Religion is overrated.....

Average life span in the 1770's was 20 to 30 years now it is about 70. Lifespans change.

So it goes from 175 to 20-30 to 70? Makes perfect sense. I would have accepted, "Abraham's age could be exaggerated a bit." Like the Catholic church now saying that large parts of the Bible are allegory. Wasn't there someone in the Bible that lived to be like 950 years old, too?
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So it goes from 175 to 20-30 to 70? Makes perfect sense. I would have accepted, "Abraham's age could be exaggerated a bit." Like the Catholic church now saying that large parts of the Bible are allegory. Wasn't there someone in the Bible that lived to be like 950 years old, too?
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so it goes from 175 to 20-30 to 70? Makes perfect sense. I would have accepted, "abraham's age could be exaggerated a bit." like the catholic church now saying that large parts of the bible are allegory. Wasn't there someone in the bible that lived to be like 950 years old, too?
posted via volnation mobile

Maybe lifespans do change but generally you would think they increase with the advancement in technology and medicine.
Maybe lifespans do change but generally you would think they increase with the advancement in technology and medicine.

This. Unless Abraham was one of those newly discovered bacteria (or jellyfish, can't remember) that doesn't die until its DNA replication finally causes a fatal mutation. Then, I guess, it's plausible.
No I don't believe everything I read, but I do believe everything I read from the bible.

So you believe in all the things I've mentioned in my previous posts? To include Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
So you believe in all the things I've mentioned in my previous posts? To include Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

Your taking everything out of context. And when did they begin making leather out of pig skin?
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For one that is from the old testament, but I'll let you believe what you want to believe:eek:k:. And no they shouldn't, no sin is worse than another in God's eyes.

Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

This tells me the rules shouldn't ever change. And you said you believe in the Bible. But now only parts of it. Which parts are more convenient for you to believe in? Also, The Old Testament isn't scripture? Does this mean everything in the Old Testament is hogwash?
Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

This tells me the rules shouldn't ever change. And you said you believe in the Bible. But now only parts of it. Which parts are more convenient for you to believe in? Also, The Old Testament isn't scripture? Does this mean everything in the Old Testament is hogwash?

No everything in the Old Testament is not hogwash, I shouldn't have said it that way lol
As one of the vast majority of Chistians who actually get it and believe in all things science, your cartoon above is tantamount of the ignorance of the End of Days evangelicals.
As one of the vast majority of Chistians who actually get it and believe in all things science, your cartoon above is tantamount of the ignorance of the End of Days evangelicals.

Did you just suggest that the vast majority of christians support ALL things science?
How do non-believers address the "act of God" clause that exists in many contracts?

With a big roll of the eyes. Seriously, it is just an expression for the improbable. It's like asking how does one address a lover shouting "oh my god!" in bed.

Funny thing just happened. When I typed bed, my phone auto-corrected to Ned. Awkward.
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