The team has given up on Butch Jones

They could still have a good season, but I have never believed Jones' offense will ever work in the SEC or against any top quality opponent so that will make the next few weeks tough to win. We have talent, but poor game management and in game adjustments. This is not C-USA. This is big boy football and this staff is lost on how to deal with it.

there is quite a bit of truth in this than getting better players what in sam hill makes any of you think Chip Kelley will do better? Same damn offense.

Quality depth and skill is still needed. If you guys have watched all 5 games it should be evident that the DBF, except for Sutton, aren't SEC caliber. Some of the other issues may be due to youth on the D front side....and we have a below average power 5 OL and QB. Doesn't bode well with the competition we've lost to thus far.
12 million dollar buy out!. I know people say Butch won't be fired after this year, but what is the cost of a recruiting down trend. Another problem I see is this, football is by far the largest money maker for the university, yet the powers that be continue to allow under qualified Coaches to come in here and run this business. The blue print is out there, Ohio State, Alabama and Micchigan understand that with a sky's the limit business you need to pay the guy who can get it done! If The university were to get the right guy and you win a natty in the next several years 12 million would seem well worth it! When was the last time Tennessee made a splash hire? Johnny Majors coming off a natty! Tennessee has proven they will not go get the right guy if the price is to high or he wants total control, which doesn't matter as long as you can fire the guy. Our problem does not lie with the coaches who have been here, but with the people who put them in place! TIFWIW
This bears repeating. Mcillwain. First year. Just knocked off the #3 teM in the country. With an absolute bull**** florida roster.

maybe....just maybe UF has a little more talent than many of you want to admit. They aren't elite on offense, but their D has always been legit and that gives the O field position and momentum. Plus, he appears to be a better coach that many, including me, thought....or he's got a rabbit's foot up his @ss.
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The only thing I see is Dobbs badly missing receivers. You'll get no argument from me about the staff. I want Butch gone as soon as the sun rises.

Arkansas notably struggles against running qb's, what do we do? Try to turn Dobbs into a pocket passer. Some of these decisions have to be questioned.

and yet...many on here have been yammering about why we aren't passing more...found that out last night.
My question to the people saying next year is our year is this. What in your right mind makes you think butch will 1) Make coaching staff changes 2) change himself 3) our players will drastically improve (they are pretty good right now) or 4) all of the sudden Butch becomes a great head coach?

I don't see it happening folks. The only thing next year will bring us is more of what we have experienced for the past 7-8 years.
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and yet...many on here have been yammering about why we aren't passing more...found that out last night.

As much as the coaching staff has given us reason to question them, a lot of what happened yesterday is probably not on them. Preston Williams fumbled the ball without contact and dropped what should have been a 20 yard gain on 3rd down, Pearson had multiple drops, a few others dropped passes, and the defense again had bad angles and missed tackles. It is the coaching staff's job to teach these kids and to put them in position to make plays....when the team is not making those plays, thats not directly on the coaching staff.
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Time to start looking around. The season is over.

First you can't accept that Dobbs can't hit the broad side of a barn with a pass. You blamed everyone else for his problems.

Now you bring all this toxic crap on the rest of the team and Butch Jones. Jones may fail, and he will get fired, but it's fans like you that it make it almost impossible to coach today.

I'm not giving Jones a pass on his coaching, he and others have made mistakes. But everything he told us about Dobbs and the rest of this team has been true, the fans out their passion don't want to believe it.

Now that it's obvious that what he has been saying is true you have his head on the end of a pike. No wonder Vols football is such a place of misery. Let's see how the rest of the season plays out with a new QB.
You bltches sound like school girls. Put on your big girl panties and tuffen up. And for goodness sakes stop whining. You act like this team is pitiful. They are not. This team hasn't quit on Butch. Maybe, just maybe if you showed them some support, instead of always bashing them they would play even harder. If they've quit on anyone, they've quit on you pansie a$$ a$$holes who are treating them all like $hit.
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Why? He's right, the sunshine pumpers need to called out.

LMAO, are you high! We must end the positive people from being heard!!!!! Get bent with this crap. Believe what you want, but to try to "call out" those optimistic folks that are left is ridiculous. Misery loves company!
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Dayyyuuumm. Our player development is poor. Our offensive scheme is very very weak. Dobbs inability to throw down the field has paralyzed us. Our defensive play calling is questionable as well as basic fundamentals. This coaching staff if pathetic. Our recruiting is great, but coaching is bad. My two cents
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Watching how the Gators are playing with their first year coach, should pretty much tell us how bad of a coach Butch is. I really believed that this was going to be the year we started turning it around. I bet there's going to be some recruits that decommit this week.

There are probably signees who would un-sign if they could. ...
You bltches sound like school girls. Put on your big girl panties and tuffen up. And for goodness sakes stop whining. You act like this team is pitiful. They are not. This team hasn't quit on Butch. Maybe, just maybe if you showed them some support, instead of always bashing them they would play even harder. If they've quit on anyone, they've quit on you pansie a$$ a$$holes who are treating them all like $hit.

Would you consider checker boarding the stadium and breaking the sound decibal rating not supporting them. You are a moron sir. "If you scream louder they will win" I yell as loud and as often as anybody and i support the players regardless of the record but the coaching is terrible and anyone who cant see that is a moron. Good day sir. I said good day!!!!
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I just hope the kids don't quit and they play better and win enough to make a bowl game.

Kids need the 15 extra practices and UT needs the bowl game money badly.

Step 1...Fire the entire administration from AD Hart on up.

Step 2...Hire a completely new administration that does care about making Tennessee sports great again.

Then let the new AD decide what to do about CBJ and staff.

Then we have to hope and pray that our big $$$$ donors will get up off many Millions of $$$$$ to hire really good, experienced, proven, winning coaches that are also great recruiters.

Without really great recruiters in every sport we'll never get back to the top.

I know this is just a dream and will never happen but a old guy like me has to find hope somewhere because I want my Vols back on top before I die.

Our damn Govanor and his rich daddy need to step in and scream to all our administrators that this BS is totally NOT acceptable at Tennessee and never will be.

Fire them all from the AD on up and start over!


The word is....Gruden has been asking questions. .. SMH TIFWIW IMHO SMHA
Today was terrible. Even I can't defend his performance.

It might be time to play all the freshmen.

You might be on to something here. Think about this...if we to start all the highly touted frosh, and if (and this is a huge "if") we are able to finish 6-6, just imagine what the hype would be for 2016. It might buy Butch another couple yrs. he could that wave for a while.

This is about as depressing as 2005 when reality finally set in on Fulmers issues. At least we could say Fulmer had talent issues and the game passed him by. But not this crew. These guys are absolutely clueless.
You bltches sound like school girls. Put on your big girl panties and tuffen up. And for goodness sakes stop whining. You act like this team is pitiful. They are not. This team hasn't quit on Butch. Maybe, just maybe if you showed them some support, instead of always bashing them they would play even harder. If they've quit on anyone, they've quit on you pansie a$$ a$$holes who are treating them all like $hit.

Ridiculous. Blaming the fans because some are tired of watching a crap product from a crap car salesman coach. We have been in the top 10 in attendance since 2010 6,6,8,6,7. All without having a good year. Keep on supporting this loser coaching staff. We will keep losing games and keep hearing pathetic excuses.
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Baloney. The players are trying hard. I have no problem with the effort. They just can't make the plays when it counts. They're just not there yet. I had us at 8 wind max at the start of the season. We won't get that, but I still hope for 6-7 wins. What Butch needs to do is simply keep grinding and recruiting through the last game of this season. At that point, he has to do some serious evaluating. Does he hang with the staff as is with a make or break season on the horizon in 2016 or does he make changes at the coordinator position and risk losing the "continuity" for the upcoming season. I really hope he makes it. I don't want to see another head coaching change, but if he hitches his wagon to the current staff, he'd better pray he's right and they become world beaters.
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We can't blame the coaches for yesterday's loss. They threw the ball, they called good plays, they had the lead and didn't try to sit on it. The players, collectively, just couldn't make it happen. Especially the D, specifically the Secondary. The D line couldn't tackle, get off blocks and every play at least 1 linemen overshot the play going for the QB and took himself out of the play. Our 5 star recievers looked like they were incapable of getting separation or able to catch the ball when they were open.
My biggest concern is that they quit on Butch like they did on Dooley. Now it's a learned behavior and a tactic.
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Would you consider checker boarding the stadium and breaking the sound decibal rating not supporting them. You are a moron sir. "If you scream louder they will win" I yell as loud and as often as anybody and i support the players regardless of the record but the coaching is terrible and anyone who cant see that is a moron. Good day sir. I said good day!!!!

If you think for one second that your temper tantrums aren't affecting these players heads you're wrong. Booing in a game we are leading yesterday. All of this bashing is taking its toll. And it makes you look like an a$$ to the rest of America.
These players didn't quit. They had a goal line stand at the very end to give us a shot. We dropped a ball on our last drive. We fumbled a ball in the red zone. We fumbled a ball last week to give UF a short field and the momentum. We missed a FG last night and last week. It is what it is. We've lost 3 games by a combined 12 points this year, and 7 of that was indouble overtime. Grow up. I'm butt hurt too, but this team is far from horrible. Some of you fans however, are just childish a$$holes who are acting like your little sister took away your favorite toy.
I respect Mark Richt but man I hope we can pull out a win next weekend.
To the fans who would like to tweet encouragement to the team, I am sure these young UT players would like to know you are proud of them and their efforts and to keep fighting.
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