Wish is granted

Granted, but it's all nasty

I wish I wasn't still sore
Granted, but it's because Bubba gives you good massages

I wish people around work wasn't lazy
Granted, but it's a guy

I wish Windy's luck will change next Saturday
Granted, but we lose home games she attends

I wish all my bills were paid off
Granted, but you get gas so bad your wife makes you sleep outside

I wish I could go back to sleep
Granted, but the alarm clock with Bamas fight song will go off in the middle of your sleep

I wish I could finally get SOA watched on Netflix
Granted, but it only goes off based on last year's production

I wish I was at the beach right now
Granted, but you're stuck at that nude beach

I wish I had a Ribeye right now
Granted but their all recovering addictive liars

I wish I didn't have to go home and mow my yard
Granted, but nobody talks to you now

I wish these goobers would shut up and go to work
Granted, but you still can't sleep

I wish I didn't have to get up at 6

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