The VolReporter Thread

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My source got home and told me that the 2nd deal is for more accessibility for his assistants and how he can recruit.

And get this / I'm hearing Raheem Morris, 2 more NFL assistants, 1 coach rumored to be from Pac 12 and Cris Carter(former Viking now at ESPN) have been in contact with Gruden to be assistants.

Can confirm UT has landed and will be meeting with Gruden shortly.

I'm telling you all that this is going to be a gigantic night for UT.


You enjoyed creative writing as a kid didn't you? This may be the best work of fiction ever!
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The bigger the lie, the more people believe it. Unfortunately, that quote doesn't work in this instance. You just jumped the shark. So full of ****. We are going to hire Al Golden and all you "insiders" can eat a bag of dicks.
Off the wall here. Hoping somebody can help me out, but who was it and exactly what did that poster say a couple years ago regarding having a brother who camped out with a guy (recruit possibly) and completely made up this weird story then came back and said his roommated posted on his account. Argh, it's right there, can't exactly put it together. But anyway, this seems just as strange. Would be awesome if true, but I still wouldn't believe it even if it was. But I will state right now I'm not buying.
Come on mods get this guy VR outta here till this is done.dont want anymore nfl player's who NEVER coached on staff...aka ccs
Not to be negative but sounds like a kiffin like staff. Just hope they can recruit without committing an obscene amount of violations. Maybe UT compliance can quickly get them up to date on the rules.
My source got home and told me that the 2nd deal is for more accessibility for his assistants and how he can recruit.

And get this / I'm hearing Raheem Morris, 2 more NFL assistants, 1 coach rumored to be from Pac 12 and Cris Carter(former Viking now at ESPN) have been in contact with Gruden to be assistants.

Can confirm UT has landed and will be meeting with Gruden shortly.

I'm telling you all that this is going to be a gigantic night for UT.

How are you still able to post? This place is a circus.
no offense but why are ppl clowning on this guy? Plenty of ppl claiming "sources" that Gruden is a done deal. Not saying he's not trolling but this dude is no worse than them. I can't wait to see all these insiders backpedal their stories talking about how "it fell through because..." or whatever excuse they use.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It's a rumor board smart ones. Take everything with a grain or salt or being emotional about it. How can you be pissed at a guy who posts a rumor on a rumor board!
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It wouldnt surprise me if volreporter and duckman from grudenation are the same person. Both TROLLS!
The mods won't delete him, because even they are impressed with his trolling skills. If he's lying, i say we all deliver an extremely violent beatdown to him. And kick his dog. And burn his mattress. That's bout all I got.
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