RIP Keith Hatfield aka Hatvol

One day, when we all meet behind the big Waffle House in the sky, I'm gonna watch Hat kick Beef's ass and then we'll all have breakfast.
You referring to Volbeef? Lol…. I used to love giving that guy the business. He’d get pissed when I referred to him as volqueef.
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This forum today couldn't handle hatvol in his prime. His knowledge of college sports was simply amazing and his wit was razor sharp. It was always a pleasure reading his thoughts on basketball and college sports in general. It was even more of a pleasure to see him eviscerate a poster that got in his sights. A true VN legend.

RIP you animal.

c/p from another forum:

Dear Auburn, With your football contest against my alma mater now less than a week away, I feel this is an appropriate time for me to remind you of my feelings for you. I hate you. I hate your backward little cow college. I hate your players, coaches, students, administrators, fans, alumni, janitors, and cafeteria workers. I hate your multiple mascots. I hate you to the point I root for both Alabama and Al Qaeda against you. I hate the fact your supporters, with their cow feces caked work boots, will be allowed inside Neyland Stadium next week. I hate you to the point that I have rooted for Texas to defeat you. I hate you so viciously that I don't even root for you against Vanderbilt, I simply hope the ground opens up and swallows both teams and their supporters. I hate you enough to hope you go winless and scoreless every season. I hope this clears up any ambiguity about my thoughts regarding your institution and its supporters. Have a nice day. Sincerely, Hatvol96
I remember Hatvol when I first came on the board. He was tough, no doubt, but very knowledgeable. I wondered where he went cuz hadn’t seen him post in years. Sad news.
Hatvol was one of the best. I didn't know him personally but the quality of the whole board went down when he left.

He gave Lawgator 9 kinds of Hell if memory serves me right
This brings back memories. I remember how much he railed about Pearl and he actually made me laugh when the Colts lost the Super Bowl to the Saints with some of his descriptions of Peyton Manning. And then one day.....he was gone.
Sad to hear this. He was one of my favorite posters from my early days on VN. His style took a while to grow me, but his commentary was always spot on. I always enjoyed his basketball analysis. RIP, Hat.
I remember him most from when he and Mike Griffith, writer for KNS, used to get into it after Mike would post links to his stories in the FF under the handle writer32. They got pretty heated from what I remember.
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I remember him most from when he and Mike Griffith, writer for KNS, used to get into it after Mike would post links to his stories in the FF under the handle writer32. They got pretty heated from what I remember.
Ole @Writer32 is such a mercenary, ass kisser. He’s all over Kirby’s nuts now, just like he was with Butch.

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