Webbvol32 has talked to aliens.

He posted in the Football Forum 5 minutes ago. Hopefully he's no longer injecting illegal drugs into his peen or accessing VN on a stolen phone.
Hey my Big Orange Brethren! How yall been? I have been through some **** and have wound up back in Alabama. I am homeless due to the fact that I am unable to get the medication I must have to function. I have met God and Satan in August. I was a devout atheist,now I KNOW God is real. I am sickened by the trajectory our Vols took under Jones but I am and always shall be a TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER!
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Were you formally interviewed by a govt agency?

I guess you could say that. The question you ask is vague so the answer is definitely yes. I believe you are asking as regarding the UFO experience. No,I have never been interviewed about it. No govt agency knew my unles and I were outside staring at the sky at 11pm and happened to see this object which was same luminosity as an aircraft landing light. I myself believed that is was just another plane until it did a 90degree course change vertically and shot into space in seconds. I am skeptical myself. BIG TIME. I would not believe any of you if you told me a similar experience. My family has all passed and I have nothing but my Vols. I SWEAR ON MY MOMMAS,DADDYS,AND NANNYS AND PAS GRAVE AND HONOR AND OUR VOLUNTEERS ABILITY TO PLAY THE UFO REALLY HAPPENED!
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I wonder what Webb thought about the Area 51 news this weekend. Go Vols.

I knew the govt knew all along. They have been monitoring them since radar was put into use during WW2. They knew the country was too religious and it would cause panic to admit the truthyabout UFOs. They have been slowly acclimatizing the public to the idea with shows such as Star Trek,Babylon 5,and Battlestar Galactica;movies such as Star Wars and science education. The majority of people believe now and it was no shock whatsoever. Go Vols!
Hey my Big Orange Brethren! How yall been? I have been through some **** and have wound up back in Alabama. I am homeless due to the fact that I am unable to get the medication I must have to function. I have met God and Satan in August. I was a devout atheist,now I KNOW God is real. I am sickened by the trajectory our Vols took under Jones but I am and always shall be a TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER!

Please don't leave us hanging
I knew the govt knew all along. They have been monitoring them since radar was put into use during WW2. They knew the country was too religious and it would cause panic to admit the truthyabout UFOs. They have been slowly acclimatizing the public to the idea with shows such as Star Trek,Babylon 5,and Battlestar Galactica;movies such as Star Wars and science education. The majority of people believe now and it was no shock whatsoever. Go Vols!

I would have figured it was more X-Files style aliens than Star Trek style, but hey, Go Vols anyway.

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