Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Ok property owners. Have yall heard about the BS going on about the water line between your meter and your house?

I fixed my neighbors house Friday. They had PVC that was broken so I replaced it with PexA. While working on it HUD shows up. (HIXSON Utility District) nobody called he just happened by. He told me they had to file a report with the epa by the end of October. He has 30k homes he’s responsible for. They need to know what people have better the meter and the house. He was documenting what I was doing. They know what is happening in about 12k homes. After they file the report they have 2 years to go out and dig up the house side of the meter to see what everyone else has. At the end of that 2 years people who don’t have copper or PexA will be shut off till they upgrade. As it’s on the house side it will be the homeowner’s responsibility to pay for it.

Hurrah for alphabet agencies.

Eastside Utility District sent out a letter asking homeowners for info about the line from the meter to the house. They didn't add any of that ... seemed like there might have been a bit about lead or cast iron pipe. That also explains a lot about the stuff from utilities starting a few years ago about the line from the meter to the house being the customer's responsibility. Sounds ripe for a lawsuit also ... something about not being able to hold homeowners liable for something not required or maybe even in existence when the house was built or bought. Mine could be copper - at least that's what comes out of the ground into the crawl space and used throughout the house, but it seems that if PVC is adequate in the house that should extend out to the street. Doesn't seem that PEX was even a thing when the house was built in 1979.
Sorry, Grand. Bastard people strike again. I'd wager they'll regret this decision soon enough.

FWIW, I also was fired after 25 years with my company. Last day was May 1st. Was fortunately able to retire and haven't missed work one bit.

I know no matter what you decide to do next you'll find success. You're a smart man, G.
I believe you and I are very much on polar opposite sides of the political spectrum, but in my opinion you are really a class act.

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