That's racist!

The sick part is comparing a "Contract"; that will make the signee more financially secure than 99% of the working public, to slavery. It's disgusting that you would even consider them similar. It takes away all validity to your platform. Playing a game for life changing money should NEVER be compared to involuntary abuse and torment.
The sick part is comparing a "Contract"; that will make the signee more financially secure than 99% of the working public, to slavery. It's disgusting that you would even consider them similar. It takes away all validity to your platform. Playing a game for life changing money should NEVER be compared to involuntary abuse and torment.

The worst example of slavery I’ve seen recently was the swapping of a proud black female for a white man. Like they were cattle. They should have protected her dignity and left her in Russia.
Can any student who "identifies" as a particular race take advantage of racially-designated programs, activities, campus spaces, organizations, etc?

Asking for an ally.
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Isn't proof of identity considered racist? Atlanta lost the All Star game a few years ago because GAs voting laws require an ID....Biden called it Jim Crow on steroids. What will the Dems say about the USPS?

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It's about dang time they addressed the racist bird issues:

Dozens of bird species being renamed to avoid use of racist names​


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