The Big Tech March to Silence Free Speech

That’s just a bank of questions from which they choose for the exam though right? The profs can still choose to make their own exam, I assume anyway.

Except for the outright theft, there's a lot of similarity here to the old test files that fraternities held for test prep - a good chance that questions repeat. Somebody is always looking for shortcuts to success and for any advantage whether it be simply opportunistic or fraudulent. The other lesson is cyber security - maybe the universities and publishers learned something, too; wouldn't count on that though.
Except for the outright theft, there's a lot of similarity here to the old test files that fraternities held for test prep - a good chance that questions repeat. Somebody is always looking for shortcuts to success and for any advantage whether it be simply opportunistic or fraudulent. The other lesson is cyber security - maybe the universities and publishers learned something, too; wouldn't count on that though.

Gotta whole heartedly disagree with what someone said was basically "initiative and learning skills" Learning to cheat is good life skills I guess, and makes the honest have to suffer at their lazy dishonest ways.
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Gotta whole heartedly disagree with what someone said was basically "initiative and learning skills" Learning to cheat is good life skills I guess, and makes the honest have to suffer at their lazy dishonest ways.

I know I'd sure rather drive across a bridge not built by a cheater or one with faulty concrete or steel sold by a cheater. I definitely agree with you about those kinds of "initiative and learning skills".
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Except for the outright theft, there's a lot of similarity here to the old test files that fraternities held for test prep - a good chance that questions repeat. Somebody is always looking for shortcuts to success and for any advantage whether it be simply opportunistic or fraudulent. The other lesson is cyber security - maybe the universities and publishers learned something, too; wouldn't count on that though.
This reminds me of a situation during my MBA, i missed a question on a test and met the professor to review where I was mistaken. When he reviewed my answer he said he'd change my grade, it blew his mind that that wasn't what I was after, I wanted to learn and understand the material, the grade was not important.
When education is about checking the box and getting a high score, it's no longer education, but just a task..... but then with common core, it just becomes a task for our educators, teacher, school system personnel.
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It happened again today, when Twitch shut down the stream of the gunman killing people, in violation of Texas law.

I'm glad to see that Twitch defied the Texas law. Let Republicans in Texas try to enforce this stupid law, if it's so important for them to be able to watch innocent people murdered on a live stream.
So the Biden administration is about to go strong after the 1st Amendment. They are getting desperate and they are out in the open.
How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Americans

Over the course of at least six months, starting in December 2020, CDC officials regularly communicated with personnel at Twitter, Facebook, and Google over "vaccine misinformation." At various times, CDC officials would flag specific posts by users on social media platforms such as Twitter as "example posts."

The communications reveal a high level of coordination between the government and tech industry during the pandemic and raise questions about the extent to which other private companies are working with the federal government to censor the public. The Biden administration has faced criticism for engaging in what some have called "Orwellian" practices, such as the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board. The Free Beacon reported that the now-shuttered disinformation board arranged a meeting with a Twitter executive who blocked users from sharing stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
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Judge rules Fauci be deposed in lawsuit alleging White House worked with Big Tech to censor speech

A federal judge has ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci and other Biden officials be deposed as part of a lawsuit against the Biden administration, alleging that the government colluded with social media companies to censor free speech related to the coronavirus and other controversial topics.

"What we’ve uncovered so far is at least 45 folks from the Biden administration were in constant communication with these social media platforms to censor and suppress speech, had weekly calls, censorship calls, and these social media platforms were changing terms of service to deplatform folks," Schmitt said. "In addition to that, you literally had a high-ranking Facebook official texting the surgeon general of the United States saying, ‘Hey, we did what you ask, what more can we do?’"

Judge rules Fauci be deposed in lawsuit alleging White House worked with Big Tech to censor speech

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