Post Your Voter Fraud Evidence Here

Being a douche is saying you have to use a membership card at Tinker AFB or Costco to buy groceries. Or it’s citing a study by Edwin Meese Institute citing 1,100 cases of voter fraud over the last forever to see the minds of the Right that voter fraud exists

So if 1100 instances of voter fraud has occurred, wouldnt that by definition, means it exists?
Aw. Look at how much of a hissy fit you are having! Typical uneducated low information liberal drivel. Spout garbage and have zero factual evidence to back any of it up. And no, your feelings aren't considered admissible.

Now I see what you have against Blacks. Dude got your blond girfriend back in high school and you were wearing your best Polo shirt - - you know the one yeah that one the one that makes you look like a pompous a$$
So if 1100 instances of voter fraud has occurred, wouldnt that by definition, means it exists?

Csn't admit defeat eh? I'm sure you saw this factual post below before making a fool out of yourself with your reply. Weren't you one who made yourself look foolish by posting you had to show ID to buy groceries at COSTCO? Trump lies more every day about voter fraud on average about voter fraud than exists since hi presidency. LOL

"Really good try. They found 1132 cases going back as far as 2005. That's an average of 23 cases per state over 13 years or fewer than 3 per state per year. Give them credit though, they did name three names. Massive, just massive.

Since 2005 there have been well over 500M votes cast in national elections. The proven voter fraud comes out to .000002% or about 2 for every million votes cast.
Now I see what you have against Blacks. Dude got your blond girfriend back in high school and you were wearing your best Polo shirt - - you know the one yeah that one the one that makes you look like a pompous a$$
Dang. You are reaching so far you've actually decided to show your racism colors. And name calling? Come on now. Aren't you lib NPC's programmed better than that?
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Csn't admit defeat eh? I'm sure you saw this factual post below before making a fool out of yourself with your reply. Weren't you one who made yourself look foolish by posting you had to show ID to buy groceries at COSTCO? Trump lies more every day about voter fraud on average about voter fraud than exists since hi presidency. LOL

"Really good try. They found 1132 cases going back as far as 2005. That's an average of 23 cases per state over 13 years or fewer than 3 per state per year. Give them credit though, they did name three names. Massive, just massive.

Since 2005 there have been well over 500M votes cast in national elections. The proven voter fraud comes out to .000002% or about 2 for every million votes cast.

That's just the cases that have been prosecuted.
OK, link to those who have been charged but not prosecuted.

Not wasting my time in a fruitless search. Voter fraud is like speeding, how many people actually get caught?

I tried to point out blatant voter fraud right here in Gallatin a few years ago and was told to mind my own business. During early voting one year they let a lady help an elderly man (who I assume was her dad) vote in the booth beside me. The old man told her who he wanted to vote for in the Sheriffs race and she told him "no we don't like him you're voting for x". That is voter fraud and how many times during an election do things like this happen? My guess it is a lot.
Not wasting my time in a fruitless search. Voter fraud is like speeding, how many people actually get caught.
I tried to point out blatant voter fraud right here in Gallatin a few ouyears ago and was told to mind my own business. During early voting one year they let a lady help an elderly man (who I assume was her dad) vote in the booth beside me. The old man told her who he wanted to vote for in the Sheriffs race and she told him "no we don't like him you're voting for x". That is voter fraud and how many times during an election do things like this happen? My guess it is a lot.

The politicians on the Right and their media partners have been claiming for nearly two decades the Left is engaging in massive and rampant voter fraud to swing elections. For two years the Right has controlled both Houses, the Presidency and all DOJ appointees. Why have they not initiated formal and intensive investigations? IMO it is because they know they will not find anything. If they look and fail they will have lost one of their biggest propaganda talking points.

I think Trump really believed that 5M people voted illegally in '16. That's why he appointed his ill fated and failed commission on voter fraud. I've said this before: I wish the DOJ or Senate would take up the issue OR appoint an independent investigator to look into this important issue.

Now on Voter ID laws. I have no problems with these laws. Everyone can get a government issued ID. I do believe if a state passes these laws and a person claims they can't get out and get an ID then the Election Commission should come to that person with a camera and forms. I do disagree with the perfect match laws initiated in Georgia and elsewhere. And I think in Red states they have closed too many voting stations in poor and black neighborhoods. A few weeks ago people were standing in line for over four hours in Atlanta. I suspect many gave up or had to go to work and left.

I do believe that the Left's claims of voter suppression have rallied more people to vote than it has kept from the polls. Propaganda works both ways.
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The politicians on the Right and their media partners have been claiming for nearly two decades the Left is engaging in massive and rampant voter fraud to swing elections. For two years the Right has controlled both Houses, the Presidency and all DOJ appointees. Why have they not initiated formal and intensive investigations? IMO it is because they know they will not find anything. If they look and fail they will have lost one of their biggest propaganda talking points.

I think Trump really believed that 5M people voted illegally in '16. That's why he appointed his ill fated and failed commission on voter fraud. I've said this before: I wish the DOJ or Senate would take up the issue OR appoint an independent investigator to look into this important issue.

Now on Voter ID laws. I have no problems with these laws. Everyone can get a government issued ID. I do believe if a state passes these laws and a person claims they can't get out and get an ID then the Election Commission should come to that person with a camera and forms. I do disagree with the perfect match laws initiated in Georgia and elsewhere. And I think in Red states they have closed too many voting stations in poor and black neighborhoods. A few weeks ago people were standing in line for over four hours in Atlanta. I suspect many gave up or had to go to work and left.

I do believe that the Left's claims of voter suppression have rallied more people to vote than it has kept from the polls. Propaganda works both ways.

They did and if you remember, several state AGs refused to cooperate and since (I think) voter fraud isn't a federal crime not much the feds could do at that point.
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Not wasting my time in a fruitless search. Voter fraud is like speeding, how many people actually get caught?

I tried to point out blatant voter fraud right here in Gallatin a few years ago and was told to mind my own business. During early voting one year they let a lady help an elderly man (who I assume was her dad) vote in the booth beside me. The old man told her who he wanted to vote for in the Sheriffs race and she told him "no we don't like him you're voting for x". That is voter fraud and how many times during an election do things like this happen? My guess it is a lot.

Of course not. Even you can recognize an exercise in futility
They did and if you remember, several state AGs refused to cooperate and since (I think) voter fraud isn't a federal crime not much the feds could do at that point.
Some State AG’s refused to turn over the COMPLETELY over reaching data to this Administration if that’s what you are referring to.

Trump claimed millions of illegal voters because he lost the popular vote by 3 million and his lil pu$$y a$$ ego could’t take the defeat of the people speaking. Still, winning the election on the measure of the Electoral College doesn’t seem to count to him. It’s the basis of determining the election - but embarrassing to him
And I can see why Trump feels embarrassed The majority of the people didn’t vote for him. He was unwanted by the majority. 3 million short. Embarrassing
Did it happen to you?

No. So you are just making assumptions. It's moot anyway as you do have the proper ID, do you not?

I can respond to your posts when they are also not on topic for this thread. You opened the door, so to speak. When you do that anybody can walk right in with just about anything not on topic, kind of like our Honduran amigos at the border.
How was church this past Sunday?
How was church this past Sunday?

What's your point, guard?

You start a conversation you can't even finish it
You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
Say something once, why say it again?

-Talking Heads
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What's your point, guard?

You start a conversation you can't even finish it
You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
Say something once, why say it again?

-Talking Heads

Pointguard has slightly altered the "racist-accusation-wins-any-argument" liberal tactic to Christians on the board. He thinks he can escape a lack of argument by accusing "hypocrite" with absolutely no proof or reason. When asked for examples of said hypocrisy, he's teleported to his next failed discussion and fails to give such examples.

It's sad. I am praying that he finds Jesus, peace, joy and a life of such fulfillment that he won't have to find such sad meaning in internet trolling.
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What's your point, guard?

You start a conversation you can't even finish it
You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
Say something once, why say it again?

-Talking Heads
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What's your point, guard?

You start a conversation you can't even finish it
You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
Say something once, why say it again?

-Talking Heads

My point is bigotry, dissent time out for couple hours a week for church and then immediately back to bigotry dissent and the circle jerk continued

All you fake religion people are going to be shocked when you get to the Pearly gates and find out there was really a second coming of Christ

Her name was Michelle Obama
Pointguard has slightly altered the "racist-accusation-wins-any-argument" liberal tactic to Christians on the board. He thinks he can escape a lack of argument by accusing "hypocrite" with absolutely no proof or reason. When asked for examples of said hypocrisy, he's teleported to his next failed discussion and fails to give such examples.

It's sad. I am praying that he finds Jesus, peace, joy and a life of such fulfillment that he won't have to find such sad meaning in internet trolling.

Spare your prayers for me. For so long as you believe in prayer I suggest you pray for yourself. Much help remains needed

When Luther publishes his racist list you will recognize all names immediately. Pray for them. It won’t help but go ahead and waste your time.
I certainly have issues with both sides of this issue. In no way should anyone’s vote be suppressed. And to think that voter fraud doesn’t exist or influence elections without seeing evidence seems narrow minded as well

Voter registration drives encourage people to vote because it matters, because a vote is something of value. And it’s true that the right to vote is one of the foundational benefits of being an American citizen. Something of such great value should be protected, and made easily available to all who are eligible.

Voter registration drives do a great job of reaching out to different populations, but these are driven by political party and are therefore a potential entryway to fraud.

Proponents of universal healthcare argue that it’s a right and that the government should “just pay for it.” Arguments against voter ID laws center around how it affects the poor and minorities. Given that voting is a constitutional right (and healthcare is least yet), shouldn’t there be a way in 2018 to ensure all eligible US citizens have access to a free voter registration ID?

It seems to me that there would then only be two categories of people who wouldn’t actually have proper ID....those who just don’t give a crap and don’t want it, or those who actually aren’t eligible.

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