving another opinion. Everybody is going to have one bad throw at some point, especially considering how much they throw.

I just think its a little early to make a decision that the quarterbacks aren't going to be so hot this year. To me, offense is a lot like hitting in baseball, it takes a while to get settled in. The first nine at bats in spring training aren't really useful in determining if a guy can hit or not. I want to give the quarterbacks a couple of games before I'll be able to tell if they are a hot mess or not.
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Here we go with this media crap again. Seems as if folks didn't learn the first time around with that one guy who was a qb and decided to transfer after the spring game.
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That's interesting because Hyams was on 104.5 this morning talking about how the coaches stated they were not terribly happy with the QB situation at the moment. Said there were 62 passes thrown off mark in their first practice - compared to 63 in last year's first practice. According to Bajakian, good football teams have 15-25 misses in a practice.

They are only reporting totals for the group. It could be that Worley is responsible for none of those or most of them. There are two things we know. One, the coaches track those stats by individual and not just the group. Two, Worley continues to go with the 1's and Dobbs/Peterman continue to split time with the 2's and 3's.

Those two things would seem to suggest that Worley is not responsible for a large portion of the balls hitting the ground.
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Here we go with this media crap again. Seems as if folks didn't learn the first time around with that one guy who was a qb and decided to transfer after the spring game.

What is the crap to you? That Worley looks better?
According to some, Worley has increased his throwing power this off season. While that may be true, after watching some of the practice videos, he still under throws the receivers on 40 yard passes. Maybe it's an accuracy issue, but he looks very accurate in 10-20 yard throws.

I've noticed this too. I'm not a coach but it looks like he doesn't hit them in stride, they've got to do a lot of turning around, a lot of adjusting.
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According to Coach Z there were 62 the first practice, high 40's the second and mid 40's the third.

Keep lowering the numbers of balls on the ground each practice and by game day it's going to be on.

Coaches use what they have got, and you can bet they will use our poor QB play last year and not admit improvement. Wondering if there is a prescribed number of passes thrown each practice....bet not..not so many in running drills...ya think
According to some, Worley has increased his throwing power this off season. While that may be true, after watching some of the practice videos, he still under throws the receivers on 40 yard passes. Maybe it's an accuracy issue, but he looks very accurate in 10-20 yard throws.

Have you seen video not posted here?

I've watched all the ones here. I've seen one pass by Worley that landed at the feet of a receiver running what looked like a seam route. It was ugly... but the only underthrow I've seen from him. I saw a few others by the others... mostly on outs.

Dobbs really seems to be struggling with his accuracy. If the little we get to see is consistent with the rest of practice then that is likely the reason he's battling Peterman for #2.
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Also something that some may not be considering is that these are drills without coverage that Jones allows the media to see and film. Throwing to receivers without coverage is somewhat similar to pitching without a batter... sometimes having something to miss is just as beneficial as having something to hit.
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What is the crap to you? That Worley looks better?

doesn't matter who looks better. these same guys told you all that ferguson was the 2nd coming of Peyton before the spring game and we saw how big of a lie that was. now here they go again. all they do is get ratings by going with what seems popular. if the coaches aren't saying it, it's hogwash
Also something that some may not be considering is that these are drills without coverage that Jones allows the media to see and film. Throwing to receivers without coverage is somewhat similar to pitching without a batter... sometimes having something to miss is just as beneficial as having something to hit.

That is a pretty good comparison. :hi:
Also something that some may not be considering is that these are drills without coverage that Jones allows the media to see and film. Throwing to receivers without coverage is somewhat similar to pitching without a batter... sometimes having something to miss is just as beneficial as having something to hit.

With all of the coach speak and little motivational tricks, who besides the coaches and those that see with their own eyes know the real story?
doesn't matter who looks better. these same guys told you all that ferguson was the 2nd coming of Peyton before the spring game and we saw how big of a lie that was. now here they go again. all they do is get ratings by going with what seems popular. if the coaches aren't saying it, it's hogwash

I didn't see them quite do that. I saw one or both say that he was the most physically gifted of UT's QB's and that if he became consistent the job would be his. The did rave over his arm strength... but apparently RF has that in abundance.

The whole episode with RF though is a stark difference between the previous 3 staffs and this one. Dooley would have bungled it altogether. Kiffin and Fulmer would have likely fed his prima donna attitude to keep his physical talent. Jones held him accountable to the same standard as everyone else even to the point of losing him.

Succeed or fail, Jones deserves great credit for being clear with expectations and then holding everyone to the same ones.
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I didn't see them quite do that. I saw one or both say that he was the most physically gifted of UT's QB's and that if he became consistent the job would be his. The did rave over his arm strength... but apparently RF has that in abundance.

The whole episode with RF though is a stark difference between the previous 3 staffs and this one. Dooley would have bungled it altogether. Kiffin and Fulmer would have likely fed his prima donna attitude to keep his physical talent. Jones held him accountable to the same standard as everyone else even to the point of losing him.

Succeed or fail, Jones deserves great credit for being clear with expectations and then holding everyone to the same ones.

i agree
doesn't matter who looks better. these same guys told you all that ferguson was the 2nd coming of Peyton before the spring game and we saw how big of a lie that was. now here they go again. all they do is get ratings by going with what seems popular. if the coaches aren't saying it, it's hogwash

What about Worley working with the first team every practice? Does that mean anything?

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