Recruiting Football Talk VII

You are kind of confusing the point. Winning is ALWAYS good. But baseball is a long game strategy when it comes the conference and NCAA tournaments. You have to trust your depth and talent and not overuse arms, knowing that the next 2 weekends are much more important. TV did that. We were already a 1 or 2 overall seed regardless.
I don’t understand how people can’t understand this. Even I get it.
When you have the opportunity to win another trophy and be the #1 overall seed you go try to win it and secure the seed (probably already locked up). Superstitious people will say its a curse or something. Screw that, win what's in front of you and hang a banner.

If we win the title only Bama, Miss State, LSU, and Florida will have more SEC tournament titles than the Vols iirc
Anyways moving on @butchna

Did you get to see Luka rip the Timberwolves heart out last night with that 3 point shot to win the game?

Then talk trash to Gobert 👀👀
SLOVENIAN trash at that! Buddy at work (Chicago native and Bulls addict) called the Mavs this year. Said they have THAT blend. Doncic is what Iverson could have been with more will to distribute. He needs to be in the middle and demands the ball…deservedly. Assassin in Kobe mode without the athleticism. He’s a prime example of why I think Pete Maravich (with a better ticker) would have dominated the modern game. It’s fun to watch.
Well, you are purple and the swamp kitties are purple. Mehbe you should be banned to avoid jinksing us tomorrow.

Lmao, this is still going on and you've failed to comprehend my point entirely.

I didn't assume anything that Tony said. Show me where I made any statement about what Tony said? I didn't.

It has nothing to do with what he said. It's the fact he said anything. It has never been okay for a coach to run his mouth to opposing players. Not at youth, high school, or college level. And a darn good argument for professional level as well.

I love Tony Vitello, but there's also nothing wrong with addressing his role in the altercation.

I made the most vanilla, "both sides" statement ever and y'all are seriously triggered because how dare I criticize TV 🤦🏼‍♂️🙄
It’s not that. You’ve failed multiple times to understand that neither of us know TV’s response. Maybe he acted like a child or maybe not. The guy had no clue if racial slur,(I think it wasn’t) but you have no clue what Tony said. You are being obtuse and illogical and can’t see it when others see it plainly
You have a serious lack of ability for reading comprehension. You think my issue is with WHAT Tony said, when I never made any statement about what he said. If I ever claimed to take issue with what he said, you'd be right. But I didn't, and you're not.

It was the fact he anything at all. That was what I criticized.

I actually criticized State players, the State pitching coach, AND the head coach too, but you must've missed that with your illiteracy. Bordering on a Mississippi-level. When you learn to be objective and read let me know Jacket.
Just ignore me. I did read and YOU WROTE HE DID NOT ACT LIKE AN ADULT. Just because he spoke with another player to perhaps not call him by his first name is not a coach fighting with a player. Read slowly, I do not know what he said and neither do you. So you do not know if he’s out of line or not and neither do I. You would think a professor could think logically but then we see them in real life.
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