This team looks different

great Homecoming win...high fives all around...:pepper::yahoo:

Oh and I hate to break the news... but Tennessee Tech is not even a Div 1 team. I'm surprised we didn't score more.
all the pundits passing out kudos for that win are wearing the deepest tint of orange glasses. Kentucky will be SEC competition and true kudos can be passed out. :good!:
Butch Jones will have the Vols so high and prepared that they take Kentucky to the woodshed, no?:loco:
Well, all you guys saying "wow, the team looks happier today!", that tends to happen when you arent down by 21 points in the first quarter...jesus christ some of our fans are thick in the head...

...let's just sack up for the Kentucky game and see what happens...

Love my VOLS, GBO!!!

Point in case, very odd choice of words about being thick. They looked loose at the start. They haven't looked this loose all year.Bad choice in rant phrase; the Lord Jesus Christ could not care less about this topic and does not deserve the disrespect inherent in this type of context.
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Pretty sure we did this last year. Even a win against KY and Vandy will say very little. You need to destroy them both and Mizzou too. And then, if by some chance, we make it to Atlanta, we actually give Bama a game. If by miracle Butch won out and beat Bama?...i guess all would be least until next year. That's the life of an SEC coach.
I know who we're playing, and I'm not just talking about performance wise. The guys just look different. They look like a team. I don't know how to word it. Maybe there really was a cancer in the locker room. Let's go win out. GBO!

Please.......all teams would look different against TT !!!!!!!!!
You have a great imagination!
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They know that the pressure is off. Unless Florida loses again and we win out we don't make Atlanta. I honestly feel like the pressure to be great was almost too much for them at the beginning of the year. I think that's also why we played better when we were down big. When people expect nothing of you then you get to play loose. Just wished we played this way every game. Likely would be 8-1 right now.
For the love of God people. If you read the post, which some of you obviously didn't, this isn't a post bragging or getting excited about beating up on a weak opponent. It was about the change in body language that I saw today. Lately they've looked like they've just been going through the motions, and today they looked like they actually wanted play for Tennessee. They looked genuinely excited for teammates scoring their first touchdowns. They just looked different. I'm not happy with how our season has gone either, but what's the point in bringing the same garbage to every thread?

Does not matter. The guys hate butch and want him gone. If we were 8-1 now same exact posters would post same stuff. They want gruden saban etc...
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Point in case, very odd choice of words about being thick. They looked loose at the start. They haven't looked this loose all year.Bad choice in rant phrase; the Lord Jesus Christ could not care less about this topic and does not deserve the disrespect inherent in this type of context.

A - As far as them looking loose at the start, that is objective. I have watched all the games at least twice this year and they were just as "loose" in those games in the beginning until they fell behind soon thereafter.

B - I can care less about your religious sensibilities.
Hold that thought until next Saturday around 4:00pm:rock:

IMO this is fair. UK has a decent offense this year and can score on most anybody at this stage of the season, not at will or on every possession, but they are effective in some of the things they do. But this is a "who wants it more" type of game IMO. UK had their destiny game and UGA beat them at home. Ok, they have another chance at destiny this Saturday at Neyland, it just so happens we have the same high stakes on the table. So, who wants it more? 4PM ET this coming Saturday we ought to know.
Things always look different when you're playing tennessee tech and vandy. Fulmer was always trying to spin late-season success against the SEC bottom tier as a sign the team was poised for greatness.

You probably have Dorito/Cheeto stains on your shirt and empty 2 liter Mountain Dew bottles scattered about...
No way. I don't think you understand just how large the talent divide was out there today. Just because those guys made some plays against TTU does not tell you what they will do against SEC level competition at all. We played against an FCS school today at home and they are a bad team even for FCS standards. They probably don't even have 2 or 3 players that could even make our scout team.

TTU's QB and the little WR were pretty descent. I think the OP's point is there was a big talent gap with App State and Ohio as well and it looked like the team was sleep walking through the game. The first team went out Saturday and did what one would expect and grabbed a big lead so that CBJ could empty the bench and see what the younger guys could do. The OP tried his best to say his post is not about the score or performance but the attitude of the team. If there ever was a game you might expect the Vols to mail in, this would be it and they didn't, they were sharp all day. If you and some of the other posters didn't see it or more likely JDGAF then that's your privilege.
Some of you argue just to cause drama. Like a bunch of damn teenagers still suckling the tit. The team was having fun and some of us pointed it out. Yet 95% of you want to argue a point about not being down. **** me some of you couldn't be happy in a room full of virgins giving their cherries away.

If it bothers you move along. Dang it's that simple
Some of you argue just to cause drama. Like a bunch of damn teenagers still suckling the tit. The team was having fun and some of us pointed it out. Yet 95% of you want to argue a point about not being down. **** me some of you couldn't be happy in a room full of virgins giving their cherries away.[/QUOTE]

I would be............ :pepper:
Funny. But it doesn't bother me. I enjoy reading all the threads unlike some people who think they have the right to dictate what gets posted.

Originally Posted by cwbytruckers:
Some of you argue just to cause drama. Like a bunch of damn teenagers still suckling the tit. The team was having fun and some of us pointed it out. Yet 95% of you want to argue a point about not being down. **** me some of you couldn't be happy in a room full of virgins giving their cherries away.

This is a statement you make when something doesn't bother you and you are enjoying reading it??

...go on...pull the other one.
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Originally Posted by cwbytruckers:
Some of you argue just to cause drama. Like a bunch of damn teenagers still suckling the tit. The team was having fun and some of us pointed it out. Yet 95% of you want to argue a point about not being down. **** me some of you couldn't be happy in a room full of virgins giving their cherries away.

This is a statement you make when something doesn't bother you and you are enjoying reading it??

...go on...pull the other one.

That's statement was made towards dumbass posters like you. You find any reason to argue just like now. SMDH. Done with your crap. Love the ignore button.
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That's statement was made towards dumbass posters like you. You find any reason to argue just like now. SMDH. Done with your crap. Love the ignore button.

You serve a grand purpose. :)
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