The Anxiety thread

I had anxiety bad for about 2-3 years because of a horrible micromanaging boss. She was so overbearing and critical that she basically lived rent free in my head even when I left the office. It got so bad that I started having panic attacks if I was in meetings where she was present. And that in turn made things even worse because I would often need to get up and leave the meeting, which of course she would comment on and make remarks about how it was inappropriate to leave.

What's crazy is that the anxiety/panic of being in meetings with her then manifested itself as anxiety/panic over being in enclosed spaces. I started getting incredibly anxious in restaurants and movie theaters. Even eating dinner with my family made me nervous if I thought I couldn't easily get up and leave.

I ended up quitting the job and the symptoms slowly and gradually faded. I can tell that I still have some "left over" anxiety, but that entire experience and 2-3 year period really opened my eyes to how bad it can be.
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I had anxiety bad for about 2-3 years because of a horrible micromanaging boss. She was so overbearing and critical that she basically lived rent free in my head even when I left the office. It got so bad that I started having panic attacks if I was in meetings where she was present. And that in turn made things even worse because I would often need to get up and leave the meeting, which of course she would comment on and make remarks about how it was inappropriate to leave.

What's crazy is that the anxiety/panic of being in meetings with her then manifested itself as anxiety/panic over being in enclosed spaces. I started getting incredibly anxious in restaurants and movie theaters. Even eating dinner with my family made me nervous if I thought I couldn't easily get up and leave.

I ended up quitting the job and the symptoms slowly and gradually faded. I can tell that I still have some "left over" anxiety, but that entire experience and 2-3 year period really opened my eyes to how bad it can be.

I would've smacked that *****
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I would've smacked that *****

I was young and it was my first real job out of college. Didn't feel like I could stand up for myself at the time, especially since she had a lot of clout at the company and I was a nobody.
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My oldest daughter just left for school at Saint Andrews in Scotland for a year. I have not slept for two days and not dealing well with this change. My wife and other two girls are sad as well. Please pray for all of us.
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Had health anxiety for almost 2 years and now it's but a memory or random occurrence and I did without medication (even got advice from kiddiedoc on here).

I have stomach issues flare up with stress, then that causes PVCs, which causes anxiety for me. Once I figured out the cycle, the fear went away.
Had health anxiety for almost 2 years and now it's but a memory or random occurrence and I did without medication (even got advice from kiddiedoc on here).

I have stomach issues flare up with stress, then that causes PVCs, which causes anxiety for me. Once I figured out the cycle, the fear went away.

Man, I'm so glad to hear that!
Man, I'm so glad to hear that!

Thanks man! I know it's probably not documented yet, but I 100% see a connection between my stomach flare ups and PVCs. It's weird. Ate horribly for the 1st over the holiday and I felt bloated and junk for days. And what do you know? A few PVCs. But no stress at all about it. I knew the cycle and it's gone again.
Thanks man! I know it's probably not documented yet, but I 100% see a connection between my stomach flare ups and PVCs. It's weird. Ate horribly for the 1st over the holiday and I felt bloated and junk for days. And what do you know? A few PVCs. But no stress at all about it. I knew the cycle and it's gone again.

So, our bodies are designed to thrive off of healthful food from the earth. Garbage in = garbage out. Glad you have found an easy fix. I think we are just scratching the surface with understanding of the consequences of the modern diet.
Recently got a cut above my anal area from wiping too much or possibly to hard so now when I wipe I get small bright specks of blood only when I wipe over that area. It doesn't hurt constantly or hurt during bowel movements but of course being a hypochondriac I'm worrying myself to death thinking it'll getake infected and I'll have to get my lower body surgically removed. So silly. I'm not taking any medicine lexapro was making me feel bad
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Recently got a cut above my anal area from wiping too much or possibly to hard so now when I wipe I get small bright specks of blood only when I wipe over that area. It doesn't hurt constantly or hurt during bowel movements but of course being a hypochondriac I'm worrying myself to death thinking it'll getake infected and I'll have to get my lower body surgically removed. So silly. I'm not taking any medicine lexapro was making me feel bad

see a proctologist to calm your fears
Step mom thinks I have IBS. Been having excessive gas and minor stomach pains fairly often all week. No vomit or even diarrhea just a consistent stomach ache and a lot of gas. I guess it could be worse
I'm an anxiety sufferer. It's caused though by multiple diseases that I have. I have Chronic Lyme Disease, Lupus, & Chronic Mono. I also suffer from depression & PTSD. I also suffer from panic attacks which goes along with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD) diagnosis that I have.

I can't be in a place with more than 4-5 people because my nerves go ballistic & next thing I know I'm in a panic attack. I suffered for over 3 years before the Lyme Disease was even found. I wasn't diagnosed with Lupus & Chronic Mono until February of this year.

I am on several medications or I wouldn't even be able to function at all. Thank God for finally providing me a dr. that cares & takes care of me like it should be. I will be going to a rheumatologist for my Lupus in October because it has worsened in recent months.

My dad had Lupus at 47 years of age & I'm 45 1/2 years old so it's amazing how close in age we both developed this condition. He passed away from esophageal cancer complications though & not Lupus. He lived almost 20 years with Lupus.

I know what you're going thru with anxiety. I don't even drive anymore because of it. I am on medications to help control my anxiety & panic attacks though. It's helped my quality of life but I still have rough days at times.

God has taken care of me when I thought I was leaving this Earth many times in the past 5 years. Prayer really helps but I have to admit if it wasn't for these meds I wouldn't make it thru the day.

Prayers for you B4H & anybody else in this thread that suffers from the same condition. I know what you'll are facing & going through & it's my honor & duty to pray for each one of you. Thanks & God Bless!
I'm an anxiety sufferer. It's caused though by multiple diseases that I have. I have Chronic Lyme Disease, Lupus, & Chronic Mono. I also suffer from depression & PTSD. I also suffer from panic attacks which goes along with the Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD) diagnosis that I have.

I can't be in a place with more than 4-5 people because my nerves go ballistic & next thing I know I'm in a panic attack. I suffered for over 3 years before the Lyme Disease was even found. I wasn't diagnosed with Lupus & Chronic Mono until February of this year.

I am on several medications or I wouldn't even be able to function at all. Thank God for finally providing me a dr. that cares & takes care of me like it should be. I will be going to a rheumatologist for my Lupus in October because it has worsened in recent months.

My dad had Lupus at 47 years of age & I'm 45 1/2 years old so it's amazing how close in age we both developed this condition. He passed away from esophageal cancer complications though & not Lupus. He lived almost 20 years with Lupus.

I know what you're going thru with anxiety. I don't even drive anymore because of it. I am on medications to help control my anxiety & panic attacks though. It's helped my quality of life but I still have rough days at times.

God has taken care of me when I thought I was leaving this Earth many times in the past 5 years. Prayer really helps but I have to admit if it wasn't for these meds I wouldn't make it thru the day.

Prayers for you B4H & anybody else in this thread that suffers from the same condition. I know what you'll are facing & going through & it's my honor & duty to pray for each one of you. Thanks & God Bless!
Best wishes to you. I think I may get therapy. I've woke up with my arm being dead a few times within the few weeks, the arm on the side that I'm sleeping on. I try and tell myself it's simply from sleeping on it but the hypochondriac in me comes out and makes me fear MS or a oncoming stroke permanent paralysis etc. So then I think about it all day and try to do a self diagnosis. I feel like my arm feels weird all day. I've got a incredibly physical job son logic says the arm tiredness is due to that but hypochondriac in me says it's neurological. I feel like my right arm feels different than my left problem is I can't depict if it's simply in my head or not. I'm just lost.
I can move my right arm fine I can change directions with it fast like normal I can text fast and play video games normal so I try to tell myself my arm is fine it just feels a lot more fatigued than my left arm so it makes my mind race
Recently got a cut above my anal area from wiping too much or possibly to hard so now when I wipe I get small bright specks of blood only when I wipe over that area. It doesn't hurt constantly or hurt during bowel movements but of course being a hypochondriac I'm worrying myself to death thinking it'll getake infected and I'll have to get my lower body surgically removed. So silly. I'm not taking any medicine lexapro was making me feel bad

Had a friend tell me about this once..... we were wasted while fishing.... he proceeds to say.... hey Pickens.... I'm kinda freakin' out man.... I wiped my ass yesterday and there was blood on the toilet paper.... being wasted and what not...... I said "no sh**?"...... as in are you serious....AND.... as in there was only blood on the TP..... it went over his head and he replied..... "yeah I'm afraid I've got ass cancer"........ I busted out laughing so hard my stomach was hurting and he got a little pissed. I told him he probably had a 'tho I'd and to relax
Had a friend tell me about this once..... we were wasted while fishing.... he proceeds to say.... hey Pickens.... I'm kinda freakin' out man.... I wiped my ass yesterday and there was blood on the toilet paper.... being wasted and what not...... I said "no sh**?"...... as in are you serious....AND.... as in there was only blood on the TP..... it went over his head and he replied..... "yeah I'm afraid I've got ass cancer"........ I busted out laughing so hard my stomach was hurting and he got a little pissed. I told him he probably had a 'tho I'd and to relax

Had a similar experience that triggered my hypochondria. I was passing a bowel movement that was extremely hard I was very constipated it ended up being extremely bloody bright red blood but I believe it cut me open bc of how hard the stool was. That was more than a month ago hasn't happened again. However at the time instead of thinking well,it was constipated it probably cut me I assumed colon cancer started googling symptoms etc and freaked myself out. Now anytime I have a symptom I freak out and expect the absolute worst it's uncontrollable
Had a similar experience that triggered my hypochondria. I was passing a bowel movement that was extremely hard I was very constipated it ended up being extremely bloody bright red blood but I believe it cut me open bc of how hard the stool was. That was more than a month ago hasn't happened again. However at the time instead of thinking well,it was constipated it probably cut me I assumed colon cancer started googling symptoms etc and freaked myself out. Now anytime I have a symptom I freak out and expect the absolute worst it's uncontrollable

I'm sorry to hear that as it must be both scary and maddening at the same time.
What made me laugh at my friend was two fold..... I was drunk and higher than a kite and him saying ass cancer rather than something a little more scientific just struck me funny. I actually think my laughing may have helped him out though
I'm sorry to hear that as it must be both scary and maddening at the same time.
What made me laugh at my friend was two fold..... I was drunk and higher than a kite and him saying ass cancer rather than something a little more scientific just struck me funny. I actually think my laughing may have helped him out though

Hahaha that's hilarious. Honestly without your laughing and such he may have gone into a panic. Good thing you were present
Kind of bummed out lately. Figured I'd post it in here to vent/let you see something from my perspective. Today I was with my girlfriend talking to someone outside. After standing there for a little while (it was outdoors and the car was quite a walk) I felt my arms and legs get weak and I started getting tunnel vision and feeling like I would literally fall out. I rushed off and felt like an idiot. I've checked my blood pressure during this feeling multiple times and it's always good so I know it's not an actual problem like that. It sucks.
Kind of bummed out lately. Figured I'd post it in here to vent/let you see something from my perspective. Today I was with my girlfriend talking to someone outside. After standing there for a little while (it was outdoors and the car was quite a walk) I felt my arms and legs get weak and I started getting tunnel vision and feeling like I would literally fall out. I rushed off and felt like an idiot. I've checked my blood pressure during this feeling multiple times and it's always good so I know it's not an actual problem like that. It sucks.

Do you have a past of being a hypochondriac? Hypochondriacs can create physical symptoms that aren't "real"
Reading some of these posts, I really think some of you would benefit from the books/links I've provided, or better yet, some behavioral therapy. Anxiety is the most treatable mental condition. It's very real, but it's very curable. Commit, and conquer. It will free you.
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