The Hunter Biden Thread

So far October is my fave month of 2020...keep those surprises coming!

Uh oh...

Investigators are also poring over Treasury Department records that have flagged suspicious activities involving Hunter's banking transactions and business deals that may be connected to his father’s political influence.
Even with a keen knowledge of Trumps propensity to appeal to the lowest common denominator and with that - super low expectations, it's still sadly fascinating for me to witness folks using another persons struggles with drug addiction as a punchline.
It is a sad issue..... for anyone that’s had a family member or close friend go through it. It tears families apart ....
Even with a keen knowledge of Trumps propensity to appeal to the lowest common denominator and with that - super low expectations, it's still sadly fascinating for me to witness folks using another persons struggles with drug addiction as a punchline.

Septic playing the empathy card. Things must be dire.
I personally care more about a compromised VP and possible potus than I do about hurting poor little Hunter's feelings.

Pretty sure Hunter isn't on VN, "hurting his feelings" isn't really the point.

Mocking drug addiction tells far more about the person using it as a punch line than the person being mocked.
What complete and utter embarrassment by Rudy and the GOP. The only idiots buying this story are the MAGATs that already believe everything the Senile Orangeman says. But hey the rest of us are enjoying watching this blow up in your faces like everything else you've tried. Somehow you topped Trump pushing QAnon batsh** theories about Bin Laden on national tv, but hey we all know Trump can always shoot lower!

FYI do you guys have any original ideas? Emails? "Lock her up"? I mean I know Trump is a simpleton but geezus.
Pretty sure Hunter isn't on VN, "hurting his feelings" isn't really the point.

Mocking drug addiction tells far more about the person using it as a punch line than the person being mocked.

Drug addicts should be mocked. It's their own damn fault that they are addicts.
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Pretty sure Hunter isn't on VN, "hurting his feelings" isn't really the point.

Mocking drug addiction tells far more about the person using it as a punch line than the person being mocked.
If you don't want to be mocked then don't become a drug addict. Seriously, who does crack recreationally?

I've watched, and continue to watch, some in my family fight drugs and alcohol. Sorry but I've lost most of my empathy during that time.
I personally care more about a compromised VP and possible potus than I do about hurting poor little Hunter's feelings.

ROFL....because there's been no evidence over the past 3 years that Trump has been compromised at all right? Let me guess ALL that was bullsh**, but these supposed, totally real emails that DON'T EVEN prove what your side is pushing is the "smoking gun" that Biden is compromised.

It's just comical at this point.
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