The Big Tech March to Silence Free Speech

My brother is a sociology professor and he told me he sees students trying to use Wiki as a major source every semester. He conducted a poll 2 years ago. He asked his students if they thought wiki is a good source for quality information. Almost 98% said yes.

This is Xcellent

So basically, he's mad because they were too lazy to change the tests each semester and someone got a copy?
At least this shows that 30% of the class has learned to work the system to get ahead.
That knowledge will be more valuable to the students than anything the instructor spews from the moral high ground. The instructor shoulders the blame. He was asleep at the wheel.
Filmmaker Ken Burns calls Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg ‘an Enemy of the State’ Who Belongs in Jail

'He doesn’t give a sh-t about us, the United States,' Burns said

Award-winning filmmaker and historian Ken Burns said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is "an enemy of the state" who belongs in jail.

Burns joined The New York Times’ "Sway" podcast to promote a new film about Muhammad Ali and was asked if a particular tech figure could be as culturally significant in a few decades as the boxing legend is now.

"I mean, I hope Zuckerberg is in jail by then," Burns said.

"This is an enemy of the state, and I mean the United States of America. He doesn’t give a sh-t about us, the United States," Burns continued. "He knows he can transcend it. He can get away to any place. And so it’s just about filthy lucre, that’s it."

Filmmaker Ken Burns calls Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg ‘an enemy of the state’ who belongs in jail
Facebook Executive Helped Cuomo Smear sex-harassment accuser: AG report

A top communications manager at Facebook helped Gov. Andrew Cuomo fight sexual misconduct allegations — including by helping leak confidential files about accuser Lindsey Boyland and by participating in regular discussions about Cuomo’s communications strategy, according to the New York attorney general’s bombshell investigation.

Dani Lever — who had worked in Cuomo’s press operation since 2014 but left in August 2020 to join Facebook as a communications manager — played a key role in Cuomo’s communications strategy even while working for Facebook, according to the investigation released Tuesday.

Facebook exec helped Cuomo smear sex-harassment accuser: AG
Facebook Executive Helped Cuomo Smear sex-harassment accuser: AG report

A top communications manager at Facebook helped Gov. Andrew Cuomo fight sexual misconduct allegations — including by helping leak confidential files about accuser Lindsey Boyland and by participating in regular discussions about Cuomo’s communications strategy, according to the New York attorney general’s bombshell investigation.

Dani Lever — who had worked in Cuomo’s press operation since 2014 but left in August 2020 to join Facebook as a communications manager — played a key role in Cuomo’s communications strategy even while working for Facebook, according to the investigation released Tuesday.

Facebook exec helped Cuomo smear sex-harassment accuser: AG

I'd believe it without even reading the article. I have little respect for anything that comes out of the ZuckFactory. Time and time and time again, it's all been pure merde from that company.
Introducing it as a war on kiddie porn to get everyone to be okay with it. I can only imagine the number of “guilty till proven innocent” cases coming from this.

Watchdogs Sound Alarm After Apple Reveals Plan To Upload Software To iPhones That Scans User’s Photos

Don't like it? Switch to Android.

Sorry, that came across as crass. Let me try it this way (no blue font).

I have issues with Google as much as I do with Apple, but I have the ability with my Android-based phone to install a custom ROM that has been completely de-Googled, and install comparable apps from a number of different app stores. So long as Apple has its walled garden approach, Apple users pretty much have to take whatever happens to them.

I prefer the UI, UX, and longevity of the Apple platform. I stay with Android because I can lock it down and give Google the stink eye when I sing want to play their games.
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Don't like it? Switch to Android.

Sorry, that came across as crass. Let me try it this way (no blue font).

I have issues with Google as much as I do with Apple, but I have the ability with my Android-based phone to install a custom ROM that has been completely de-Googled, and install comparable apps from a number of different app stores. So long as Apple has its walled garden approach, Apple users pretty much have to take whatever happens to them.

I prefer the UI, UX, and longevity of the Apple platform. I stay with Android because I can lock it down and give Google the stink eye when I sing want to play their games.

Nope, not at all. Actually, that was my first thought….a great marketing tool for Android.
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At least this shows that 30% of the class has learned to work the system to get ahead.
That knowledge will be more valuable to the students than anything the instructor spews from the moral high ground. The instructor shoulders the blame. He was asleep at the wheel.
Or it shows that 70% realize that the short cut ended up costing them in the long run, although not as much as it could have if they owned up to the mistake, which is also a valuable lesson. However, I agree on the point with the prof. He seems like the type that just had to run his precious stats so he couldn’t change the exam regularly. His stats will have much less credibility now!
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Or it shows that 70% realize that the short cut ended up costing them in the long run, although not as much as it could have if they owned up to the mistake, which is also a valuable lesson. However, I agree on the point with the prof. He seems like the type that just had to run his precious stats so he couldn’t change the exam regularly. His stats will have much less credibility now!

The test was not stolen. The test bank was.
That’s just a bank of questions from which they choose for the exam though right? The profs can still choose to make their own exam, I assume anyway.

That is my understanding. Looks pretty thick as well. The irony is the cheaters had to put quite a bit of study into learning the test bank questions when they should of applied that learning in the first place. And it is not like there would be an infinite numbers of questions to ask as well.
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That is my understanding. Looks pretty thick as well. The irony is the cheaters had to put quite a bit of study into learning the test bank questions when they should of applied that learning in the first place. And it is not like there would be an infinite numbers of questions to ask as well.
Often, criminals (I’m not saying these kids are criminals) have quite creative minds to pull off the crap they do. They choose to use that creativity poorly. Look at addicts. They are master manipulators and liars. Eventually people catch on but it usually takes a long while.
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Often, criminals (I’m not saying these kids are criminals) have quite creative minds to pull off the crap they do. They choose to use that creativity poorly. Look at addicts. They are master manipulators and liars. Eventually people catch on but it usually takes a long while.

I was accused of cheating on an Economics 101 or 102 final test. Myself and another guy had the same answers. Got called in and told both of us had to take it again. Pissed my off, but I actually scored higher and ended up with the better grade. Guess they booted that *******.
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I was accused of cheating on an Economics 101 or 102 final test. Myself and another guy had the same answers. Got called in and told both of us had to take it again. Pissed my off, but I actually scored higher and ended up with the better grade. Guess they booted that *******.
Depending on the number of questions and the type of questions 2 people having the same answers certainly is not impossible but unlikely. Maybe he was looking over your shoulder? Or, if it was 50 questions and multiple choice maybe it just happened. People assign way too much importance to multiple choice exams. Doing well or poorly on a multiple choice exam doesn’t mean a person does or doesn’t know the material.
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Depending on the number of questions and the type of questions 2 people having the same answers certainly is not impossible but unlikely. Maybe he was looking over your shoulder? Or, if it was 50 questions and multiple choice maybe it just happened. People assign way too much importance to multiple choice exams. Doing well or poorly on a multiple choice exam doesn’t mean a person does or doesn’t know the material.

It was not just multiple choice, but probably had a few, graphs like S&D and such. Not sure how he did it. Must of been breathing down my neck.
This was like 1985.
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