Vaccine or not?

False dichotomy alert. False dichotomy alert.

Lol. But it’s not. They’re both viruses and those at high risk usually get vaccinated but everyone makes that determination on their own. Your fear mongering doesn’t affect anyone especially those who have already had Covid.
Lol. But it’s not. They’re both viruses and those at high risk usually get vaccinated but everyone makes that determination on their own. Your fear mongering doesn’t affect anyone especially those who have already had Covid.
You should be getting vaxxed BOTH to protect yourself AND to help protect others. Less sickness = less spread = mo money. And isn't it money that the GOP cares most about?
I totally have no problem with people taking the vaccine. However, there is actual science that shows that natural immunity is more effective than vaccines. I have natural immunity as I've had covid. The science is not settled that shows that I need a vaccine.

Natural immunity vs Covid-19 vaccine-induced immunity - Marc Girardot of PANDA -

Let's agree that the science is not quite settled on this. Therefore let's not make blanket statements like " natural immunity is actually as effective if not more than the mRNA vaccine ". There's some science that's showing the best immunity is natural plus vaccine. As for me personally, I think natural immunity should be lumped with vax immunity when discussing the immune population but I'm not yet ready to declare definitively that one is better than the other
Let's agree that the science is not quite settled on this. Therefore let's not make blanket statements like " natural immunity is actually as effective if not more than the mRNA vaccine ". There's some science that's showing the best immunity is natural plus vaccine. As for me personally, I think natural immunity should be lumped with vax immunity when discussing the immune population but I'm not yet ready to declare definitively that one is better than the other

Even if "natural" immunity is more effective than vaccine induced immunity, about 1/100 of those dosed in the "natural" way die. Add in all the hospitalization, lung damage, brain damage, medical costs, etc.

Seems like if I'm facing a jab vs. a natural dose, I'll take the jab everyday.
Let's agree that the science is not quite settled on this. Therefore let's not make blanket statements like " natural immunity is actually as effective if not more than the mRNA vaccine ". There's some science that's showing the best immunity is natural plus vaccine. As for me personally, I think natural immunity should be lumped with vax immunity when discussing the immune population but I'm not yet ready to declare definitively that one is better than the other
It does certainly appear, given the data from other countries and that emerging in the U.S., that naturally-acquired immunity is more protective against the most recent predominant variant.
Even if "natural" immunity is more effective than vaccine induced immunity, about 1/100 of those dosed in the "natural" way die. Add in all the hospitalization, lung damage, brain damage, medical costs, etc.

Seems like if I'm facing a jab vs. a natural dose, I'll take the jab everyday.
Now run those numbers on children.
It does certainly appear, given the data from other countries and that emerging in the U.S., that naturally-acquired immunity is more protective against the most recent predominant variant.

But if the two options are a vaccinated population facing the delta, and an unvaccinated population facing the delta, wouldn't the first group fair better? Most won't get anything, so it would make no practical difference for them. Sure, there will be breakthrough cases, but nearly all of those will fair better for having been vaccinated. And then they would have a combination of vaccine-based and natural based immunity.

Hard to see any argument for waiting for natural immunity to cover the population.
But if the two options are a vaccinated population facing the delta, and an unvaccinated population facing the delta, wouldn't the first group fair better? Most won't get anything, so it would make no practical difference for them. Sure, there will be breakthrough cases, but nearly all of those will fair better for having been vaccinated. And then they would have a combination of vaccine-based and natural based immunity.

Hard to see any argument for waiting for natural immunity to cover the population.
99.5% of unvaccinated are the ones being hospitalized and dying but the people pushing naturally-acquired immunity must not care about them.
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But if the two options are a vaccinated population facing the delta, and an unvaccinated population facing the delta, wouldn't the first group fair better? Most won't get anything, so it would make no practical difference for them. Sure, there will be breakthrough cases, but nearly all of those will fair better for having been vaccinated. And then they would have a combination of vaccine-based and natural based immunity.

Hard to see any argument for waiting for natural immunity to cover the population.
When have I ever advocated for "waiting?"

As for your initial question: time will tell. I hope and pray that the numerous long-term concerns amount to nothing. Obviously, the future unknowns are more of an issue for the younger/healthy or recovered population, and vaccination makes more sense for the older/at-risk.
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What percent of the US is fully vaccinated?

I think it’s less than half. I live in a state where less than 40% are full vaccinated and guess which state is seeing a surge in cases?

Correction: It’s 56% a little better than I thought but still WAY too low
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