Religion is overrated.....

Woah. Wait a second, I have come to these forums every day for over a year. I was raised to bleed orange. No trolling here. Just wanted opinions. It's nothing personal.
I disagree. I think God is everywhere and religion should be the mortal celebration of this. But, I would love to hear you extrapolate on your own personal beliefs. And I won't congratulate you on your second post and welcome you to the board. Apparently, I'm not allowed.
Thanks Pooch. I'm apparently not sure what is or isn't allowed either. Although I followed you in a certain thread and can say that I want on the Moon Team (and yes I know you believe it should be capitalized),
Woah. Wait a second, I have come to these forums every day for over a year. I was raised to bleed orange. No trolling here. Just wanted opinions. It's nothing personal.
Just seemed a little incendiary to start a thread like this 5 posts in. If you really want to try to have a religious debate, go for it. Just saying these topics usually don't end well.
Basically, my beliefs are based off of 22 years of living. I was raised to be a Christian until I was 12 years old when my step brother killed himself. It's not to say I wasn't still open. I have just become very jaded when it comes to religion. It has led to too much violence. Even the Christian version of God is a very jealous and malicious god. Not the merciful being many believe that he is.
Just seemed a little incendiary to start a thread like this 5 posts in. If you really want to try to have a religious debate, go for it. Just saying these topics usually don't end well.

Too many people quote the bible to people who think the bible is a joke. JMO, IMO.

PS - Someone told me two days ago that they discovered Noah's Ark in the middle of a debate on evolution... :eek:lol:
Just seemed a little incendiary to start a thread like this 5 posts in. If you really want to try to have a religious debate, go for it. Just saying these topics usually don't end well.

I figured what the hell, might as well open with a bang.
I was a mess that night! Caught a cab home early and continued the party on VN. Don't go all out often, but when I do, it's on!

Seriously, welcome to the board.

1. Don't immediately start defending any coaches. You'll only make your fingers tired from typing.

2. Don't be afraid to get flamed. You will. Even when posting something innocuous or obviously positive (although, I thought this thread was a little trollish, being your second post and all) you will offend or fly over at least one person's head.

3. You are now the Moon Team's center. Hopefully, you're tall.
Basically, my beliefs are based off of 22 years of living. I was raised to be a Christian until I was 12 years old when my step brother killed himself. It's not to say I wasn't still open. I have just become very jaded when it comes to religion. It has led to too much violence. Even the Christian version of God is a very jealous and malicious god. Not the merciful being many believe that he is.

Sorry to hear about the loss.

I figured what the hell, might as well open with a bang.

There are plenty of topics in the Politics Forum that drift off into arguments about religion. Probably some that are already titled so.
1. I love all our current coaches. Although, I have doubt to Pearl's ability to coach a cohesive offense. And my opinion on the whole NCAA infractions doesn't really matter.

2. Not trolling at all. Just wanted to get a little conversation going. And I'm half lit so this is what came to mind. Something EVERYONE has an opinion on. And I'm not afraid to get flamed. Hell I go to UoM and I'm a UT fan. I could care less.

3. Nope, sorry. I'm 5'9" on a good day.
if god isnt real to you....why are you bringing him up?

Just because I don't believe, doesn't mean that he doesn't exist in others minds. Maybe the truth is I would like to believe, but can't. Maybe I hope somebody in here could say something that makes sense to me. It's just a forum. A place to express opinions and give thoughts and ideas.
no im just asking..most athiest just bring him up to argue...and no matter what they say..they arent open minded.
The Mars Team goes 4'7" across the board. You're solid.

On a serious note, I'm gonna dive into this thread because I truly have a lot to say about this topic. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. Loss inevitably leads to questioning and God is often the first one you question because we are all alone in our grief, ultimately.

My Pampa died when I was 10. We were really close. After he died, I got to hear that he was really hard on my Dad and sometimes was just a general prick. I also questioned religion and the "lies" because of the lies my own family had told when he was alive. I was an atheist for 11 years during high school, and college and into my 20's.

I was living in Upstate New York from 1998-2005 and came back to God in 2001. I don't attend church and think organized religion often separates instead of uniting us.

I could go on and on and on but I think you can read between the lines. God is real and my relationship with Him has become more vital as I've gotten older.
I'm actually very open minded, but I have been pretty set in my way since I was 16. I have been on a downward skid for the past few years. I don't have anything against people who strongly believe in religion unless I say no thanks and they keep preaching. This was a pretty loaded topic for me to start off my stint here, and I apologize if it has been beaten to death already.
Just because I don't believe, doesn't mean that he doesn't exist in others minds. Maybe the truth is I would like to believe, but can't. Maybe I hope somebody in here could say something that makes sense to me. It's just a forum. A place to express opinions and give thoughts and ideas.

Man, you sound just like I did in 2001. I was missing so much and I HAD to reclaim my faith.
no im just asking..most athiest just bring him up to argue...and no matter what they say..they arent open minded.


I'm an atheist. I'm a realist. I'm the only atheist/agnostic/non-religious person in my family. I was once a Lutheran (Missouri Synod), baptized even.

Can it be true, funny story tiem?

When I was being baptized and the pastor got to the part where you denounce the devil and allow god into your life. After I spoke those words the transformer blew a block away and the power went out. Everyone stood up and started yelling stuff about how Satan is angry. I started laughing so hard I cried.
Been a disbelieving heathen for 10 years here. Never been happier.
The Mars Team goes 4'7" across the board. You're solid.

When did you assemble the Mars team?

But really though, the hardest part for me to comprehend is how most believe a person can live a perfect life and not be saved but still go to hell. Yet, a person who does whatever can ask for forgiveness (and of course actually mean it) and all is well. For some reason, that doesn't sit well with me. It also seems very childish if true.
To each their own. You have to make up your own mind. I believe in God, and I also believe that religion is distorted and skewed for personal gain. (IE the catholic church in the middle ages, etc) There are things that have happened in my life that has made me question dogma that was given to me. However this led me to my own belief system. There have also been plenty of things that have happened that have led me to believe in the higher power. Basically live your life, and always strive to do the right thing.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I'm just glad I live in a country where I can choose not to believe whatever I want.
To each their own. You have to make up your own mind. I believe in God, and I also believe that religion is distorted and skewed for personal gain. (IE the catholic church in the middle ages, etc) There are things that have happened in my life that has made me question dogma that was given to me. However this led me to my own belief system. There have also been plenty of things that have happened that have led me to believe in the higher power.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Reminds me of this:


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