The team has given up on Butch Jones

BS the players are definately to blame as well as the coaching staff, both should be very ashamed of not competing 100%

Well, honestly you can't fault the players for not giving 100%. The staff has obviously taught them that 3/4 is good enough.
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There will be some big changes in the staff, that is guaranteed. Butch will keep his job but if no changes are made, then it will be a matter of time.
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Realism is not in high supply here. Most people had them winning the east or in contention for it. 8-9 wins was the average it seems. This team has 3 nail biting losses, but stop with the crazy talk. We all knew this team was a year away from being legit, so stop with the fire butch crap.

I defended him after OU and UF, but this was a really bad team that came into our house and beat us. Not only that. They did everything they could to give the game to us. We were just too incompotent to take it. Butch is done.
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Show some class dirt bag. This is a tough time for our program.
Remember you're a guest on here.

His post was spot on in regards to the OP. Might want to slow down referring to anyone as a "guest" seeing as you have been here for about a week.
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Everything was a mess tonight after the first quarter. I don't think the players have quit but they are playing on a very fragile psyche right now and losing that 14-0 lead as fast as we did was disheartening for them and then came the missed field goal and the Williams fumble at the 10 when we had regained the lead and momentum. You could see their a$$es were dragging coming out for the 2nd half... and since Butch doesn't make halftime adjustments the game was pretty much over.

I can't defend Butch anymore but I will defend the players enough to say that I don't think they have quit.

Then why were "their...a$$es dragging coming out for the 2nd half..." ?
I have gotten attacked so many times by Vol fans ,over these POS gator posters that I think its funny! I told you what would happen when Florida started winning you would see the true colors
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Today was terrible. Even I can't defend his performance.

It might be time to play all the freshmen.

I thought we already were playing all the freshmen....all the 17 year olds on our team because that's all we got....youngest team in college football and only getting younger.
Today was terrible. Even I can't defend his performance.

It might be time to play all the freshmen.

Players gotta make plays. We don't make them. Dropped passes. Missed tackles. We overrated our talent level again at the beginning of the year. We just are an average football team.
Aggravated as I am about things, disagree with thread title.

Did not see players giving up. Blocked fg, stopped fake fg, etc. That is not giving up.
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Guys, several things are going on right now. First of all, this team was over hyped and overrated from the start of spring practice. We have come light years since the arrival of Butch Jones, but we are one level of experienced depth from being able to put away top 25 teams. We only had 65 scholarship players when Butch took over, and about half of them belonged in the OVC, not FBS. Also, our offensive line is still shallow on depth, and Dobbs only gets about 2 seconds to throw most of the time. Heck, we are still raw at most positions. Debord is really limited in what he can run because the WRs can't get off man coverage, the line can't block long enough for Dobbs to get past read 2 in the progression, and then teams stack 8 in the box and dare us to run. On the defensive side, we only have 3 guys developed enough yet to play a lot of man coverage. That's limits blitzing, and we cannot generate enough pressure rushing 4 raw D linemen. The past two years, we were getting embarrassed by quality competition. The losses this year have sucked, but the progress is there. Give it till the end of next year before we break out the torches, feathers, and pitch.

And this is year 3. Speaks volumes about what is NOT being done.
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If only we could win games off hype alone.

If so many fans wouldn't buy into the hype and keep a sensible head on there shoulders and be reasonable instead of boosting expectations up a year or 2, we wouldn't be having these meltdown threads!! Or meltdowns period!

CBJ and all media has said (preseason, before the hype began) that UT was still about a year and another great recruiting class away from being back to where they once was amongst the SEC's elite.

Then comes the media's hype and talking us up and then the fans jump on board and BAM expectations go from a 8-4 season to were goin 10-2 and winning te east. And then reality happens and we are a year and another great class away and this place melts down and erbody wants to Far butch n new coaches and starts throwing the players under the bus when just a few short weeks ago this was the best players n coache and we was back!!!!

Y'all wanna new coach then get ready to be bottom feeders for well ever cause y'all will never be happy unless the coach comes in the 1stbyear and wins a natty!!!! I read somewhere that Florida has done it right and yada yada yada but florida ha a roster full of talent sec talent. Everybody forgets we had nothing when Butch got here and even tho we now have some great talent, we still need depth.

And no I'm not happy with the season and yes I'm just as mad as everybody else at the 2 blown wins and last nights 2nd half meltdown. But I'm tryin to have a level head of where this program is vs where it was an where it's goin.
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Guys, several things are going on right now. First of all, this team was over hyped and overrated from the start of spring practice. We have come light years since the arrival of Butch Jones, but we are one level of experienced depth from being able to put away top 25 teams. We only had 65 scholarship players when Butch took over, and about half of them belonged in the OVC, not FBS. Also, our offensive line is still shallow on depth, and Dobbs only gets about 2 seconds to throw most of the time. Heck, we are still raw at most positions. Debord is really limited in what he can run because the WRs can't get off man coverage, the line can't block long enough for Dobbs to get past read 2 in the progression, and then teams stack 8 in the box and dare us to run. On the defensive side, we only have 3 guys developed enough yet to play a lot of man coverage. That's limits blitzing, and we cannot generate enough pressure rushing 4 raw D linemen. The past two years, we were getting embarrassed by quality competition. The losses this year have sucked, but the progress is there. Give it till the end of next year before we break out the torches, feathers, and pitch.

When fans, players, and recruit's see other coaches win their first year at a school or winning in the same amount of time as CBJ has been here it doesn't help the situation. Especially when you can make a case some of the other coaches inherited programs that were arguably worse off than TN.
When fans, players, and recruit's see other coaches win their first year at a school or winning in the same amount of time as CBJ has been here it doesn't help the situation. Especially when you can make a case some of the other coaches inherited programs that were arguably worse off than TN.

I'm not tryin to be a smart butt but I'd like to see a team that was worse off than UT when another coach took over and started winning with that team in te SEC with a schedule that matches ours the past 3 years.
No, it's not. The season is not even half way over. Even for all that has happened so far, this team and coaching staff can redeem itself.

What ray of sunshine has shone through to make you believe this if you don't mind my asking?

Was it the stirring performance against WCU or the heroic stops on defense this team has been making the last three games?
Please share one thing you've seen that leads you to believe they'll be better next year?

quality depth. that's one thing. experience. that's two things. I can go into greater detail, but I wont waste the time on unrealistic people like you. The FACTS are that this is still one of the youngest teams in the nation. this team is going toe to toe with some pretty good teams, and could just as easily be 5-0 right now. young teams find ways to lose rather than find ways to win. more experience and depth and we would not be having these discussions. to properly rebuild is a 4 year process, in a league like the sec.
quality depth. that's one thing. experience. that's two things. I can go into greater detail, but I wont waste the time on unrealistic people like you. The FACTS are that this is still one of the youngest teams in the nation. this team is going toe to toe with some pretty good teams, and could just as easily be 5-0 right now. young teams find ways to lose rather than find ways to win. more experience and depth and we would not be having these discussions. to properly rebuild is a 4 year process, in a league like the sec.

Young team ? Butch??That you?
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