The Anxiety thread

Reading some of these posts, I really think some of you would benefit from the books/links I've provided, or better yet, some behavioral therapy. Anxiety is the most treatable mental condition. It's very real, but it's very curable. Commit, and conquer. It will free you.

I know it isn't exactly your field and I know you will recommend me get checked out cause over the Internet and so forth. But I have had so many bloodworks and ekg's and monitors and they are always normal and I've ran out of money to just go spending left and right so I quit going. Yes I literally went a lot. With that out of the way I'll ask your opinion.

I know it's different with everyone but can it cause you to feel weak in the extremities even if you feel like you aren't experiencing anxiety at the time? Like what my anxiety is centered on is this "problem" I have but can't get diagnosed because nothing is ever wrong in tests. And I definitely do have spells where I will break down and cry so I know there is anxiety there. It's like I feel like my breathing is weird. Like forced or like I can't. And my swallowing gets weird and my head gets really weird feeling like you'd think you'd faint but I never have and I shake/get weak. It's scary. I am an emergency medical responder so I've literally checked bp and o2 levels and all that and they are always fine other than bp elevating a little due to the stress. I am neurotic about it and am always self checking. I take my pulse discretely every few minutes it seems like.
I can move my right arm fine I can change directions with it fast like normal I can text fast and play video games normal so I try to tell myself my arm is fine it just feels a lot more fatigued than my left arm so it makes my mind race

As someone with MS I can put your mind at ease at least with this. My arm started losing dexterity first and slowly worked up to losing movement in it over the span of a week or two and when I finally lost it it was gone for a couple months

I've got horrible anxiety now after MS messed with my brain. Beforehand I've peeled the tip of my pinkie finger off at work and calmly went home, took a handful of painkillers, super glued it back down, and then went to work the next day but nowadays if I even get a minor head cold I'm full blown panic attack and seeing as my MS medicine nukes my immune system I get those quite a bit. And then come the panic attacks I've got no control over so that's really hampered how much I leave the house.

This is probably a chore to read but I'm on mobile and tremors in my left arm so it makes proofreading a pain. Anyway if you have any questions and I can put your mind at ease feel free to ask
I know it isn't exactly your field and I know you will recommend me get checked out cause over the Internet and so forth. But I have had so many bloodworks and ekg's and monitors and they are always normal and I've ran out of money to just go spending left and right so I quit going. Yes I literally went a lot. With that out of the way I'll ask your opinion.

I know it's different with everyone but can it cause you to feel weak in the extremities even if you feel like you aren't experiencing anxiety at the time? Like what my anxiety is centered on is this "problem" I have but can't get diagnosed because nothing is ever wrong in tests. And I definitely do have spells where I will break down and cry so I know there is anxiety there. It's like I feel like my breathing is weird. Like forced or like I can't. And my swallowing gets weird and my head gets really weird feeling like you'd think you'd faint but I never have and I shake/get weak. It's scary. I am an emergency medical responder so I've literally checked bp and o2 levels and all that and they are always fine other than bp elevating a little due to the stress. I am neurotic about it and am always self checking. I take my pulse discretely every few minutes it seems like.

With anxiety, almost any symptom is possible. It's really hard to say, but if all your tests have been normal, it sounds like you are ok physically.
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As someone with MS I can put your mind at ease at least with this. My arm started losing dexterity first and slowly worked up to losing movement in it over the span of a week or two and when I finally lost it it was gone for a couple months

I've got horrible anxiety now after MS messed with my brain. Beforehand I've peeled the tip of my pinkie finger off at work and calmly went home, took a handful of painkillers, super glued it back down, and then went to work the next day but nowadays if I even get a minor head cold I'm full blown panic attack and seeing as my MS medicine nukes my immune system I get those quite a bit. And then come the panic attacks I've got no control over so that's really hampered how much I leave the house.

This is probably a chore to read but I'm on mobile and tremors in my left arm so it makes proofreading a pain. Anyway if you have any questions and I can put your mind at ease feel free to ask

Much appreciated and best wishes to you keep fighting. Any other symptoms with MS for you?
Much appreciated and best wishes to you keep fighting. Any other symptoms with MS for you?

Joints on my left side are wrecked from when I lost complete movement in my arm and most in my leg, migraines, weird moods from the lesions on my brain, tremors, and walking with a limp

Most of those things aren't that bad to deal with but some days the anxiety makes the day hell because there's not really anything you can do to help
Joints on my left side are wrecked from when I lost complete movement in my arm and most in my leg, migraines, weird moods from the lesions on my brain, tremors, and walking with a limp

Most of those things aren't that bad to deal with but some days the anxiety makes the day hell because there's not really anything you can do to help
That's horrible I wish you the best. It really makes what I've been feeling look minor. My problem is I can't depict if my pains are from me being a hypochondriac or if they're real. I've noticed when I'm occupied I don't feel it, it just sucks bc any pain I have I immediately think cancer tumor MS etc i can't help it
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That's horrible I wish you the best. It really makes what I've been feeling look minor. My problem is I can't depict if my pains are from me being a hypochondriac or if they're real. I've noticed when I'm occupied I don't feel it, it just sucks bc any pain I have I immediately think cancer tumor MS etc i can't help it

I know what you mean. I was sure that I had cancer. I do have other diseases but I was dead set that I had cancer somewhere in my body. That's how bad I felt for a long time.
I know what you mean. I was sure that I had cancer. I do have other diseases but I was dead set that I had cancer somewhere in my body. That's how bad I felt for a long time.

My anxiety causes me to feel pain, feel like a body part is asleep as in it feels prickly. Like last night driving home from.the game my right part of my left foot felt tingly while.I was driving now it has gone away. All my life when I've lifted things like a phone or a cup my hand shakes a little bit. Now that I'm a fUll blown hypochondriac I think parkinsons instead of just a minor tremor hell maybe everyone shakes a little idk. I need therapy I've been told but idk what that will do
I'm only 23 and I'm already worrying about crazy stuff although I know deep down the diseases I worry over are extremely rare for anyone and even more rare at my age. I'm driving my girlfriend crazy with the worrying
I'm only 23 and I'm already worrying about crazy stuff although I know deep down the diseases I worry over are extremely rare for anyone and even more rare at my age. I'm driving my girlfriend crazy with the worrying

I go to therapy myself & take medications. You really need to find you a mental health dr. Setup both therapy sessions & use a dr. to prescribe you meds. It may take some time to find the right meds but once they do you will feel so much better overall.

I still have severe fatigue which is caused by sleep apnea & also a combination of my Lyme Disease & Lupus.

You can even get a case management person for your mental health that will come to your house bi-weekly if needed. I have one that comes bi-weekly to talk about things & tell if I'm in improvement or steady or in decline. Please consider doing this.

You need all the help you can get because you're still pretty young & don't need this anxiety to control your life at this age.

I'm almost 46 years old & have been dealing with health issues for going on 5 years now but I'm somewhat stable now after finally getting the right dr. & finding the right meds for me plus the therapy. Thanks!
I go to therapy myself & take medications. You really need to find you a mental health dr. Setup both therapy sessions & use a dr. to prescribe you meds. It may take some time to find the right meds but once they do you will feel so much better overall.

I still have severe fatigue which is caused by sleep apnea & also a combination of my Lyme Disease & Lupus.

You can even get a case management person for your mental health that will come to your house bi-weekly if needed. I have one that comes bi-weekly to talk about things & tell if I'm in improvement or steady or in decline. Please consider doing this.

You need all the help you can get because you're still pretty young & don't need this anxiety to control your life at this age.

I'm almost 46 years old & have been dealing with health issues for going on 5 years now but I'm somewhat stable now after finally getting the right dr. & finding the right meds for me plus the therapy. Thanks!

My job makes it hard to do a lot I work a night shift. It may contribute to my issues
My job makes it hard to do a lot I work a night shift. It may contribute to my issues

It probably does. Our bodies wasn't made to stay awake at night & sleep during the day. We have to make sacrifices sometimes but I would look for a different job. Jesus created our bodies to recover & repair overnight while we're resting.

Not during the day like you're doing right now. It's not able to do any of that repair & recovery even though you're sleeping. He created our bodies to sleep from 11 PM - 7AM.

Those 8 hours is where all of our bodily systems repair & recover. And, believe it or not, each time from 11 PM to 7 AM a different bodily system is doing the repair & recovery. Thanks!
I saw someone mention Lyme Disease earlier. What symptoms did you experience? Also would the tick bite itch? I don't think I have a rash or anything I'm doing a no no and googling stuff
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I saw someone mention Lyme Disease earlier. What symptoms did you experience? Also would the tick bite itch? I don't think I have a rash or anything I'm doing a no no and googling stuff

I did not have the rash that about 50% get. I am/was an avid outdoorsman. I could have gotten bit a number of times without knowing it. I remember picking a tic off me when I was a teenager but I'm almost 46 years of age now.

There are instances where you can get bit & years later the bacterial infection activates for various reasons & one of the biggest is stress.

You need to go to the dr. & ask for the Western Blot Lyme test. It's the best one but it's expensive & some insurances do not want to have it done. Find a dr. that will do it just to make sure you don't have it. I had it for over 3 years before I found a dr. that finally suspected it & did the Western Blot test & it came back positive. It was too late for antibiotic treatment.

The Lyme had already became systemic. I have all sorts of symptoms. It's became mostly neurological now. The anxiety/panic attacks, depression, short term memory loss, forgetfulness, fatigue, pain, confusion are some. I also have Lupus that gives me joint & muscle pain.

I've been hospitalized twice in the past 5 years with renal(kidney) failure. They don't know what's caused the kidney failures except maybe for the medication switches/changes that I've been through since 2011.

I haven't had any kidney trouble though since 2014. My kidney bloodwork has came back normal for the past 2 years & my dr. does the kidney bloodwork every 3 months because of my past kidney problems. Please go get tested for Lyme Disease.

There are probably a lot of people walking around here not knowing they even have it. It will at least give you peace of mind if it comes back negative. If it comes back positive, treatment will depend on how long they think you've had it.

If it's been over 6 months then there's really not much they can do. Some drs. might try antibiotics if it's been around that time or less but it's not likely if 6+ months. They will do as they're doing for me & just providing me meds to control my symptoms.

It's working now but it took almost 4 years before any of my symptoms was able to get under control. I thought I was dying on multiple occasions. I'm glad that feeling is over now. Thanks!
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I did not have the rash that about 50% get. I am/was an avid outdoorsman. I could have gotten bit a number of times without knowing it. I remember picking a tic off me when I was a teenager but I'm almost 46 years of age now.

There are instances where you can get bit & years later the bacterial infection activates for various reasons & one of the biggest is stress.

You need to go to the dr. & ask for the Western Blot Lyme test. It's the best one but it's expensive & some insurances do not want to have it done. Find a dr. that will do it just to make sure you don't have it. I had it for over 3 years before I found a dr. that finally suspected it & did the Western Blot test & it came back positive. It was too late for antibiotic treatment.

The Lyme had already became systemic. I have all sorts of symptoms. It's became mostly neurological now. The anxiety, depression, short term memory loss, forgetfulness, fatigue, confusion are some. I also have Lupus that gives me joint & muscle pain.

I've been hospitalized twice in the past 5 years with renal(kidney) failure. They don't know what's caused the kidney failures except maybe for the medication switches/changes that I've been through since 2011.

I haven't had any kidney trouble though since 2014. My kidney bloodwork has came back normal for the past 2 years & my dr. does the kidney bloodwork every 3 months because of my past kidney problems. Please go get tested for Lyme Disease.

There are probably a lot of people walking around here not knowing they even have it. It will at least give you peace of mind if it comes back negative. If it comes back positive, treatment will depend on how long they think you've had it.

If it's been over 6 months then there's really not much they can do. Some drs. might try antibiotics if it's been around that time or less but it's not likely if 6+ months. They will do as they're doing for me & just providing me meds to control my symptoms.

It's working now but it took almost 4 years before any of my symptoms was able to get under control. I thought I was dying on multiple occasions. I'm glad that feeling is over now. Thanks!

The problem with lyme is the symptoms are similar to symptoms for several other things. I have no rash or any paralysis in my face nothing like that. I also have an extremely physical job and I work nights in a freezer so muscle aches could just be from lifting over 2000 cases a night. 10000 plus cases a week is very physical and could be the reason
The problem with lyme is the symptoms are similar to symptoms for several other things. I have no rash or any paralysis in my face nothing like that. I also have an extremely physical job and I work nights in a freezer so muscle aches could just be from lifting over 2000 cases a night. 10000 plus cases a week is very physical and could be the reason

I would still ask that you get tested for Lyme. Find a dr. that will do it if yours won't do it. Lyme does mimic other diseases & that was the problem with me. I got told that I was crazy & making things up & just a lot of very bad things were said by drs. about me but living for Jesus it's easy to forgive those people.

Have you been checked for Fibromyalgia? What about Lupus? Diabetes? Those can be tested for relatively cheap so ask to be tested for those diseases as well.

I feel for you because you're in pain both physically & mentally just like I've experienced. It's hard to even get thru the day feeling like this so I know what you're going thru. Thanks!
I would still ask that you get tested for Lyme. Find a dr. that will do it if yours won't do it. Lyme does mimic other diseases & that was the problem with me. I got told that I was crazy & making things up & just a lot of very bad things were said by drs. about me but living for Jesus it's easy to forgive those people.

Have you been checked for Fibromyalgia? What about Lupus? Diabetes? Those can be tested for relatively cheap so ask to be tested for those diseases as well.

I feel for you because you're in pain both physically & mentally just like I've experienced. It's hard to even get thru the day feeling like this so I know what you're going thru. Thanks!
I've been checked for diabetes. I'm fine there haven't been checked for the others. I'm in good shape I'm skinny muscular etc. I don't know much about the other 2 diseases you mentioned honestly
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My muscles that ache are the muscles I use for working. Mainly my arms

You are 23 years of age right? Sounds to me it might be a stress problem & that could lead to even further issues. We have a special needs son. He's a teenager now but raising him has taken a tole on both me & my wife. My immune system was just so low when these diseases attacked me that I couldn't fight them off.

Do you take any sort of probiotics or Vit D3? You need to be on those two supplements. If you're a guy you need 3,000 IU's of VIT D3 per day. Take 30 billion units of probiotics per day. 80%+ of our health problems start in our gut. It needs to be healthy. Please don't use yogurt as your probiotic because they're mostly loaded with sugars & other things no good for you.

Take a probiotic supplement. One brand name I would reference is "Healthy Origin". They sell their probiotics in different strengths. Go to Amazon or iHerb to buy them. iHerb will probably be the cheapest.

They(Healthy Origins) also make a Vit D3 in 2,000 IU & 5,000 IU's that you can get pretty cheap from iHerb. I'll also be praying for you. Prayer has no distance & Jesus can do miracles just like he provided our Vols this past Saturday. :wink:
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You are 23 years of age right? Sounds to me it might be a stress problem & that could lead to even further issues. We have a special needs son. He's a teenager now but raising him has taken a tole on both me & my wife. My immune system was just so low when these diseases attacked me that I couldn't fight them off.

Do you take any sort of probiotics or Vit D3? You need to be on those two supplements. If you're a guy you need 3,000 IU's of VIT D3 per day. Take 30 billion units of probiotics per day. 80%+ of our health problems start in our gut. It needs to be healthy. Please don't use yogurt as your probiotic because they're mostly loaded with sugars & other things no good for you.

Take a probiotic supplement. One brand name I would reference is "Healthy Origin". They sell their probiotics in different strengths. Go to Amazon or iHerb to buy them. iHerb will probably be the cheapest.

They(Healthy Origins) also make a Vit D3 in 2,000 IU & 5,000 IU's that you can get pretty cheap from iHerb. I'll also be praying for you. Prayer has no distance & Jesus can do miracles just like he provided our Vols this past Saturday. :wink:
Yep I am 23. It probably is stress. The stress is coming from my hypochondriac ways. I need to learn to control that and I'll probably be fine
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That's horrible I wish you the best. It really makes what I've been feeling look minor. My problem is I can't depict if my pains are from me being a hypochondriac or if they're real. I've noticed when I'm occupied I don't feel it, it just sucks bc any pain I have I immediately think cancer tumor MS etc i can't help it

No worries man it is what it is. I'm the same way with my heart now, I was told that I had something that's completely normal and nothing to worry about but now if I'm sitting somewhere or trying to sleep and I can feel my heartbeat I immediately have to change positions or I know I'm about to focus on that and have a panic attack. The problem with being a hypochondriac or something like it is 99% of your brain is telling you to not worry because it's nothing but then the 1% takes over and keeps saying but what if it's not what if it's this major thing instead and then that becomes all you can think about
No worries man it is what it is. I'm the same way with my heart now, I was told that I had something that's completely normal and nothing to worry about but now if I'm sitting somewhere or trying to sleep and I can feel my heartbeat I immediately have to change positions or I know I'm about to focus on that and have a panic attack. The problem with being a hypochondriac or something like it is 99% of your brain is telling you to not worry because it's nothing but then the 1% takes over and keeps saying but what if it's not what if it's this major thing instead and then that becomes all you can think about
That's exactly what happens to me. I worry the stress from worrying about my health all the time is taking a toll
Slept on my left side last night. I've had a pins and needles feeling in my left hand most of the day. Constantly thinking about it. I get a random pricking feeling in random toes and fingers, I've managed to convince myself I had a stroke over night and I'm freaking myself out. It's probably from sleeping on my left side and the other stuff is probably anxiety related but commence the freak out its coming
Slept on my left side last night. I've had a pins and needles feeling in my left hand most of the day. Constantly thinking about it. I get a random pricking feeling in random toes and fingers, I've managed to convince myself I had a stroke over night and I'm freaking myself out. It's probably from sleeping on my left side and the other stuff is probably anxiety related but commence the freak out its coming

You might have answered this already but do you take anything to help with the anxiety? And yeah that's probably from just sleeping on your side it's hard to explain but you'll definitely know when something seriously wrong is going on. I knew something was wrong with me but I was stubborn and didn't go to the doctor until my arm was losing movement and was having difficulty standing up straight much less walking
You might have answered this already but do you take anything to help with the anxiety? And yeah that's probably from just sleeping on your side it's hard to explain but you'll definitely know when something seriously wrong is going on. I knew something was wrong with me but I was stubborn and didn't go to the doctor until my arm was losing movement and was having difficulty standing up straight much less walking

Yeah I'm standing and walking fine. I was on lexapro however it gave me headaches. So,I thought. For all I know it could have been my hypochondria giving me the headaches. Crazy how your mind can create symptoms

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