White supremacist mows down mosque in NZ

For example, a reporter talked to a guy who was down the street when the shooting happened and I think the witness was claiming that he saw a guy with a shotgun walking down the street afterward, possibly chasing the shooter away.

The reporter ended that interview abruptly.

Sounds like this.

Imagine thinking it’s a good idea to attack or mock prayer when people were just murdered for.... Praying

Well, in at least one instance, maybe thoughts and prayers did work because a man with a gun chased off the killers. Someone should maybe let her know that.
No matter how many of these incidents happen and no matter where they happen, I still can’t wrap my head around it. The amount of hate or mental issues a person has to have just isn’t fathomable to me.
CNN and MSNBC does. Their band of idiots will come out with a Trump tie-in somehow. I do wonder why this was breaking news to the lib's on here. Chicago has mass shootings almost every weekend and not a word from Donna Lemonade or Rochelle Madcow.
Pretty much everyone of them in this thread never at any point visit the threads when it's a Muslim killing people, ever. Not to condemn it, or anything. They only show up and start threads when it's a white person, and they can blame that or Christians. Where most conservatives are here condemning this just like the Muslim threads. There's a few of those, you can even bump the old threads and see if any of these names are there. They cry don't make it political, yet never condemn this type of tragedy when the roles are reversed. That's the truth, and I'm not sorry for saying it.
Believe it or not, Trump's words and ideas travel beyond the US's borders

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Come on EL, I like going back and forth with everyone but blaming a mass shooting on anyone no matter what they mention is asinine. We now know this was well planned. 3 men and one woman arrested. Two bombs on the suspects cars that were disarmed.

There's one common denominator in all these shootings, including this one, that's always overlooked. Plenty of evidence on their social media accounts that they were hinting or planning this yet law enforcement didn't catch it beforehand.
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