Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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There certainly seems to be a lot less reluctance to declare UT back or at least on the rise. I remember pundits were still skeptical of us at 5-0 in 2016. And for good reason. But I think Butch had a lot to do with that. Everyone outside of this fanbase knew he wasn't the guy.
They were skeptical then because we barely scraped by App State at home in OT to start the season, which left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Even when we turned it on vs VT the next week, it was more associated with "Turnover luck" than us actually being the far superior team.

Not to mention Butch with all his taglines and catch phrases the whole offseason before 2016. A lot of people were turned off by that.

The thing that I will remember most about the Jones tenure, aside from wanting to eat my fists whenever I see the depth chart that he couldn't win with, is every announcer of every game questioning coaching decisions by Butch.
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I'm not surprised.


also, why are our fans still arguing with those losers?

AR did exactly what we let him do and wanted to do. pass all over the place, bud, go right ahead. we'll do the same. see you at the end of the game and we'll see who came out best.

We're always going to invite the other QB to get into a shootout. Let's have some fun
Ya’ll wanna heard some crazy ****?

Since the game ended, my house has been hit by lighting, cause our inground sprinkler system to blow up, and I’ve been rear-ended, probably totaling my car.

I’m doing my part over here
Is this one of those situations like Colton Jumper? Everyone roasted him, but my Dad always said he was the only one who was where he was supposed to be 😂

Well actually they are two different things. You can be in the right place and still not make plays. Colton Jumper was that guy. Burrell is the same at times and at other times he is totally out of position.
I wanted a night game in Baton Rouge just for the experience, but it will be better for the team to play at 11am. I will just go down there Friday night now and save my drinking for my Saturday night celebration after the win.

I went to the Auburn-LSU game last year for a night game 8:15 CT kickoff and then immediately to Knoxville the following week for the south Carolina game and a12:00 ET kick. Neyland was louder than Death Valley and LSU still had a lot to play for.
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Yeah I think that comment may have been overly harsh.

Calculus I is actually easier than Pre-Calculus and possibly College Algebra in most curriculum. At my undergraduate, Calculus I had a pass rate of like 95%. Calculus II had a pass rate of like 70% or maybe even lower. The reason being, Calc I is a concept class. Calc II is an algebra class on steroids..

I think it's a silly requirement on their end. If you are going to mandate one math class, it should be a prob + stats class. A business major will never need to know anything about Calculus.
My understanding is that Georgia Tech started out as the state's "trade" school and UGA as the "liberal arts" school...
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